+Implementations of the corresponding Autograd functions
+from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union
+import torch
+ import finufft
+except ImportError:
+ import cufinufft
+except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "No FINUFFT implementation available. "
+ "Install either finufft or cufinufft and ensure they are importable."
+ )
+import pytorch_finufft.checks as checks
+newaxis = None
+def get_nufft_func(
+ dim: int, nufft_type: int, device_type: str
+) -> Callable[..., torch.Tensor]:
+ if device_type == "cuda":
+ raise RuntimeError("CUDA device requested but cufinufft failed to import")
+ return getattr(cufinufft, f"nufft{dim}d{nufft_type}") # type: ignore
+ raise RuntimeError("CPU device requested but finufft failed to import")
+ # CPU needs extra work to go to/from torch and numpy
+ finufft_func = getattr(finufft, f"nufft{dim}d{nufft_type}")
+ def f(*args, **kwargs):
+ new_args = [arg for arg in args]
+ for i in range(len(new_args)):
+ if isinstance(new_args[i], torch.Tensor):
+ new_args[i] = new_args[i].data.numpy()
+ return torch.from_numpy(finufft_func(*new_args, **kwargs))
+ return f
+def coordinate_ramps(shape, device):
+ start_points = -(torch.tensor(shape, device=device) // 2)
+ end_points = start_points + torch.tensor(shape, device=device)
+ coord_ramps = torch.stack(
+ torch.meshgrid(
+ *(
+ torch.arange(start, end, device=device)
+ for start, end in zip(start_points, end_points)
+ ),
+ indexing="ij",
+ )
+ )
+ return coord_ramps
+class FinufftType1(torch.autograd.Function):
+ @staticmethod
+ def forward( # type: ignore[override]
+ ctx: Any,
+ points: torch.Tensor,
+ values: torch.Tensor,
+ output_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int], Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]],
+ finufftkwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float]]] = None,
+ ) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """
+ Evaluates the Type 1 NUFFT on the inputs.
+ """
+ checks.check_devices(values, points)
+ checks.check_dtypes(values, points, "Values")
+ checks.check_sizes_t1(values, points)
+ points = torch.atleast_2d(points)
+ ndim = points.shape[0]
+ checks.check_output_shape(ndim, output_shape)
+ ctx.save_for_backward(points, values)
+ if finufftkwargs is None:
+ finufftkwargs = {}
+ else: # copy to avoid mutating caller's dictionary
+ finufftkwargs = {k: v for k, v in finufftkwargs.items()}
+ ctx.isign = finufftkwargs.pop("isign", -1) # note: FINUFFT default is 1
+ ctx.mode_ordering = finufftkwargs.pop(
+ "modeord", 1
+ ) # note: FINUFFT default is 0
+ ctx.finufftkwargs = finufftkwargs
+ nufft_func = get_nufft_func(ndim, 1, points.device.type)
+ finufft_out = nufft_func(
+ *points, values, output_shape, isign=ctx.isign, **ctx.finufftkwargs
+ )
+ # because modeord is missing from cufinufft
+ if ctx.mode_ordering:
+ finufft_out = torch.fft.ifftshift(finufft_out)
+ return finufft_out
+ @staticmethod
+ def backward( # type: ignore[override]
+ ctx: Any, grad_output: torch.Tensor
+ ) -> Tuple[Union[torch.Tensor, None], ...]:
+ """
+ Implements derivatives wrt. each argument in the forward method.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ ctx : Any
+ Pytorch context object.
+ grad_output : torch.Tensor
+ Backpass gradient output
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Tuple[Union[torch.Tensor, None], ...]
+ A tuple of derivatives wrt. each argument in the forward method
+ """
+ _i_sign = -1 * ctx.isign
+ _mode_ordering = ctx.mode_ordering
+ finufftkwargs = ctx.finufftkwargs
+ points, values = ctx.saved_tensors
+ device = points.device
+ grads_points = None
+ grad_values = None
+ ndim = points.shape[0]
+ nufft_func = get_nufft_func(ndim, 2, device.type)
+ if any(ctx.needs_input_grad) and _mode_ordering:
+ grad_output = torch.fft.fftshift(grad_output)
+ if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
+ # wrt points
+ coord_ramps = coordinate_ramps(grad_output.shape, device)
+ # we can't batch in 1d case so we squeeze and fix up the ouput later
+ ramped_grad_output = (
+ coord_ramps * grad_output[newaxis] * 1j * _i_sign
+ ).squeeze()
+ backprop_ramp = nufft_func(
+ *points, ramped_grad_output, isign=_i_sign, **finufftkwargs
+ )
+ grads_points = torch.atleast_2d((backprop_ramp.conj() * values).real)
+ if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
+ grad_values = nufft_func(
+ *points,
+ grad_output,
+ isign=_i_sign,
+ **finufftkwargs,
+ )
+ return (
+ grads_points,
+ grad_values,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ )
+class FinufftType2(torch.autograd.Function):
+ """
+ FINUFFT 2D problem type 2
+ """
+ @staticmethod
+ def forward( # type: ignore[override]
+ ctx: Any,
+ points: torch.Tensor,
+ targets: torch.Tensor,
+ finufftkwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, float]]] = None,
+ ) -> torch.Tensor:
+ """
+ Evaluates the Type 2 NUFFT on the inputs.
+ NOTE: By default, the ordering is set to match that of Pytorch,
+ Numpy, and Scipy's FFT APIs. To match the mode ordering
+ native to FINUFFT, add {'modeord': 0} to finufftkwargs.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ ctx : Any
+ Pytorch context objecy
+ points : torch.Tensor, shape=(ndim, num_points)
+ The non-uniform points x
+ targets : torch.Tensor
+ The values on the input grid
+ out : Optional[torch.Tensor], optional
+ Array to take the result in-place, by default None
+ finufftkwargs : Dict[str, Union[int, float]]
+ Additional arguments will be passed into FINUFFT. See
+ https://finufft.readthedocs.io/en/latest/python.html.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ torch.Tensor
+ The Fourier transform of the targets grid evaluated at the points `points`
+ Raises
+ ------
+ """
+ checks.check_devices(targets, points)
+ checks.check_dtypes(targets, points, "Targets")
+ checks.check_sizes_t2(targets, points)
+ if finufftkwargs is None:
+ finufftkwargs = dict()
+ finufftkwargs = {k: v for k, v in finufftkwargs.items()}
+ _mode_ordering = finufftkwargs.pop(
+ "modeord", 1
+ ) # not finufft default, but corresponds to pytorch default
+ _i_sign = finufftkwargs.pop(
+ "isign", -1
+ ) # isign=-1 is finufft default for type 2
+ points = torch.atleast_2d(points)
+ if _mode_ordering:
+ targets = torch.fft.fftshift(targets)
+ ctx.save_for_backward(points, targets)
+ ctx.isign = _i_sign
+ ctx.mode_ordering = _mode_ordering
+ ctx.finufftkwargs = finufftkwargs
+ nufft_func = get_nufft_func(points.shape[0], 2, points.device.type)
+ finufft_out = nufft_func(
+ *points,
+ targets,
+ isign=_i_sign,
+ **finufftkwargs,
+ )
+ return finufft_out
+ @staticmethod
+ def backward( # type: ignore[override]
+ ctx: Any, grad_output: torch.Tensor
+ ) -> Tuple[Union[torch.Tensor, None], Union[torch.Tensor, None], None, None, None,]:
+ """
+ Implements derivatives wrt. each argument in the forward method.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ ctx : Any
+ Pytorch context object
+ grad_output : torch.Tensor
+ Backpass gradient output.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ Tuple[ Union[torch.Tensor, None], ...]
+ A tuple of derivatives wrt. each argument in the forward method
+ """
+ _i_sign = ctx.isign
+ _mode_ordering = ctx.mode_ordering
+ finufftkwargs = ctx.finufftkwargs
+ points, targets = ctx.saved_tensors
+ device = points.device
+ grad_points = grad_targets = None
+ ndim = points.shape[0]
+ if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
+ coord_ramps = coordinate_ramps(targets.shape, device=device)
+ ramped_targets = coord_ramps * targets[newaxis] * 1j * _i_sign
+ nufft_func = get_nufft_func(ndim, 2, points.device.type)
+ grad_points = nufft_func(
+ *points,
+ ramped_targets.squeeze(),
+ isign=_i_sign,
+ **finufftkwargs,
+ ).conj() # Why can't this be replaced with a flipped isign
+ grad_points = grad_points * grad_output
+ grad_points = torch.atleast_2d(grad_points.real)
+ if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
+ # wrt. targets
+ nufft_func = get_nufft_func(ndim, 1, points.device.type)
+ grad_targets = nufft_func(
+ *points,
+ grad_output,
+ targets.shape,
+ isign=-_i_sign,
+ **finufftkwargs,
+ )
+ if _mode_ordering:
+ grad_targets = torch.fft.ifftshift(grad_targets)
+ return (
+ grad_points,
+ grad_targets,
+ None,
+ None,
+ None,
+ )
def finufft_type1(
points: torch.Tensor,
values: torch.Tensor,
output_shape: Union[int, Tuple[int], Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]],
**finufftkwargs: Union[int, float],
) -> torch.Tensor:
Evaluates the Type 1 (nonuniform-to-uniform) NUFFT on the inputs.
This is a wrapper around :func:`finufft.nufft1d1`, :func:`finufft.nufft2d1`, and
:func:`finufft.nufft3d1` on CPU, and :func:`cufinufft.nufft1d1`,
:func:`cufinufft.nufft2d1`, and :func:`cufinufft.nufft3d1` on GPU.
points : torch.Tensor
DxN tensor of locations of the non-uniform points.
Points must lie in the range ``[-3pi, 3pi]``.
values : torch.Tensor
Length N complex-valued tensor of values at the non-uniform points
output_shape : int | tuple(int, ...)
Requested output shape of Fourier modes. Must be a tuple of length D or
an integer (1D only).
**finufftkwargs : int | float
Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the underlying
FINUFFT functions. A few notable options are
- ``eps``: precision requested (default: ``1e-6``)
- ``modeord``: 0 for FINUFFT default, 1 for Pytorch default (default: ``1``)
- ``isign``: Sign of the exponent in the Fourier transform (default: ``-1``)
Tensor with shape ``output_shape`` containing the Fourier
transform of the values.
res: torch.Tensor = FinufftType1.apply(points, values, output_shape, finufftkwargs)
return res
def finufft_type2(
points: torch.Tensor,
targets: torch.Tensor,
**finufftkwargs: Union[int, float],
) -> torch.Tensor:
Evaluates the Type 2 (uniform-to-nonuniform) NUFFT on the inputs.
This is a wrapper around :func:`finufft.nufft1d2`, :func:`finufft.nufft2d2`, and
:func:`finufft.nufft3d2` on CPU, and :func:`cufinufft.nufft1d2`,
:func:`cufinufft.nufft2d2`, and :func:`cufinufft.nufft3d2` on GPU.
points : torch.Tensor
DxN tensor of locations of the non-uniform points.
Points must lie in the range ``[-3pi, 3pi]``.
targets : torch.Tensor
D-dimensional complex-valued tensor of Fourier modes to evaluate at the points
**finufftkwargs : int | float
Additional keyword arguments are forwarded to the underlying
FINUFFT functions. A few notable options are
- ``eps``: precision requested (default: ``1e-6``)
- ``modeord``: 0 for FINUFFT default, 1 for Pytorch default (default: ``1``)
- ``isign``: Sign of the exponent in the Fourier transform (default: ``-1``)
A DxN tensor of values at the non-uniform points.
res: torch.Tensor = FinufftType2.apply(points, targets, finufftkwargs)
return res