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+title: Docker
+sidebar_label: Docker
+You can watch the tutorial video on Docker by following the link below:
+## Dockerizing Your Flet App
+Dockerizing your Flet app is an effective way to deploy it. To get started with Dockerizing Flet, you need to have [Docker](https://www.docker.com/) installed on your system.
+When linking to the "assets" directory, use `/` instead of `/assets`.
+### Sample Flet Docker Example
+This is the minimal docker structure that you need:
+├── Dockerfile
+├── main.py
+├── requirements.txt
+Optionally it's recommended that you add a ```.dockerignore``` file as well. This file is responsible for ignoring any unwanted files or directories when you're building your docker image. It's similar to ```.gitignore```.
+Here’s a simple example of a Flet app configured to run in Docker:
+First you need a main file to run your entire code as server.
+```python title="main.py"
+import flet as ft
+def main(page: ft.Page):
+ page.title = "Flet Docker example"
+ page.vertical_alignment = ft.MainAxisAlignment.CENTER
+ page.horizontal_alignment = ft.CrossAxisAlignment.CENTER
+ text = ft.TextField(value="Flet dockerized", text_align=ft.TextAlign.CENTER, text_size=60)
+ page.add(
+ text
+ )
+ target=main,
+ view=None,
+ port=8000,
+ host=""
+Second you need a Dockerfile file to build your entire docker image from your main python file.
+```Docker title="Dockerfile"
+FROM python:3-alpine
+COPY requirements.txt ./
+RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
+COPY . .
+EXPOSE 8000
+CMD ["python", "main.py"]
+Third you need a requirements.txt to include all the libraries that you're using in your python file.
+```requirements title="requirements.txt"
+### Building and Running Your Docker Container
+**Log in to Docker CLI:**
+After installing Docker, create a Docker account and log in using Docker CLI:
+docker login -u
+Enter your password when prompted
+**Build your docker image from your flet project:**
+Create an image from your flet project.
+docker build -t .
+**Run and Test Your Docker Container:**
+Create a container from your image and test it.
+docker run -p 80:8000
+You should see your website running at [](
+### Pushing Your Docker Image to Docker Hub:
+If you want to deploy your image to a cloud service, you may need to push it to Docker Hub. First, tag your image:
+docker tag :/:
+Then, push it to Docker Hub:
+docker push /:
diff --git a/sidebars.js b/sidebars.js
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+ "publish/web/dynamic-website/hosting/docker",