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Wentzell committed Jul 26, 2024
1 parent 49d12bb commit ac824ae
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<p class="caption" role="heading"><span class="caption-text">Contents:</span></p>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="install.html">Installation</a><ul>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="install.html#dependencies">Dependencies</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="install.html#installation-steps">Installation steps</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="install.html#versions">Versions</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="install.html#custom-cmake-options">Custom CMake options</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="install.html#compiling-with-clang">Compiling with clang</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="install.html#note-for-macos-users">Note for MacOS users</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="background.html">Background</a><ul>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="background.html#imaginary-time-green-s-functions-and-the-lehmann-representation">Imaginary time Green’s functions and the Lehmann representation</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="background.html#discrete-lehmann-representation">Discrete Lehmann representation</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="background.html#constructing-a-dlr-expansion">Constructing a DLR expansion</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="background.html#dlr-in-the-matsubara-frequency-domain">DLR in the Matsubara frequency domain</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="background.html#operations-in-the-dlr-basis">Operations in the DLR basis</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="background.html#imaginary-time-point-format">Imaginary time point format</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="background.html#matsubara-frequency-point-format">Matsubara frequency point format</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="background.html#measuring-error">Measuring error</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="background.html#symmetrized-dlr-grids">Symmetrized DLR grids</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l1"><a class="reference internal" href="examples.html">Examples</a><ul>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="examples.html#example-form-a-dlr-expansion-via-interpolation-and-evaluate-it-in-imaginary-time-and-frequency">Example: form a DLR expansion via interpolation, and evaluate it in imaginary time and frequency</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="examples.html#list-of-examples">List of examples</a></li>
<li class="toctree-l2"><a class="reference internal" href="examples.html#list-of-other-cppdlr-capabilities">List of other <code class="docutils literal notranslate"><span class="pre">cppdlr</span></code> capabilities</a></li>
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<div class="tex2jax_ignore mathjax_ignore section" id="changelog">
<span id="id1"></span><h1>Changelog<a class="headerlink" href="#changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"></a></h1>
<div class="section" id="version-1-1-0">
<h2>Version 1.1.0<a class="headerlink" href="#version-1-1-0" title="Permalink to this heading"></a></h2>
<p>This update to cppdlr adds significant new functionality, including symmetrized DLR grids, and improvements to ensure accuracy of DLR expansions in L^2(tau) norm (both described in the updated documentation).</p>
<p>We thank all contributors: Thomas Hahn, Alexander Hampel, Jason Kaye, Henri Menke, Hugo U. R. Strand, Nils Wentzell</p>
<div class="section" id="new-features">
<h3>New features<a class="headerlink" href="#new-features" title="Permalink to this heading"></a></h3>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Symmetrized DLR grids, w/ tests to compare symmetrized/non-symmetrized grids</li>
<li>Documentation updates: symmetrized grids, discussion of error</li>
<li>Imaginary time quadrature weighting for DLR frequency selection to ensure accuracy in L^2(tau) norm, updated tests accordingly</li>
<li>Function to compute imaginary time inner products of DLR expansions</li>
<li>Program to print DLR ranks for various Lambda</li>
<li>Tests to interpolate in imag time and measure error in imag freq, and vice versa</li>
<li>Unit tests print errors via fmt</li>
<li>Implementation of symmetrized pivoted Gram-Schmidt with tolerance or rank specified</li>
<li>Print warning if user chooses epsilon dangerously small</li>
<li>Expose fermionic and bosonic Matsubara frequency kernels to user directly</li>
<div class="section" id="bug-fixes">
<h3>Bug fixes<a class="headerlink" href="#bug-fixes" title="Permalink to this heading"></a></h3>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Fixed bosonic kernel at i*om_n=0</li>
<li>Fixed bug involving non-contiguous views in vals2coefs implementations</li>
<li>Fixed bug in error checking of fine discretization of imag time kernel in geterr_k_it</li>
<li>Fixed uninitialized niom value in dlr_imfreq constructor</li>
<li>Fixed range bug in imtime_ops.interp_matrix_sym_bos</li>
<div class="section" id="optimizations">
<h3>Optimizations<a class="headerlink" href="#optimizations" title="Permalink to this heading"></a></h3>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Make complex copy of <a class="reference external" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"></a> in imtime_ops constructor to avoid on-the-fly copies</li>
<li>imtime_ops::convolve optimizations; use nda::matmul when possible</li>
<div class="section" id="other-changes">
<h3>Other changes<a class="headerlink" href="#other-changes" title="Permalink to this heading"></a></h3>
<ul class="simple">
<li>Various code simplifications</li>
<li>Test tolerance adjustments</li>
<li>References to cppdlr preprint in documentation and readme</li>
<li>Merge latest changes of app4triqs skeleton</li>
<li>Add ubuntu-intel build to jenkins</li>
<div class="section" id="version-1-0-0">
<h2>Version 1.0.0<a class="headerlink" href="#version-1-0-0" title="Permalink to this heading"></a></h2>
<p>This is the initial release of cppdlr, a C++ library implementing the discrete Lehmann representation of imaginary time Green’s functions.</p>
<p>We thank all contributors: Thomas Hahn, Jason Kaye, Hugo U. R. Strand, Nils Wentzell</p>



<div role="contentinfo">
<p>&#169; Copyright 2023 The Simons Foundation, Hugo U.R. Strand. Authors: J. Kaye, N. Wentzell, H. U. R. Strand.</p>

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46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions docs/1.1.x/_sources/
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# Changelog

## Version 1.1.0

This update to cppdlr adds significant new functionality, including symmetrized DLR grids, and improvements to ensure accuracy of DLR expansions in L^2(tau) norm (both described in the updated documentation).

We thank all contributors: Thomas Hahn, Alexander Hampel, Jason Kaye, Henri Menke, Hugo U. R. Strand, Nils Wentzell

### New features
* Symmetrized DLR grids, w/ tests to compare symmetrized/non-symmetrized grids
* Documentation updates: symmetrized grids, discussion of error
* Imaginary time quadrature weighting for DLR frequency selection to ensure accuracy in L^2(tau) norm, updated tests accordingly
* Function to compute imaginary time inner products of DLR expansions
* Program to print DLR ranks for various Lambda
* Tests to interpolate in imag time and measure error in imag freq, and vice versa
* Unit tests print errors via fmt
* Implementation of symmetrized pivoted Gram-Schmidt with tolerance or rank specified
* Print warning if user chooses epsilon dangerously small
* Expose fermionic and bosonic Matsubara frequency kernels to user directly

### Bug fixes
* Fixed bosonic kernel at i*om_n=0
* Fixed bug involving non-contiguous views in vals2coefs implementations
* Fixed bug in error checking of fine discretization of imag time kernel in geterr_k_it
* Fixed uninitialized niom value in dlr_imfreq constructor
* Fixed range bug in imtime_ops.interp_matrix_sym_bos

### Optimizations
* Make complex copy of in imtime_ops constructor to avoid on-the-fly copies
* imtime_ops::convolve optimizations; use nda::matmul when possible

### Other changes
* Various code simplifications
* Test tolerance adjustments
* References to cppdlr preprint in documentation and readme
* Merge latest changes of app4triqs skeleton
* Add ubuntu-intel build to jenkins

## Version 1.0.0

This is the initial release of cppdlr, a C++ library implementing the discrete Lehmann representation of imaginary time Green's functions.

We thank all contributors: Thomas Hahn, Jason Kaye, Hugo U. R. Strand, Nils Wentzell

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