- homepage: google.com/analytics
- docs: developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs
- import:
import { Angulartics2GoogleGlobalSiteTag } from 'angulartics2/gst';
Add the full tracking code from developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gtagjs/
Bootstrapping the application with Angulartics2
// bootstrap
import { Angulartics2Module } from 'angulartics2';
imports: [
// import Angulartics2GoogleGlobalSiteTag in root ngModule
export class AppModule { }
Then injecting Angulartics2GoogleGlobalSiteTag
(or any provider) into the root
component and calling startTracking
will hook into the router and send every route
change to your analytics provider.
// component
import { Angulartics2GoogleGlobalSiteTag } from 'angulartics2/gst';
@Component({ ... })
export class AppComponent {
// import Angulartics2GoogleGlobalSiteTag in root component
constructor(angulartics: Angulartics2GoogleGlobalSiteTag) {
Check out the documentation for Tracking Events.
All extended properties that can be added to events, for e-commerce (items
, shipping
, tax
...), adwords (send_to
, account_type
, transaction_id
) and another can be passed through the gstCustom:
constructor(private angulartics2: Angulartics2) {
action: 'conversion',
properties: {
gstCustom: {
send_to: 'AW-XXXXXX/R-12345678',
transaction_id: ''
and other config settings you could set inside your HTML page will be overridden after each pagetrack. Therefore, you need to pass them to the GST configuration if you want to use them. At this point, you're probably better to remove completely the gtag('config'
call from you HTML page and to add all required properties at module definition.
// bootstrap
import { Angulartics2Module } from 'angulartics2';
imports: [
// import Angulartics2GoogleGlobalSiteTag in root ngModule
gst: {
trackingIds: ['UA-11111111-1'],
customMap: {
dimension1: 'version',
dimension2: 'page_language',
dimension3: 'custom_dimension_name'
anonymizeIp: true
export class AppModule { }
Then, you can use the normal angulartic approach:
custom_dimension_name: 'example'
You can also pass custom dimension with a specific event using the gstCustom
property described in previous section