[Wikipedia-1 2014-11-03] (computing) Processed data; data with semantics attached.
[Wikipedia-2 2014-11-03] (computing) A prefix applied to many topics to suggest their digital character: information technology, information systems, information standards, etc.
[Wikipedia-3 2014-11-03] (computing) The underlying material to be expressed in data structures, bit streams, etc.
[EE] A statement offered by a source. Information exists in two basic weights, [primary information](primary information.md) and [secondary information](secondary information.md).
[MGP] Statements based on experience, fabrication, hearsay, intuition, observation, reading, research, or some other means; a source’s surface content, including its physical characteristics; what we see or hear when we examine a source, not what we interpret; may be primary, secondary, or indeterminable (of unknown origin).