A lightweight and reliable mobile Flutter component library
English | 中文版
Add the following line to the dependencies section in the pubspec.yaml file:
url: https://github.com/finovy/finovy_ui_kit.git
Name | fn_ui_kit |
Category | UI |
Development Framework | flutter |
Development Language | Dart |
Minimum Environment Requirement | flutter >=3.0.0 dart >=2.17.0 <=4.0.0 |
Current Version | 1.1.0 |
Third-Party Dependencies | auto_size_text pin_code_fields pull_to _refesh visibility_detector |
Open Source Repository | https://github.com/finovy/finovy_ui_kit.git |
├── icons (svg universal icon: will not be compiled)
│ ├── base (most commonly used icon)
│ └── tabbar (bottom navigation bar icon)
├── lib (source code)
│ └── assets
│ ├── images (picture resources)
│ └── fn_icons.dart (general icon reference class type IconData)│
│ └── fn_icons_font.otf (font file generated by universal icons, referenced in pubspec.yaml file)
│ └── src
│ ├── basic (basic components, including Text, Button, Image, Icon, TextFiled, Public Page, and Tag)
│ └── charts (chart components, including LineChart, BarChart, etc.)
│ ├── constant (constant, including color, font size FontSize, and image path ImagePath)
│ └── feedback (feedback component, including pop-up confirmation box Dialog, light prompt box Toast, notification bar NoticeBar, and step bar Step)
│ ├── form (form component, including Cell, CheckBox, Form, RadioButton, Search component, Segment component, and Star Voting Rate)
│ ├── third_lib (third-party library)
│ └── business (business component, including verification code input box VerifyInput, event container Event Container, status placeholder component EmptyWidget, and date selection DatePicker)
│ ├── theme (theme component, including theme configuration of most components)
│ └── navigation (navigation component, including navigation bar AppBar, navigation return, grid component Grid, and scaffolding Scaffold)
├── pubspec.yaml (project configuration information)
└── README.md (English description document)
├── README_CN.md (Chinese description document)
└── CHANGELOG.md (modification record)
Directory Structure Explanation:
- The icons directory is universal and will not be compiled when referenced;
- The third_lib directory is for local dependencies of third-party libraries, ensuring the stability and iterative updates of the component library.
- The pubspec.yaml file is the configuration file of the component library, which contains version information and related dependencies of the component library.
- The CHANGELOG.md file must be filled in each time the component library is iteratively updated, recording the specific information of each iteration update of the component library.
- The readme.md file is the description file when the component library is updated to other platforms such as GitHub, Pub, GitLab, etc.
Component Statistics in the Directory:
Directory Name | Component Category | Component Name | Component Description | Usage Scenarios |
basic (Basic Class) | button | FNUIButton | button component, supporting primary button, secondary button, text button, icon button | can be used globally, supporting three states (available, disabled, loading), border customization, and text customization |
image | FNUIImage, | image components, supporting network and local images, and supporting specified module loading | Global Use | |
input | FNUITextField, FNUIPasswordInput | Input components, supporting regular text input, keyboard style, text style, and other general settings Password input component, supporting regular password input, keyboard style, text style, and other general settings | Interactive input scenarios, validation scenarios | |
text | FNUIText, FNExpandLabel | Text component, supporting normal text display and custom text style Foldable text component, supporting the folding and unfolding interaction of multiple lines of text | The most commonly used components are used globally Multiple lines of text are required to display the folding effect | |
icon | FNUIIcon | Icon component, supports text and icon style customization | Global use, universal icons return IconData | |
form (Form class) | form | FNUIForm | Form component, supporting form display with regular input boxes, arrow style, and multi line text style | Personal information display or modification scenarios, feedback scenarios, etc. |
Cell | FNUICell | Form single line component, supporting display of titles, content, icons, etc. | User information display and data display scenarios | |
radio | FNUIRadio | Radio button component, supporting unique radio control and display | Users can select a single data scene | |
checkbox | FNUICheckBox | Check button component, supporting multiple selection control and display | Users selecting multiple data scenarios | |
rate | FNUIRate | Voting component, supporting icon displays such as voting and rating. | Voting and rating scenarios | |
search | FNUISearch | Search component, supporting regular search view display | Scenarios that require search services | |
segment | FNUISegment | Column component, supporting multiple sets of text for single selection | Scenarios that require selecting or switching between unique classifications | |
feedback (operation feedback class) | toast | FNUIToast | Light prompt component, supporting display of upper, middle, and lower positions, supporting mask interaction isolation | Interactive success, failure, and pop-up scenarios, loading waiting |
dialog | FNUIDialog | Popup box component, supporting pop-up confirmation boxes, bottom confirmation boxes, custom buttons, and event responses | Interactive confirmation scenarios, user active selection confirmation scenarios | |
progress | FNUILinearProgress, FNUICircularProgress | Progress prompt component, supporting linear and circular visual effects | ||
navigation (navigation class) | appbar | FNUIAppbar | Top navigation bar component, supporting general background, text, buttons, and other configurations | Global configuration, routing navigation page |
back | FNUINavBack | Navigation return button | Global configuration, routing navigation page | |
grid | FNUIGrid | Grid component, supporting multiple menus | Global configuration | |
scaffold | FNUIScaffold | Scaffold components | Global configuration | |
charts (chart class) | - | - | - | Packaging not yet completed |
business (Business) | verifycode | FNUISerifyCodeInput | The verification code input component supports over 90% of verification code scenarios and can be highly customized. | Used for login, registration, and other verification code input scenarios |
place_ Holder | FNUIEmpty | The placeholder view component supports multi category displays such as no data, request errors, network errors, etc. | Used for view placeholder scenarios, and can be selected according to actual needs | |
picker | FNUIDataPicker | Time selection component, supporting multiple styles of time selection | for selecting specific times, supporting regular time formatting | |
event | FNUIEventContainer | Event ordinary container component, inheriting ordinary containers, supporting click events | Scenarios that require containers to bring click events | |
constant (constant class) | colors | FNColors | Color constant class, categorizing color values for different scenes on the design draft, supporting quick access | For unified color values, used in conjunction with themes |
fonts | FNFontSize | Font size constant class, unified font size | used to unify font size within a project, generally without additional specifications | |
images | FNImagePath | Image path processing class, providing image path storage and processing | Used to define image class addresses in component libraries | |
theme (Theme Configuration Class) | styles | Component Theme Configuration Folder | Contains most component theme configurations | Used for individual theme configurations for each component |
theme | FNTheme | Theme Configuration Main File | Main File Entry Reference | |
third_ Lib (Third Party Dependency Class) | auto_ Size_ Text | - | Text automatic size component, supporting adaptive text font size based on width | For special text font size adaptation display scenarios |
pin_ Code_ Fields | - | Verification code input component, supporting verification code input, automatic filling, etc. | Used for login, registration, and other verification code input scenarios | |
pull_ To_ Refresh | - | List refresh component, supports customization of the header and bottom | for list component refresh scenarios | |
visibility_ Detector | - | Visible area detection component, supporting visible state detection of views | Used for route switching, page switching, front and back switching scene detection | |
context (Context class) | context | FNDesignContext | Context configuration entry, mainly used to provide context for pop-up classes; Two initialization methods are provided: initFNUIKitContext, FNUIKitContextBuilder | Program main entry for initialization |