diff --git a/_data/category/example.yml b/_data/category/example.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0802f3a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_data/category/example.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+- name: Example MATLAB scripts
+ link: /example
+- name: Apply non-parametric statistics with clustering on TFRs of power that were computed with BESA
+ link: /example/apply_clusterrandanalysis_on_tfrs_of_power_that_were_computed_with_besa
+- name: BIDS - the brain imaging data structure
+ link: /example/bids
+- name: Converting an example audio dataset for sharing in BIDS
+ link: /example/bids_audio
+- name: Converting an example behavioral dataset for sharing in BIDS
+ link: /example/bids_behavioral
+- name: Converting an example EEG dataset for sharing in BIDS
+ link: /example/bids_eeg
+- name: Converting an example EMG dataset for sharing in BIDS
+ link: /example/bids_emg
+- name: Converting an example eyetracker dataset for sharing in BIDS
+ link: /example/bids_eyetracker
+- name: Converting an example MEG dataset for sharing in BIDS
+ link: /example/bids_meg
+- name: Converting an example motion tracking dataset for sharing in BIDS
+ link: /example/bids_motion
+- name: Converting the combined MEG/fMRI MOUS dataset for sharing in BIDS
+ link: /example/bids_mous
+- name: Converting an example NIRS dataset for sharing in BIDS
+ link: /example/bids_nirs
+- name: Combining simultaneous recordings in BIDS
+ link: /example/bids_pom
+- name: Converting an example video dataset for sharing in BIDS
+ link: /example/bids_video
+- name: Example analysis pipeline for Biosemi data
+ link: /example/biosemi
+- name: How to use ft_checkconfig
+ link: /example/checkconfig
+- name: Effect of SNR on Coherence
+ link: /example/coherence_snr
+- name: Combined EEG and MEG source reconstruction
+ link: /example/combined_eeg_and_meg_source_reconstruction
+- name: The correct pipeline order for combining planar MEG channels
+ link: /example/combineplanar_pipelineorder
+- name: Common filters in beamforming
+ link: /example/common_filters_in_beamforming
+- name: Compute forward simulated data using ft_dipolesimulation
+ link: /example/compute_forward_simulated_data
+- name: Compute forward simulated data and apply a beamformer scan
+ link: /example/compute_forward_simulated_data_and_apply_a_beamformer_scan
+- name: Compute forward simulated data and apply a dipole fit
+ link: /example/compute_forward_simulated_data_and_apply_a_dipole_fit
+- name: Compute forward simulated data with the low-level ft_compute_leadfield
+ link: /example/compute_leadfield
+- name: Conditional Granger causality in the frequency domain
+ link: /example/connectivity_conditional_granger
+- name: Check the quality of the anatomical coregistration
+ link: /example/coregistration_quality_control
+- name: Correlation analysis of fMRI data
+ link: /example/correlation_analysis_in_fmri_data
+- name: Cross-frequency analysis
+ link: /example/crossfreq
+- name: Detect the muscle activity in an EMG channel and use that as trial definition
+ link: /example/detect_the_muscle_activity_in_an_emg_channel_and_use_that_as_trial_definition
+- name: Determine the filter characteristics
+ link: /example/determine_the_filter_characteristics
+- name: Localizing the sources underlying the difference in event-related fields
+ link: /example/difference_erf
+- name: Fit a dipole to the tactile ERF after mechanical stimulation
+ link: /example/dipolefit_somatosensory_erf
+- name: Analysis of high-gamma band signals in human ECoG
+ link: /example/ecog_ny
+- name: Effects of tapering for power estimates
+ link: /example/effects_of_tapering
+- name: Computing and reporting the effect size
+ link: /example/effectsize
+- name: Align EEG electrode positions to BEM headmodel
+ link: /example/electrodes2bem
+- name: Perform modified Multiscale Entropy (mMSE) analysis on EEG/MEG/LFP data
+ link: /example/entropy_analysis
+- name: Compute EEG leadfields using a FEM headmodel
+ link: /example/fem
+- name: How to create a head model if you do not have an individual MRI
+ link: /example/fittemplate
+- name: Fixing a missing channel
+ link: /example/fixing_a_missing_sensor
+- name: Fitting oscillations and one-over-F (FOOOF)
+ link: /example/fooof
+- name: Example real-time average
+ link: /example/ft_realtime_average
+- name: Example real-time classification
+ link: /example/ft_realtime_classification
+- name: Realtime neurofeedback application based on Hilbert phase estimation
+ link: /example/ft_realtime_hilbert
+- name: Example real-time power estimate
+ link: /example/ft_realtime_powerestimate
+- name: Example real-time selective average
+ link: /example/ft_realtime_selectiveaverage
+- name: Example real-time signal viewer
+ link: /example/ft_realtime_signalviewer
+- name: Getting started with reading raw EEG or MEG data
+ link: /example/getting_started_with_reading_raw_eeg_or_meg_data
+- name: Using General Linear Modeling on time series data
+ link: /example/glm_timeseries
+- name: Using General Linear Modeling over trials
+ link: /example/glm_trials
+- name: How to incorporate head movements in MEG analysis
+ link: /example/headmovement_meg
+- name: Independent component analysis (ICA) to remove ECG artifacts
+ link: /example/ica_ecg
+- name: Independent component analysis (ICA) to remove EOG artifacts
+ link: /example/ica_eog
+- name: How to import data from MNE-Python and FreeSurfer
+ link: /example/import_mne
+- name: Irregular Resampling Auto-Spectral Analysis (IRASA)
+ link: /example/irasa
+- name: Make MEG leadfields using different headmodels
+ link: /example/make_leadfields_using_different_headmodels
+- name: Measuring the timing delay and jitter for a real-time application
+ link: /example/measuring_the_timing_delay_and_jitter_for_a_real-time_application
+- name: Combine MEG with Eyelink eyetracker data
+ link: /example/meg_eyelink
+- name: Interpolating data from the CTF151 to the CTF275 sensor array using megrealign
+ link: /example/megrealign
+- name: Defining electrodes as neighbours for cluster-level statistics
+ link: /example/neighbours
+- name: Analyzing NIRS data recorded during unilateral finger- and foot-tapping
+ link: /example/nirs_fingertapping
+- name: Using GLM to analyze NIRS timeseries data
+ link: /example/nirs_glm
+- name: Creating a layout for plotting NIRS optodes and channels
+ link: /example/nirs_layout
+- name: Analyzing NIRS data recorded during listening to and repeating speech
+ link: /example/nirs_speech
+- name: Simulate an oscillatory signal with phase resetting
+ link: /example/phase_reset
+- name: Find the orientation of planar gradiometers
+ link: /example/planar_orientation
+- name: Plotting the result of source reconstruction on a cortical mesh
+ link: /example/plotting_source_surface
+- name: Making your analysis pipeline reproducible using reproducescript
+ link: /example/reproducescript
+- name: Using reproducescript on a full study
+ link: /example/reproducescript_andersen
+- name: Using reproducescript for a group analysis
+ link: /example/reproducescript_group
+- name: Re-reference EEG and iEEG data
+ link: /example/rereference
+- name: Using simulations to estimate the sample size for cluster-based permutation test
+ link: /example/samplesize
+- name: Source statistics
+ link: /example/source_statistics
+- name: Create MNI-aligned grids in individual head-space
+ link: /example/sourcemodel_aligned2mni
+- name: Fitting a template MRI to the MEG Polhemus head shape
+ link: /example/sphere_fitting
+- name: Analyze Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials (SSVEPs)
+ link: /example/ssvep
+- name: Stratify the distribution of one variable that differs in two conditions
+ link: /example/stratify
+- name: Symmetric dipole pairs for beamforming
+ link: /example/symmetry
+- name: Testing BEM created EEG lead fields
+ link: /example/testing_bem_created_leadfields
+- name: Using threshold-free cluster enhancement for cluster statistics
+ link: /example/threshold_free_cluster_enhancement
+- name: Making your own trialfun for conditional trial definition
+ link: /example/trialfun
+- name: Use denoising source separation (DSS) to remove ECG artifacts
+ link: /example/use_denoising_source_separation_dss_to_remove_ecg_artifacts
+- name: Use simulated ERPs to explore cluster statistics
+ link: /example/use_simulated_erps_to_explore_cluster_statistics
+- name: Use your own forward leadfield model in an inverse beamformer computation
+ link: /example/use_your_own_forward_leadfield_model_in_an_inverse_beamformer_computation
+- name: Making a synchronous movie of EEG or NIRS combined with video recordings
+ link: /example/video_eeg
+- name: Can I create an artificial CTF dataset using MATLAB?
+ link: /example/writing_simulated_data_to_a_ctf_dataset
diff --git a/_data/category/faq.yml b/_data/category/faq.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19a9aefdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_data/category/faq.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+- name: Frequently Asked Questions
+ link: /faq
+- name: What is the difference between the ACPC, MNI, SPM and TAL coordinate systems?
+ link: /faq/acpc
+- name: Where is the anterior commissure?
+ link: /faq/anterior_commissure
+- name: How can I append the files of two separate recordings?
+ link: /faq/append_files
+- name: How can I play back EEG/MEG and synchronous audio or video?
+ link: /faq/audiovideo
+- name: How should I specify the coordinate systems in a BIDS dataset?
+ link: /faq/bids_coordsystem
+- name: Can I do combined EEG and MEG source reconstruction?
+ link: /faq/can_i_do_combined_eeg_and_meg_source_reconstruction
+- name: Can I get an offline version of the documentation on the website?
+ link: /faq/can_i_get_an_offline_version_of_the_wiki_documentation
+- name: Can I organize my own FieldTrip workshop?
+ link: /faq/can_i_organize_my_own_workshop
+- name: Can I prevent "external" toolboxes from being added to my MATLAB path?
+ link: /faq/can_i_prevent_external_toolboxes_from_being_added_to_my_matlab_path
+- name: Can I restrict the source reconstruction to the grey matter?
+ link: /faq/can_i_restrict_the_source_reconstruction_to_the_grey_matter
+- name: Can I use Octave instead of MATLAB?
+ link: /faq/can_i_use_octave_instead_of_matlab
+- name: Can I use the FieldTrip logo on my poster?
+ link: /faq/can_i_use_the_fieldtrip_logo_on_my_poster
+- name: Can I compare EEG channels between different electrode caps?
+ link: /faq/capmapping
+- name: Which methodological details should I report in an EEG/MEG manuscript?
+ link: /faq/checklist
+- name: What does the coilaccuracy parameter do?
+ link: /faq/coilaccuracy
+- name: Which colormaps are supported?
+ link: /faq/colormap
+- name: How can I compile the mex files and command-line executable?
+ link: /faq/compile
+- name: Can I use FieldTrip without MATLAB license?
+ link: /faq/compiled
+- name: Why should I set continuous to yes for CTF data?
+ link: /faq/continuous
+- name: How are the different head and MRI coordinate systems defined?
+ link: /faq/coordsys
+- name: How can I share my MEG data?
+ link: /faq/data_sharing
+- name: What dataformats are supported?
+ link: /faq/dataformat
+- name: Which datasets are used in the documentation and where are they used?
+ link: /faq/datasets
+- name: How can I deal with a discontinuous Neuralynx LFP recording?
+ link: /faq/discontinuous_neuralynx
+- name: Does the FieldTrip realtime buffer only work with MATLAB?
+ link: /faq/does_the_fieldtrip_realtime_buffer_only_work_with_matlab
+- name: Does it make sense to subtract the ERP prior to time frequency analysis, to distinguish evoked from induced power?
+ link: /faq/evoked_vs_induced
+- name: Which external toolboxes are used by FieldTrip?
+ link: /faq/external
+- name: How should I specify the fiducials for electrode realignment?
+ link: /faq/fiducial
+- name: What material is used for the flexible MEG headcasts?
+ link: /faq/headcast
+- name: How do homogenous coordinate transformation matrices work?
+ link: /faq/homogenous
+- name: How are electrodes, magnetometers or gradiometers described?
+ link: /faq/how_are_electrodes_magnetometers_or_gradiometers_described
+- name: How are the Left and Right Pre-Auricular (LPA and RPA) points defined?
+ link: /faq/how_are_the_lpa_and_rpa_points_defined
+- name: How are the various MATLAB data structures defined?
+ link: /faq/how_are_the_various_data_structures_defined
+- name: How can I anonymize or deidentify a BrainVision dataset?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_anonymize_a_brainvision_dataset
+- name: How can I anonymize or deidentify a CTF dataset?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_anonymize_a_ctf_dataset
+- name: How can I anonymize or deidentify an anatomical MRI?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_anonymize_an_anatomical_mri
+- name: How can I anonymize or deidentify DICOM files?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_anonymize_dicom_files
+- name: How can I anonymize data processed in FieldTrip?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_anonymize_fieldtrip_data
+- name: How can I change the head localization in a CTF dataset?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_change_the_head_localization_in_a_ctf_dataset
+- name: How can I check whether the grid that I have is aligned to the segmented volume and to the sensor gradiometer?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_check_whether_the_grid_that_i_have_is_aligned_to_the_segmented_volume_and_to_the_sensor_gradiometer
+- name: How can I compile the mex files on 64-bit Windows?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_compile_the_mex_files_on_64_bit_windows
+- name: How can I compile the mex files on macOS?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_compile_the_mex_files_on_os_x
+- name: How can I consistently represent artifacts in my data?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_consistently_represent_artifacts_in_my_data
+- name: How can I convert an anatomical MRI from DICOM into CTF format?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_convert_an_anatomical_mri_from_dicom_into_ctf_format
+- name: How can I convert one dataformat into an other?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_convert_one_dataformat_into_an_other
+- name: How can I debug my analysis script if a FieldTrip function gives an error?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_debug_my_analysis_script_if_a_fieldtrip_function_gives_an_error
+- name: How can I define neighbouring sensors?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_define_neighbouring_sensors
+- name: How can I determine the anatomical label of a source or electrode?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_determine_the_anatomical_label_of_a_source
+- name: How can I determine the onset of an effect?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_determine_the_onset_of_an_effect
+- name: How can I distribute a batch of jobs?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_distribute_a_batch_of_jobs
+- name: How can I do time-frequency analysis on continuous data?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_do_time-frequency_analysis_on_continuous_data
+- name: Which version of FieldTrip should I download?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_download_a_specific_version
+- name: How can I extend the reading functions with a new dataformat?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_extend_the_reading_functions_with_a_new_dataformat
+- name: How can I find out what eventvalues and eventtypes there are in my data?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_find_out_what_eventvalues_and_eventtypes_there_are_in_my_data
+- name: How can I fine-tune my BEM volume conduction model?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_fine-tune_my_bem_volume_conduction_model
+- name: How can I fix a corrupt CTF meg4 file?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_fix_a_corrupt_ctf_meg4_data_file
+- name: How can I fix a corrupt CTF res4 header file?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_fix_a_corrupt_ctf_res4_header_file
+- name: How can I import my own data format?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_import_my_own_dataformat
+- name: How can I inspect the electrode impedances of my data?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_inspect_the_electrode_impedances_of_my_data
+- name: How can I interpret the different types of padding in FieldTrip?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_interpret_the_different_types_of_padding_that_i_find_when_dealing_with_artifacts
+- name: How can I keep track of changes to the code?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_keep_track_of_the_changes_to_the_code
+- name: How can I map source locations onto an anatomical label in an atlas?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_map_source_locations_between_two_different_representations
+- name: How can I merge two datasets that were acquired simultaneously with different amplifiers?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_merge_two_datasets_that_were_acquired_simultaneously_with_different_amplifiers
+- name: How can I monitor a subject's head position during a MEG session?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_monitor_a_subject_s_head_position_during_a_meg_session
+- name: How can I preprocess a dataset that is too large to fit into memory?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_preprocess_a_dataset_that_is_too_large_to_fit_into_memory
+- name: How can I process continuous data without triggers?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_process_continuous_data_without_triggers
+- name: How can I read all channels from an EDF file that contains multiple sampling rates?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_read_all_channels_from_an_edf_file_that_contains_multiple_sampling_rates
+- name: How can I read corrupted (unsaved) CTF data?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_read_corrupted_unsaved_ctf_data
+- name: How can I read EGI mff data without the JVM?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_read_egi_mff_data_without_the_jvm
+- name: How to test an interaction effect using cluster-based permutation tests?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_test_an_interaction_effect_using_cluster-based_permutation_tests
+- name: How can I test for correlations between neuronal data and quantitative stimulus and behavioral variables?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_test_for_correlations_between_neuronal_data_and_quantitative_stimulus_and_behavioural_variables
+- name: What kind of cable do I need for a serial port connection between two computers?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_test_the_serial_port_connection_between_two_computers
+- name: How can I test whether a behavioral measure is phasic?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_test_whether_a_behavioral_measure_is_phasic
+- name: How can I transform trigger values from bits to decimal representation with a trialfun?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_transform_trigger_values_from_bits_to_decimal_representation_with_a_trialfun
+- name: How can I use my MacBook Pro for stimulus presentation in the MEG lab?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_use_my_macbook_pro_for_stimulus_presentation_in_the_meg_lab
+- name: How can I use the databrowser?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_use_the_databrowser
+- name: How can I use the ivar, uvar, wvar and cvar options to precisely control the permutations?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_use_the_ivar_uvar_wvar_and_cvar_options_to_precisely_control_the_permutations
+- name: How can I visualize a localspheres volume conductor model?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_visualize_a_localspheres_volume_conductor_model
+- name: How can I visualize the different geometrical objects that are needed for forward and inverse computations?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_visualize_the_different_geometrical_objects_that_are_needed_for_forward_and_inverse_computations
+- name: How can I visualize the neuromag head position indicator coils?
+ link: /faq/how_can_i_visualize_the_neuromag_head_position_indicator_coils
+- name: How to change the MRI orientation, the voxel size or the field-of-view?
+ link: /faq/how_change_mri_orientation_size_fov
+- name: How do I construct a layout file for the plotting functions?
+ link: /faq/how_do_i_construct_a_layout_file_for_the_plotting_functions
+- name: How do I install the OpenMEEG binaries
+ link: /faq/how_do_i_install_the_openmeeg_binaries
+- name: How do I prevent FieldTrip from printing the time and memory after each function call?
+ link: /faq/how_do_i_prevent_fieldtrip_from_printing_the_time_and_memory_after_each_function_call
+- name: How does a difference in trial numbers per condition affect my statistical test
+ link: /faq/how_does_a_difference_in_trial_numbers_per_condition_affect_my_statistical_test
+- name: How does ft_prepare_neighbours work?
+ link: /faq/how_does_ft_prepare_neighbours_work
+- name: How does the CTF higher-order gradiometer work?
+ link: /faq/how_does_the_ctf_higher-order_gradiometer_work
+- name: How does the filter padding in preprocessing work?
+ link: /faq/how_does_the_filter_padding_in_preprocessing_work
+- name: How fast is the FieldTrip buffer for realtime data streaming?
+ link: /faq/how_fast_is_the_fieldtrip_buffer_for_realtime_data_streaming
+- name: How is anatomical, functional or statistical "volume data" described?
+ link: /faq/how_is_anatomical_functional_or_statistical_volume_data_described
+- name: How is the segmentation defined?
+ link: /faq/how_is_the_segmentation_defined
+- name: How many lines of code does FieldTrip consist of?
+ link: /faq/how_many_lines_of_code_does_fieldtrip_consist_of
+- name: How many people are subscribed to the email discussion list?
+ link: /faq/how_many_people_are_subscribed_to_the_email_discussion_list
+- name: How NOT to interpret results from a cluster-based permutation test
+ link: /faq/how_not_to_interpret_results_from_a_cluster-based_permutation_test
+- name: How should I get started with the FieldTrip realtime buffer?
+ link: /faq/how_should_i_get_started_with_the_fieldtrip_realtime_buffer
+- name: How should I prepare for the upcoming FieldTrip workshop?
+ link: /faq/how_should_i_prepare_for_the_upcoming_fieldtrip_workshop
+- name: How should I refer to FieldTrip in my publication?
+ link: /faq/how_should_i_refer_to_fieldtrip_in_my_publication
+- name: How should I report the positions of the fiducial points on the head?
+ link: /faq/how_should_i_report_the_positions_of_the_fiducial_points_on_the_head
+- name: How should I share example data with the email list or developers?
+ link: /faq/how_should_i_send_example_data_to_the_developers
+- name: How to ask good questions to the community?
+ link: /faq/how_to_ask_good_questions_to_the_community
+- name: How to compile MATLAB code into stand-alone executables?
+ link: /faq/how_to_compile_matlab_code_into_stand-alone_executables
+- name: How to coregister an anatomical MRI with the gradiometer or electrode positions?
+ link: /faq/how_to_coregister_an_anatomical_mri_with_the_gradiometer_or_electrode_positions
+- name: How to get started with distributed computing using qsub?
+ link: /faq/how_to_get_started_with_distributed_computing_using_qsub
+- name: How to get started with the MATLAB distributed computing toolbox?
+ link: /faq/how_to_get_started_with_the_matlab_distributed_computing_toolbox
+- name: How to interpret the sign of the phase slope index?
+ link: /faq/how_to_interpret_the_sign_of_the_phase_slope_index
+- name: How to select the correct SPM toolbox?
+ link: /faq/how_to_select_the_correct_spm_toolbox
+- name: I am getting strange artifacts in figures that use opacity
+ link: /faq/i_am_getting_strange_artifacts_in_figures_that_use_opacity
+- name: I am having problems downloading
+ link: /faq/i_am_having_problems_downloading
+- name: I am having problems printing figures that use opacity
+ link: /faq/i_am_having_problems_printing_figures_that_use_opacity
+- name: I am having problems reading the CTF .hc headcoordinates file
+ link: /faq/i_am_having_problems_reading_the_ctf_.hc_headcoordinates_file
+- name: I am working at the Donders, should I also download FieldTrip?
+ link: /faq/i_am_working_at_the_donders_should_i_also_download_fieldtrip
+- name: I have problems reading in neuroscan .cnt files. How can I fix this?
+ link: /faq/i_have_problems_reading_in_neuroscan_.cnt_files._how_can_i_fix_this
+- name: I used ICA on my MEG data from before 2012 and now FieldTrip crashes, why is that?
+ link: /faq/i_used_ica_on_my_meg_data_from_before_2012_and_now_fieldtrip_crashes_why_is_that
+- name: I used to work with trl-matrices that have more than 3 columns. Why is this not supported anymore?
+ link: /faq/i_used_to_work_with_trl-matrices_that_have_more_than_3_columns._why_is_this_not_supported_anymore
+- name: In what way can frequency domain data be represented in FieldTrip?
+ link: /faq/in_what_way_can_frequency_domain_data_be_represented_in_fieldtrip
+- name: Installation and setting up the path
+ link: /faq/installation
+- name: Is it good or bad to have dipole locations outside of the brain for which the source reconstruction is computed?
+ link: /faq/is_it_good_or_bad_to_have_dipole_locations_outside_of_the_brain_for_which_the_source_reconstruction_is_computed
+- name: Is it important to have accurate measurements of electrode locations for EEG source reconstruction?
+ link: /faq/is_it_important_to_have_accurate_measurements_of_electrode_locations_for_eeg_source_reconstruction
+- name: Is it possible to keep track of trial-specific information in my analysis pipeline?
+ link: /faq/is_it_possible_to_keep_track_of_trial-specific_information_in_my_fieldtrip_analysis_pipeline
+- name: How can I compute inter-trial coherence?
+ link: /faq/itc
+- name: MATLAB complains about a missing or invalid mex file, what should I do?
+ link: /faq/matlab_complains_about_a_missing_or_invalid_mex_file_what_should_i_do
+- name: MATLAB does not see the functions in the "private" directory
+ link: /faq/matlab_does_not_see_the_functions_in_the_private_directory
+- name: Replacements for functions from MathWorks toolboxes
+ link: /faq/matlab_replacements
+- name: What are the MATLAB requirements for using FieldTrip?
+ link: /faq/matlab_requirements
+- name: MATLAB version 7.3 (2006b) crashes when I try to do ...
+ link: /faq/matlab_version_7.3_2006b_crashes_when_i_try_to_do
+- name: MATLAB complains that mexmaci64 cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified
+ link: /faq/mexmaci64_cannot_be_opened_because_the_developer_cannot_be_verified
+- name: How does MTMCONVOL work?
+ link: /faq/mtmconvol
+- name: My MRI is upside down, is this a problem?
+ link: /faq/my_mri_is_upside_down_is_this_a_problem
+- name: Where can I find open access MEG/EEG data?
+ link: /faq/open_data
+- name: Reading is slow, can I write my raw data to a more efficient file format?
+ link: /faq/reading_is_slow_can_i_write_my_raw_data_to_a_more_efficient_file_format
+- name: How can I rename channels in my data structure?
+ link: /faq/rename_channels
+- name: What are the MATLAB and external requirements?
+ link: /faq/requirements
+- name: Do I need to resample my data, and if so, how is this to be done?
+ link: /faq/resampling_lowpassfilter
+- name: Should I rereference prior to or after ICA for artifact removal?
+ link: /faq/should_I_rereference_prior_to_or_after_ica_for_artifact_removal
+- name: Should I use t or F values for cluster-based permutation tests?
+ link: /faq/should_I_use_t_or_F_values_for_cluster-based_permutation_tests
+- name: Is it OK for vertices/dipoles to stick out of the volume conductor?
+ link: /faq/sticking_out
+- name: Should I use a Polhemus or a Structure Sensor to record electrode positions?
+ link: /faq/structuresensor
+- name: The databrowser crashes and destroys the whole MATLAB session, how can I resolve this?
+ link: /faq/the_databrowser_crashes_and_destroys_the_whole_matlab_session_how_can_i_resolve_this
+- name: What is meant by time-frequency trade off?
+ link: /faq/timefreqtradeoff
+- name: How can I check or decipher the sequence of triggers in my data?
+ link: /faq/triggers
+- name: What are the units of the data and of the derived results?
+ link: /faq/units
+- name: Are the FieldTrip lectures available on video?
+ link: /faq/video
+- name: What are the differences between the old and the new implementation of 'mtmconvol' in ft_freqanalyis?
+ link: /faq/what_are_the_differences_between_the_old_and_the_new_implementation_of_mtmconvol_in_ft_freqanalyis
+- name: What are the differences between the old and the new implementation of 'mtmftt' in ft_freqanalyis?
+ link: /faq/what_are_the_differences_between_the_old_and_the_new_implementation_of_mtmfft_in_ft_freqanalyis
+- name: What are the differences between the old and the new implementation of 'wavelet' (formerly 'wltconvol') in ft_freqanalyis?
+ link: /faq/what_are_the_differences_between_the_old_and_the_new_implementation_of_wavelet_formerly_wltconvol_in_ft_freqanalyis
+- name: What are the different approaches I can take for distributed computing?
+ link: /faq/what_are_the_different_approaches_i_can_take_for_distributed_computing
+- name: What are the different Neuromag/Elekta/Megin and Yokogawa layouts good for?
+ link: /faq/what_are_the_different_neuromag_and_yokogawa_layouts_good_for
+- name: What convention is used to define absolute phase in 'mtmconvol', 'wavelet' and 'mtmfft'?
+ link: /faq/what_convention_is_used_to_define_absolute_phase_in_mtmconvol_wavelet_and_mtmfft
+- name: What does a typical call to a FieldTrip function look like?
+ link: /faq/what_does_a_typical_call_to_a_fieldtrip_function_look_like
+- name: What does "padding not sufficient for requested frequency resolution" mean?
+ link: /faq/what_does_padding_not_sufficient_for_requested_frequency_resolution_mean
+- name: What is a good way to save images for later processing in other software?
+ link: /faq/what_is_a_good_way_to_save_images_for_later_processing_in_other_software
+- name: What is the conductivity of the brain, CSF, skull and skin tissue?
+ link: /faq/what_is_the_conductivity_of_the_brain_csf_skull_and_skin_tissue
+- name: What is the difference between coherence and coherency?
+ link: /faq/what_is_the_difference_between_coherence_and_coherency
+- name: What is the format of the layout file which is used for plotting?
+ link: /faq/what_is_the_format_of_the_layout_file_which_is_used_for_plotting
+- name: What is the idea behind statistical inference at the second-level?
+ link: /faq/what_is_the_idea_behind_statistical_inference_at_the_second-level
+- name: What is the plotting convention for anatomical MRIs?
+ link: /faq/what_is_the_plotting_convention_for_anatomical_mris
+- name: What is the relation between "events" (such as triggers) and "trials"?
+ link: /faq/what_is_the_relation_between_events_such_as_triggers_and_trials
+- name: What kind of filters can I apply to my data?
+ link: /faq/what_kind_of_filters_can_i_apply_to_my_data
+- name: What kind of volume conduction models of the head (head models) are implemented?
+ link: /faq/what_kind_of_volume_conduction_models_are_implemented
+- name: Where can I find the dipoli command-line executable?
+ link: /faq/where_can_i_find_the_dipoli_command-line_executable
+- name: Which version of FieldTrip should I download?
+ link: /faq/which_version_of_fieldtrip_should_i_download
+- name: Why am I not allowed to post to the discussion list?
+ link: /faq/why_am_i_not_allowed_to_post_to_the_discussion_list
+- name: Why am I not getting integer frequencies?
+ link: /faq/why_am_i_not_getting_exact_integer_frequencies
+- name: Why am I not receiving emails from the discussion list?
+ link: /faq/why_am_i_not_receiving_emails_from_the_discussion_list
+- name: Why am I receiving warnings about too many bouncing emails?
+ link: /faq/why_am_i_receiving_warnings_about_too_many_bouncing_emails
+- name: Why are so many of the interesting functions in the private directories?
+ link: /faq/why_are_so_many_of_the_interesting_functions_in_the_private_directories
+- name: Why are the fileio functions stateless, does the fseek not make them very slow?
+ link: /faq/why_are_the_fileio_functions_stateless_does_the_fseek_not_make_them_very_slow
+- name: Why are there multiple neighbour templates for the Neuromag306 system?
+ link: /faq/why_are_there_multiple_neighbour_templates_for_the_neuromag306_system
+- name: Why does my anatomical MRI show upside-down when plotting it with ft_sourceplot?
+ link: /faq/why_does_my_anatomical_mri_show_upside-down_when_plotting_it_with_ft_sourceplot
+- name: Why does my EEG headmodel look funny?
+ link: /faq/why_does_my_eegheadmodel_look_funny
+- name: Why does my ICA output contain complex numbers?
+ link: /faq/why_does_my_ica_output_contain_complex_numbers
+- name: Why does my output.freq not match my cfg.foi when using 'mtmconvol' in ft_freqanalyis?
+ link: /faq/why_does_my_output.freq_not_match_my_cfg.foi_when_using_mtmconvol_in_ft_freqanalyis
+- name: Why does my output.freq not match my cfg.foi when using 'mtmfft' in ft_freqanalyis
+ link: /faq/why_does_my_output.freq_not_match_my_cfg.foi_when_using_mtmfft_in_ft_freqanalyis
+- name: Why does my output.freq not match my cfg.foi when using 'wavelet' (formerly 'wltconvol') in ft_freqanalyis?
+ link: /faq/why_does_my_output.freq_not_match_my_cfg.foi_when_using_wavelet_formerly_wltconvol_in_ft_freqanalyis
+- name: Why does my TFR contain NaNs?
+ link: /faq/why_does_my_tfr_contain_nans
+- name: Why does my TFR look strange (part I, demeaning)?
+ link: /faq/why_does_my_tfr_look_strange
+- name: Why does my TFR look strange (part II, detrending)?
+ link: /faq/why_does_my_tfr_look_strange_part_ii
+- name: Why is FieldTrip developed separately from EEGLAB?
+ link: /faq/why_is_fieldtrip_developed_separately_from_eeglab
+- name: Why was FieldTrip maintained in SVN and not in Git?
+ link: /faq/why_is_fieldtrip_maintained_in_svn_and_not_in_git
+- name: Why is my message rejected from the email discussion list?
+ link: /faq/why_is_my_message_rejected_from_the_email_discussion_list
+- name: Why is the source model deformed or incorrectly aligned after warping template?
+ link: /faq/why_is_the_source_model_deformed_or_incorrectly_aligned_after_warping_template
+- name: Why is there a residual 50Hz line-noise component after applying a DFT filter?
+ link: /faq/why_is_there_a_residual_50hz_line-noise_component_after_applying_a_dft_filter
+- name: Why is there a rim around the brain for which the source reconstruction is not computed?
+ link: /faq/why_is_there_a_rim_around_the_brain_for_which_the_source_reconstruction_is_not_computed
+- name: Why is the largest peak in the spectrum at the frequency which is 1/segment length?
+ link: /faq/why_largest_peak_spectrum
+- name: Why should I use an average reference for EEG source reconstruction?
+ link: /faq/why_should_i_use_an_average_reference_for_eeg_source_reconstruction
+- name: Why should I use the cfg.correcttail option when using statistics_montecarlo?
+ link: /faq/why_should_i_use_the_cfg.correcttail_option_when_using_statistics_montecarlo
diff --git a/_data/category/getting_started.yml b/_data/category/getting_started.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..44ed9e5cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_data/category/getting_started.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+- name: Getting Started
+ link: /getting_started
+- name: Getting started with 20%, 10% and 5% electrode arrangements
+ link: /getting_started/1020
+- name: Getting started with animal electrophysiology data, including spikes
+ link: /getting_started/animal
+- name: Getting started with ANT-Neuro, ASA and EEProbe data
+ link: /getting_started/antneuro
+- name: Getting started with AnyWave
+ link: /getting_started/anywave
+- name: Getting started with Artinis NIRS data
+ link: /getting_started/artinis
+- name: Getting started with audio data
+ link: /getting_started/audio
+- name: Getting started with ABM's B-Alert EEG data
+ link: /getting_started/b_alert
+- name: Getting started with BabySQUID data
+ link: /getting_started/babysquid
+- name: Getting started with BESA data
+ link: /getting_started/besa
+- name: Getting started with BIDS
+ link: /getting_started/bids
+- name: Getting started with BioImage Suite
+ link: /getting_started/bioimage
+- name: Getting started with Biosemi BDF data
+ link: /getting_started/biosemi
+- name: Getting started with Blackrock data
+ link: /getting_started/blackrock
+- name: Getting started with BrainVision Analyzer and Easycap
+ link: /getting_started/brainvision
+- name: Getting started with BTi/4D data
+ link: /getting_started/bti
+- name: Getting started with Cerca OPM data
+ link: /getting_started/cerca
+- name: Getting started with CTF data
+ link: /getting_started/ctf
+- name: Getting started with Cyberkinetics data
+ link: /getting_started/cyberkinetics
+- name: Getting started with EDF (European Data Format) data
+ link: /getting_started/edf
+- name: Getting started with EEGLAB
+ link: /getting_started/eeglab
+- name: Getting started with EGI/Philips/Magstim data
+ link: /getting_started/egi
+- name: Getting started with SR-Research EyeLink eye-tracker data
+ link: /getting_started/eyelink
+- name: Getting started with FieldLine OPM data
+ link: /getting_started/fieldline
+- name: Getting started with fMRI timeseries data
+ link: /getting_started/fmri
+- name: Getting started with Hitachi NIRS data
+ link: /getting_started/hitachi
+- name: Getting started with Homer
+ link: /getting_started/homer
+- name: Getting started with human ECoG data
+ link: /getting_started/human_ecog
+- name: Getting started with LIMO MEEG
+ link: /getting_started/limo
+- name: Getting started with LORETA
+ link: /getting_started/loreta
+- name: Getting started with MeshLab
+ link: /getting_started/meshlab
+- name: Getting started with MNE(-python)
+ link: /getting_started/mne
+- name: Getting started with Neuralynx data
+ link: /getting_started/neuralynx
+- name: Getting started with Neuralynx data recorded at the Donders Institute
+ link: /getting_started/neuralynx_fcdc
+- name: Getting started with Neuromag/Elekta/Megin data
+ link: /getting_started/neuromag
+- name: Getting started with Nicolet data
+ link: /getting_started/nicolet
+- name: Getting started with NIRx NIRS data
+ link: /getting_started/nirx
+- name: Getting started with Neurodata Without Borders (NWB) data
+ link: /getting_started/nwb
+- name: Getting started with OPM data recorded at the FIL
+ link: /getting_started/opm_fil
+- name: Getting started with ParaView
+ link: /getting_started/paraview
+- name: Getting started with Plexon data
+ link: /getting_started/plexon
+- name: Getting started with real-time analysis for BCI/neurofeedback
+ link: /getting_started/realtime
+- name: Getting started with real-time head localization in MEG
+ link: /getting_started/realtime_headlocalizer
+- name: Getting started with Ricoh data
+ link: /getting_started/ricoh
+- name: Getting started with Seg3D
+ link: /getting_started/seg3d
+- name: Getting started with Shimadzu NIRS data
+ link: /getting_started/shimadzu
+- name: Getting started with SimNIBS
+ link: /getting_started/simnibs
+- name: Getting started with SNIRF data
+ link: /getting_started/snirf
+- name: Getting started with SPM
+ link: /getting_started/spm
+- name: Getting started with TMSi data
+ link: /getting_started/tmsi
+- name: Getting started with video data
+ link: /getting_started/video
+- name: Getting started with XSens motion capture data
+ link: /getting_started/xsens
+- name: Getting started with Yokogawa data
+ link: /getting_started/yokogawa
diff --git a/_data/category/tutorial.yml b/_data/category/tutorial.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..029a0eca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_data/category/tutorial.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+- name: Overview of all tutorials
+ link: /tutorial
+- name: Introduction on dealing with artifacts
+ link: /tutorial/artifacts
+- name: Automatic artifact rejection
+ link: /tutorial/automatic_artifact_rejection
+- name: Localizing oscillatory sources using beamformer techniques
+ link: /tutorial/beamformer
+- name: Localizing visual gamma and cortico-muscular coherence using DICS
+ link: /tutorial/beamformingextended
+- name: Cluster-based permutation tests on time-frequency data
+ link: /tutorial/cluster_permutation_freq
+- name: Cluster-based permutation tests on event-related fields
+ link: /tutorial/cluster_permutation_timelock
+- name: Analysis of corticomuscular coherence
+ link: /tutorial/coherence
+- name: Analysis of sensor- and source-level connectivity
+ link: /tutorial/connectivity
+- name: Extended analysis of sensor- and source-level connectivity
+ link: /tutorial/connectivityextended
+- name: Preprocessing - Reading continuous EEG and MEG data
+ link: /tutorial/continuous
+- name: Coregistration of Optically Pumped Magnetometer (OPM) data
+ link: /tutorial/coregistration_opm
+- name: Speeding up your analysis using distributed computing with parfor
+ link: /tutorial/distributedcomputing_parfor
+- name: Speeding up your analysis using distributed computing with qsub
+ link: /tutorial/distributedcomputing_qsub
+- name: Localizing electrodes using a 3D-scanner
+ link: /tutorial/electrode
+- name: Virtual channel analysis of epilepsy MEG data
+ link: /tutorial/epilepsy
+- name: Event-related averaging and MEG planar gradient
+ link: /tutorial/eventrelatedaveraging
+- name: Parametric and non-parametric statistics on event-related fields
+ link: /tutorial/eventrelatedstatistics
+- name: Creating a BEM volume conduction model of the head for source reconstruction of EEG data
+ link: /tutorial/headmodel_eeg_bem
+- name: Creating a FEM volume conduction model of the head for source reconstruction of EEG data
+ link: /tutorial/headmodel_eeg_fem
+- name: Creating a volume conduction model of the head for source reconstruction of MEG data
+ link: /tutorial/headmodel_meg
+- name: Analysis of human ECoG and sEEG recordings
+ link: /tutorial/human_ecog
+- name: Cleaning artifacts using ICA
+ link: /tutorial/ica_artifact_cleaning
+- name: Introduction to the FieldTrip toolbox
+ link: /tutorial/introduction
+- name: Specifying the channel layout for plotting
+ link: /tutorial/layout
+- name: Making a memory efficient analysis pipeline
+ link: /tutorial/memory
+- name: Source reconstruction of event-related fields using minimum-norm estimation
+ link: /tutorial/minimumnormestimate
+- name: Analysis of monkey ECoG recordings
+ link: /tutorial/monkey_ecog
+- name: Channel and source analysis of mouse EEG
+ link: /tutorial/mouse_eeg
+- name: Classification of event-related MEG data using MVPA-Light
+ link: /tutorial/mvpa_light
+- name: Whole brain connectivity and network analysis
+ link: /tutorial/networkanalysis
+- name: Whole brain connectivity and network analysis
+ link: /tutorial/networkanalysis_eeg
+- name: Whole brain connectivity and network analysis
+ link: /tutorial/networkanalysis_old
+- name: Preprocessing and averaging of multi-channel NIRS data
+ link: /tutorial/nirs_multichannel
+- name: Preprocessing and averaging of single-channel NIRS data
+ link: /tutorial/nirs_singlechannel
+- name: Plotting data at the channel and source level
+ link: /tutorial/plotting
+- name: Preprocessing - Segmenting and reading trial-based EEG and MEG data
+ link: /tutorial/preprocessing
+- name: Preprocessing of EEG data and computing ERPs
+ link: /tutorial/preprocessing_erp
+- name: Preprocessing of Optically Pumped Magnetometer (OPM) data
+ link: /tutorial/preprocessing_opm
+- name: Creating a clean analysis pipeline
+ link: /tutorial/scripting
+- name: Sensor-level ERF, TFR and connectivity analyses
+ link: /tutorial/sensor_analysis
+- name: Extracting the brain state and events from continuous sleep EEG
+ link: /tutorial/sleep
+- name: Creating a source model for source reconstruction of MEG or EEG data
+ link: /tutorial/sourcemodel
+- name: Preprocessing and analysis of spike-train data
+ link: /tutorial/spike
+- name: Preprocessing and analysis of spike and local field potential data
+ link: /tutorial/spikefield
+- name: Time-frequency analysis using Hanning window, multitapers and wavelets
+ link: /tutorial/timefrequencyanalysis
+- name: Dealing with TMS-EEG datasets
+ link: /tutorial/tms-eeg
+- name: Visual or manual artifact rejection
+ link: /tutorial/visual_artifact_rejection
+- name: Beamforming oscillatory responses in combined MEG/EEG data
+ link: /workshop/natmeg2014/beamforming
+- name: Dipole fitting of combined MEG/EEG data
+ link: /workshop/natmeg2014/dipolefitting
+- name: Preprocessing and event-related activity in combined MEG/EEG data
+ link: /workshop/natmeg2014/preprocessing
+- name: Statistical analysis and multiple comparison correction for combined MEG/EEG data
+ link: /workshop/natmeg2014/statistics
+- name: Time-frequency analysis of combined MEG/EEG data
+ link: /workshop/natmeg2014/timefrequency
diff --git a/_includes/category b/_includes/category
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de97b868b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_includes/category
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{% if page.category != nill and page.category != "" %}
+ Category: {{ page.category }}
+{% else %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/_includes/right b/_includes/right
index 21d207519..e658d9233 100644
--- a/_includes/right
+++ b/_includes/right
@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
{{ content | toc_only }}
{% endif %}
+{% include category %}
{% include tags %}
diff --git a/_includes/tags b/_includes/tags
index eb51ffbbb..148de8a38 100644
--- a/_includes/tags
+++ b/_includes/tags
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
{% if page.tags != nill and page.tags != "" %}
{% for t in page.tags %}
{{ t }}
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{% else %}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/_layouts/category.html b/_layouts/category.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b8af9ec9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_layouts/category.html
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ {% include head %}
+ {% include favicon %}
+ {% include plausible %}
+ {% include navigation %}
+ {% include left %}
Pages in the category "{{ page.category }}"
+ {% if site.data.category[page.category] != nill %}
+ {% assign list = site.data.category[page.category] | sort_natural: "name" %}
+ {% for item in list %}
+ -
+ {{ item.name }}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% include right %}
+ {% include footer %}
diff --git a/_scripts/categories.sh b/_scripts/categories.sh
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ad9c15a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_scripts/categories.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# This script parses all pages for categories and creates an overview page for each category.
+# It results in an update of _data/category/*.yml and of category/*.md
+# Following execution of this script, you should commmit the category pages that have
+# been changed.
+if [[ ! -e _config.yml ]] ; then echo ERROR this should be executed in the toplevel directory ; exit 1 ; fi
+# these will be recreated
+rm category/*.md
+rm _data/category/*.yml
+# this constructs a list of all categories
+find . -name \*.md | xargs grep -h '^category:' | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d '[] ' | tr , '\n' | sort -u > $CATEGORYFILE
+# this constructs a list of pages that belong to a certain category
+for CATEGORY in `cat ${CATEGORYFILE}` ; do
+ FILELIST=`find . -name \*.md | xargs grep -wl ^category:.*${CATEGORY} | sort | uniq `
+ for FILE in ${FILELIST}; do
+ NAME=`grep title: $FILE | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -b 2-`
+ LINK=${FILE:1:$((${#FILE}-4))}
+ echo '- name: ' $NAME >> _data/category/$CATEGORY.yml
+ echo ' link: ' $LINK >> _data/category/$CATEGORY.yml
+ echo '' >> _data/category/$CATEGORY.yml
+ done
+# this constructs an overview page for each category
+for CATEGORY in `cat ${CATEGORYFILE}` ; do
+ echo '---' > category/$CATEGORY.md
+ echo layout: category >> category/$CATEGORY.md
+ echo category: $CATEGORY >> category/$CATEGORY.md
+ echo '---' >> category/$CATEGORY.md
diff --git a/_scripts/tags.sh b/_scripts/tags.sh
index 168dd259d..bbc140d00 100755
--- a/_scripts/tags.sh
+++ b/_scripts/tags.sh
@@ -17,14 +17,6 @@ TAGFILE=`mktemp`
# this constructs a list of all tags
find . -name \*.md | xargs grep -h '^tags:' | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d '[] ' | tr , '\n' | sort -u > $TAGFILE
-# this constructs an overview page for each tag
-for TAG in `cat ${TAGFILE}` ; do
- echo '---' > tag/$TAG.md
- echo layout: tag >> tag/$TAG.md
- echo tag: $TAG >> tag/$TAG.md
- echo '---' >> tag/$TAG.md
# this constructs a list of pages that have a certain tag
for TAG in `cat ${TAGFILE}` ; do
FILELIST=`find . -name \*.md | xargs grep -wl ^tags:.*${TAG} | sort | uniq `
@@ -36,3 +28,11 @@ for TAG in `cat ${TAGFILE}` ; do
echo '' >> _data/tag/$TAG.yml
+# this constructs an overview page for each tag
+for TAG in `cat ${TAGFILE}` ; do
+ echo '---' > tag/$TAG.md
+ echo layout: tag >> tag/$TAG.md
+ echo tag: $TAG >> tag/$TAG.md
+ echo '---' >> tag/$TAG.md
diff --git a/category/example.md b/category/example.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7032c1e2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/category/example.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+layout: category
+category: example
diff --git a/category/faq.md b/category/faq.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..127701d1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/category/faq.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+layout: category
+category: faq
diff --git a/category/getting_started.md b/category/getting_started.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea4aa3a21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/category/getting_started.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+layout: category
+category: getting_started
diff --git a/category/tutorial.md b/category/tutorial.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5d0f06f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/category/tutorial.md
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+layout: category
+category: tutorial
diff --git a/example.md b/example.md
index 4af20c9f1..e25ae896f 100644
--- a/example.md
+++ b/example.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Example MATLAB scripts
-tags: [example]
+category: example
# Example MATLAB scripts
diff --git a/faq.md b/faq.md
index 1bd672f04..89ee2bdb0 100644
--- a/faq.md
+++ b/faq.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Frequently Asked Questions
-tags: [faq]
+category: faq
# Frequently Asked Questions
diff --git a/getting_started.md b/getting_started.md
index 0f11394d9..169b7cb70 100644
--- a/getting_started.md
+++ b/getting_started.md
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
title: Getting Started
+category: getting_started
# Getting Started
diff --git a/tutorial.md b/tutorial.md
index 93c9e7c86..759241054 100644
--- a/tutorial.md
+++ b/tutorial.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Overview of all tutorials
-tags: [tutorial]
+category: tutorial
# Overview of all tutorials