This repository contains the code used to analyse the submissions for the first Cryo-EM Heteorgeneity Challenge.
This is a work in progress, while the code will probably not change, we are still writting better tutorials, documentation, and other ideas for analyzing the data. We are also in the process of making it easier for other people to contribute with their own metrics and methods. We are also in the process of distributiing the code to PyPi
The data is available in TODO
Installing this repository is simply. We recommend creating a virtual environment (using conda or pyenv), since we have dependencies such as PyTorch or Aspire, which are better dealt with in an isolated environment. After creating your environment, make sure to activate it and run
cd /path/to/Cryo-EM-Heterogeneity-Challenge-1
pip install .
You are all set. If you want to run our code, please check the notebooks in the folder called "tutorials".