MONAI aims at supporting deep learning in medical image analysis at multiple granularities. This figure shows a typical example of the end-to-end workflow:
The design principle of MONAI is to provide flexible and light APIs for users with varying expertise.
- All the core components are independent modules, which can be easily integrated into any existing PyTorch program.
- Users can leverage the workflows in MONAI to quickly set up a robust training or evaluation program for research experiments.
- Rich examples and demos are provided to demonstrate the key features.
- Researchers contribute implementations based on the state-of-the-art for the latest research challenges, including COVID-19 image analysis, Model Parallel, etc.
The overall architecture and modules are shown in the following figure: The rest of this page provides more details for each module.
- Data I/O, processing and augmentation
- Datasets and DataLoader
- Loss functions
- Optimizers
- Network architectures
- Evaluation
- Visualization
- Result writing
- Workflows
- Research
- Performance optimization and GPU acceleration
- Applications
Medical images require highly specialized methods for I/O, preprocessing, and augmentation. Medical images are often in specialized formats with rich meta-information, and the data volumes are often high-dimensional. These require carefully designed manipulation procedures. The medical imaging focus of MONAI is enabled by powerful and flexible image transformations that facilitate user-friendly, reproducible, optimized medical data pre-processing pipelines.
- The widely used computer vision packages (such as
) focus on spatially 2D array image processing. MONAI provides more domain-specific transformations for both spatially 2D and 3D and retains the flexible transformation "compose" feature. - As medical image preprocessing often requires additional fine-grained system parameters, MONAI provides transforms for input data encapsulated in python dictionaries. Users can specify the keys corresponding to the expected data fields and system parameters to compose complex transformations.
There is a rich set of transforms in six categories: Crop & Pad, Intensity, IO, Post-processing, Spatial, and Utilities. For more details, please visit all the transforms in MONAI.
Almost all the transforms expect the input data to have a channel-first shape format: [Channel dim, spatial dim 1, spatial dim 2, ...]
Flexible base APIs are also provided. The monai.transforms
module is
easily extensible.
MONAI aims at providing a comprehensive medical image specific transformations. These currently include, for example:
: Load medical specific formats file from provided pathSpacing
: Resample input image into the specifiedpixdim
: Change the image's orientation into the specifiedaxcodes
: Perturb image intensities by adding statistical noisesNormalizeIntensity
: Intensity Normalization based on mean and standard deviationAffine
: Transform image based on the affine parametersRand2DElastic
: Random elastic deformation and affine in 2DRand3DElastic
: Random elastic deformation and affine in 3D
2D transforms tutorial shows the detailed usage of several MONAI medical image specific transforms.
From MONAI v0.7 we introduced PyTorch Tensor
based computation in transforms, many transforms already support both NumPy array
and Tensor
as input types and computational backends. To get the supported backends of every transform, please execute: python monai/transforms/
To accelerate the transforms, a common approach is to leverage GPU parallel-computation. Users can first convert input data into GPU Tensor by ToTensor
or EnsureType
transform, then the following transforms can execute on GPU based on PyTorch Tensor
GPU transform tutorial is available at Spleen fast training tutorial.
As medical image volumes are usually large (in multi-dimensional arrays), pre-processing performance affects the overall pipeline speed. MONAI provides affine transforms to execute fused spatial operations.
For example:
# create an Affine transform
affine = Affine(
scale_params=(1.2, 1.2),
translate_params=(200, 40),
# convert the image using bilinear interpolation
new_img = affine(image, spatial_size=(300, 400), mode='bilinear')
Experiments and test results are available at Fused transforms test.
Currently, all the geometric image transforms (Spacing, Zoom, Rotate, Resize, etc.) are designed based on the PyTorch native interfaces. So all of them support GPU acceleration via GPU Tensor
operations for high performance.
Geometric transforms tutorial indicates the usage of affine transforms with 3D medical images.
Medical image data volume may be too large to fit into GPU memory. A widely-used approach is to randomly draw small size data samples during training and run a “sliding window” routine for inference. MONAI currently provides general random sampling strategies including class-balanced fixed ratio sampling which may help stabilize the patch-based training process. A typical example is in Spleen 3D segmentation tutorial, which achieves the class-balanced sampling with RandCropByPosNegLabel
Deterministic training support is necessary and important for deep learning research, especially in the medical field. Users can easily set the random seed to all the random transforms in MONAI locally and will not affect other non-deterministic modules in the user's program.
For example:
# define a transform chain for pre-processing
train_transforms = monai.transforms.Compose([
LoadImaged(keys=['image', 'label']),
RandRotate90d(keys=['image', 'label'], prob=0.2, spatial_axes=[0, 2]),
... ...
# set determinism for reproducibility
Users can also enable/disable deterministic at the beginning of training program:
monai.utils.set_determinism(seed=0, additional_settings=None)
To apply different transforms on the same data and concatenate the results, MONAI provides CopyItems
transform to make copies of specified items in the data dictionary and ConcatItems
transform to combine specified items on the expected dimension, and also provides DeleteItems
transform to delete unnecessary items to save memory.
Typical usage is to scale the intensity of the same image into different ranges and concatenate the results together.
When transforms are combined with the "compose" function, it's not easy to track the output of a specific transform. To help debug errors in the composed transforms, MONAI provides utility transforms such as DataStats
to print out intermediate data properties such as data shape
, value range
, data value
, Additional information
, etc. It's a self-contained transform and can be integrated into any transform chain.
MONAI also provides post-processing transforms for handling the model outputs. Currently, the transforms include:
- Adding an activation layer (Sigmoid, Softmax, etc.).
- Converting to discrete values (Argmax, One-Hot, Threshold value, etc), as below figure (b).
- Splitting multi-channel data into multiple single channels.
- Removing segmentation noise based on Connected Component Analysis, as below figure (c).
- Extracting contour of segmentation result, which can be used to map to original image and evaluate the model, as below figure (d) and (e).
After decollating the batch data of model output and applying the post-processing transforms, it's easier to compute metrics, save model output into files or visualize data in the TensorBoard. Postprocessing transforms tutorial shows an example with several main transforms for post-processing.
The design of MONAI transforms emphasis code readability and usability. It works for array data or dictionary-based data. MONAI also provides Adaptor
tools to accommodate different data format for 3rd party transforms. To convert the data shapes or types, utility transforms such as ToTensor
, ToNumpy
, SqueezeDim
are also provided. So it's easy to enhance the transform chain by seamlessly integrating transforms from external packages, including: ITK
, BatchGenerator
, TorchIO
and Rising
For more details, please check out the tutorial: integrate 3rd party transforms into MONAI program.
In digital pathology training, due to the immense burden of loading images, the CPU is preoccupied by loading images and cannot catch up with preparing the data. This causes the pipeline to become IO bound and results in under-utilization of GPU. To overcome this bottleneck, cuCIM has implemented an optimized version of several common transforms that we are using in digital pathology pipeline. These transforms are natively being run on GPU and act on CuPy arrays. MONAI provides CuCIM
and RandCuCIM
adapters to integrate the cuCIM
library. For instance:
RandCuCIM(name="color_jitter", brightness=64.0 / 255.0, contrast=0.75, saturation=0.25, hue=0.04)
CuCIM(name="scale_intensity_range", a_min=0.0, a_max=255.0, b_min=-1.0, b_max=1.0)
It has shown a significant speed up in pathology training metastasis detection model.
Many popular image formats exist in the medical domain, and they are quite different with rich metadata information. To easily handle different medical image formats in the same pipeline, MONAI provides LoadImage
transform, which can automatically choose image readers based on the supported suffixes and in the following priority order:
- User-specified reader at runtime when calling this loader.
- Registered readers from the latest to the first in the list.
- Default readers: (nii, nii.gz -> NibabelReader), (png, jpg, bmp -> PILReader), (npz, npy -> NumpyReader), (others -> ITKReader).
The ImageReader
API is quite straightforward, users can easily extend it for their customized image readers.
With these pre-defined image readers, MONAI can load images in formats: NIfTI
, etc.
To convert images into files or debug the transform chain, MONAI provides SaveImage
transform. Users can inject this transform into the transform chain to save the results.
Medical images have different shape formats. They can be channel-last
, channel-first
or even no-channel
. We may, for example, want to load several no-channel
images and stack them as channel-first
data. To improve the user experience, MONAI provided an EnsureChannelFirst
transform to automatically detect data shape according to the meta information and convert it to the channel-first
format consistently.
It is often desirable to invert the previously applied spatial transforms (resize, flip, rotate, zoom, crop, pad, etc.) within the deep learning workflows, for example, to resume to the original imaging space after processing the image data in a normalized data space. Many spatial transforms are enhanced with an inverse
operation since in v0.5. The model inference tutorial shows a basic example.
If the pipeline includes random transformations, users may want to observe the effect that these transformations have on the output. The typical approach is that we pass the same input through the transforms multiple times with different random realizations. Then use the inverse transforms to move all the results to a common space, and calculate the metrics. MONAI provided TestTimeAugmentation
for this feature, which by default will calculate the mode
, mean
, standard deviation
and volume variation coefficient
Invert transforms and TTA tutorials introduce details about the API with usage examples.
(1) The last column is the inverted data of model output:
(2) The TTA results of mode
, mean
and standard deviation
Users often need to train the model with many (potentially thousands of) epochs over the data to achieve the desired model quality. A native PyTorch implementation may repeatedly load data and run the same preprocessing steps for every epoch during training, which can be time-consuming and unnecessary, especially when the medical image volumes are large.
MONAI provides a multi-thread CacheDataset
and LMDBDataset
to accelerate these transformation steps during training by storing the intermediate outcomes before the first randomized transform in the transform chain. Enabling this feature could potentially give 10x training speedups in the Datasets experiment.
The PersistentDataset
is similar to the CacheDataset, where the intermediate cache values are persisted to disk storage or LMDB for rapid retrieval between experimental runs (as is the case when tuning hyperparameters), or when the entire data set size exceeds available memory. The PersistentDataset
could achieve similar performance when comparing to CacheDataset
in Datasets experiment.
During training with large volume dataset, an efficient approach is to only train with a subset of the dataset in an epoch and dynamically replace part of the subset in every epoch. It's the SmartCache
mechanism in NVIDIA Clara-train SDK.
MONAI provides a PyTorch version SmartCache
as SmartCacheDataset
. In each epoch, only the items in the cache are used for training, at the same time, another thread is preparing replacement items by applying the transform sequence to items not in the cache. Once one epoch is completed, SmartCache
replaces the same number of items with replacement items.
For example, if we have 5 images: [image1, image2, image3, image4, image5]
, and cache_num=4
, replace_rate=0.25
. So the actual training images cached and replaced for every epoch are as below:
epoch 1: [image1, image2, image3, image4]
epoch 2: [image2, image3, image4, image5]
epoch 3: [image3, image4, image5, image1]
epoch 3: [image4, image5, image1, image2]
epoch N: [image[N % 5] ...]
Full example of SmartCacheDataset
is available at Distributed training with SmartCache.
MONAI provides ZipDataset
to associate multiple PyTorch datasets and combine the output data (with the same corresponding batch index) into a tuple, which can be helpful to execute complex training processes based on various data sources.
For example:
class DatasetA(Dataset):
def __getitem__(self, index: int):
return image_data[index]
class DatasetB(Dataset):
def __getitem__(self, index: int):
return extra_data[index]
dataset = ZipDataset([DatasetA(), DatasetB()], transform)
provides a flexible API to combine both image- and patch-level preprocessing:
image_dataset = Dataset(input_images, transforms=image_transforms)
patch_dataset = PatchDataset(
dataset=image_dataset, patch_func=sampler,
samples_per_image=n_samples, transform=patch_transforms)
It supports user-specified image_transforms
and patch_transforms
with customisable patch sampling strategies,
which decouples the two-level computations in a multiprocess context.
To quickly get started with popular training data in the medical domain, MONAI provides several data-specific Datasets(like: MedNISTDataset
, DecathlonDataset
, etc.), which include downloading from our AWS storage, extracting data files and support generation of training/evaluation items with transforms. And they are flexible in that users can easily modify the JSON config file to change the default behaviors.
MONAI always welcome new contributions of public datasets, please refer to existing Datasets and leverage the download and extracting APIs, etc. Public datasets tutorial indicates how to quickly set up training workflows with MedNISTDataset
and DecathlonDataset
and how to create a new Dataset
for public data.
The common workflow of predefined datasets:
The partition_dataset
utility in MONAI can perform different types of partitioning for training and validation or cross-validation. It supports shuffling based on a specified random seed, and will return a set of datasets, each dataset contains one partition. And it can split the dataset based on specified ratios or evenly split into num_partitions
. For given class labels, it can also make sure the same ratio of classes in every partition.
CSV tables are often used in additional to image data to incorporate adjunct information, such as patient demographics, lab results, image acquisition parameters and other non-image data, MONAI provides CSVDataset
to load CSV files and CSVIterableDataset
to load large CSV files with scalable data access.
In addition to the regular preprocessing transform while loading, it also supports multiple CSV files loading, joining tables, rows and columns selection and grouping. CSVDatasets tutorial shows detailed usage examples.
If the transforms are light-weighted, especially when we cache all the data in RAM, the multiprocessing of PyTorch DataLoader
may cause unnecessary IPC time and cause the drop of GPU utilization after every epoch. MONAI provides ThreadDataLoader
which executes the transforms in a separate thread:
a ThreadDataLoader
example is available at Spleen fast training tutorial.
There are domain-specific loss functions in the medical imaging research which are not typically used in generic computer vision tasks. As an important module of MONAI, these loss functions are implemented in PyTorch, such as DiceLoss
, GeneralizedDiceLoss
, MaskedDiceLoss
, TverskyLoss
, FocalLoss
, DiceCELoss
, and DiceFocalLoss
, etc.
MONAI provides several advanced features in optimizers to help accelerate the training or fine-tuning progress. For example, Novograd
optimizer can be used to converge faster than the traditional optimizers. And users can easily define different learning rates for the model layers based on the generate_param_groups
utility API.
Another important feature is LearningRateFinder
. The learning rate range test increases the learning rate in a pre-training run between two boundaries in a linear or exponential manner. It provides valuable information on how well the network can be trained over a range of learning rates and what the optimal learning rates are. LearningRateFinder tutorial indicates the API usage examples.
Some deep neural network architectures have shown to be particularly effective for medical imaging analysis tasks. MONAI implements reference networks with the aims of both flexibility and code readability.
To leverage the common network layers and blocks, MONAI provides several predefined layers and blocks which are compatible with 1D, 2D and 3D networks. Users can easily integrate the layer factories in their customised networks.
For example:
# import MONAI’s layer factory
from monai.networks.layers import Conv
# adds a transposed convolution layer to the network
# which is compatible with different spatial dimensions.
name, dimension = Conv.CONVTRANS, 3
conv_type = Conv[name, dimension]
add_module('conv1', conv_type(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, bias=False))
And there are several 1D/2D/3D-compatible implementations of intermediate blocks and generic networks, such as UNet, DynUNet, DenseNet, GAN, AHNet, VNet, SENet(and SEResNet, SEResNeXt), SegResNet, EfficientNet, Attention-based transformer networks. All the networks can support PyTorch serialization pipeline based on torch.jit.script
Instead of training from scratch, we often leverage the existing models, and finetune the final layers of a network for new learning tasks. MONAI provides a NetAdapter
to easily replace the last layer of a model by a convolutional layer or a fully-connected layer. A typical usage example is to adapt Torchvision models trained with ImageNet for other learning tasks.
To run model inferences and evaluate the model quality, MONAI provides reference implementations for the relevant widely-used approaches. Currently, several popular evaluation metrics and inference patterns are included:
For model inferences on large volumes, the sliding window approach is a popular choice to achieve high performance while having flexible memory requirements (alternatively, please check out the latest research on model parallel training using MONAI). It also supports overlap
and blending_mode
configurations to handle the overlapped windows for better performances.
A typical process is:
- Select continuous windows on the original image.
- Iteratively run batched window inferences until all windows are analyzed.
- Aggregate the inference outputs to a single segmentation map.
- Save the results to file or compute some evaluation metrics.
The Spleen 3D segmentation tutorial leverages SlidingWindow
inference for validation.
Various useful evaluation metrics have been used to measure the quality of medical image specific models. MONAI already implemented many medical domain-specific metrics, such as: Mean Dice
, Confusion Matrices
, Hausdorff Distance
, Surface Distance
, Occlusion Sensitivity
For example, Mean Dice
score can be used for segmentation tasks, and the area under the ROC curve(ROCAUC
) for classification tasks. We continue to integrate more options.
- MONAI provides flexible base APIs for metrics The base classes of MONAI metrics implement the basic computation logic for both iteration and epoch-based metrics. They are a good starting point for customized metrics.
- All the metrics support data parallel computation
With a
base class, intermediate metric outcomes can be automatically buffered, cumulated, synced across distributed processes, and aggregated for the final results. Multi-processing computation example shows how to compute metrics based on saved predictions and labels in multi-processing environment. - All the metrics modules can handle
Tensors and list ofchannel-first
During evaluation, users usually save the metrics of every input image, then analyze the bad cases to improve the deep learning pipeline. To save detailed information of metrics, MONAI provided a handler MetricsSaver
, which can save the final metric values, raw metric of every model output channel of every input image, metrics summary report of operations: mean
, median
, max
, min
, <int>percentile
, std
, etc. The MeanDice
reports of validation with prostate dataset are as below:
Beyond the simple point and curve plotting, MONAI provides intuitive interfaces to visualize multidimensional data as GIF animations in TensorBoard. This could provide a quick qualitative assessment of the model by visualizing, for example, the volumetric inputs, segmentation maps, and intermediate feature maps. A runnable example with visualization is available at UNet training example.
And to visualize the class activation mapping for a trained classification model, MONAI provides CAM, GradCAM, GradCAM++ APIs for both 2D and 3D models:
The above example is generated by computing GradCAM/GradCAM++ from a lung CT lesion classification model.
Currently, MONAI supports writing the model outputs as NIfTI files or PNG files for segmentation tasks, and as CSV files for classification tasks. And the writers can restore the data spacing, orientation or shape according to the original_shape
or original_affine
information from the input image.
A rich set of formats will be supported soon, along with relevant statistics and evaluation metrics automatically computed from the outputs.
To quickly set up training and evaluation experiments, MONAI provides a set of workflows to significantly simplify the modules and allow for fast prototyping.
These features decouple the domain-specific components and the generic machine learning processes. They also provide a set of unify APIs for higher level applications (such as AutoML, Federated Learning).
The trainers and evaluators of the workflows are compatible with pytorch-ignite Engine
and Event-Handler
mechanism. There are rich event handlers in MONAI to independently attach to the trainer or evaluator, and users can register additional custom events
to workflows.
The workflow and some of MONAI event handlers are shown as below:
The end-to-end training and evaluation examples are available at Workflow examples.
Models ensemble is a popular strategy in machine learning and deep learning areas to achieve more accurate and more stable outputs. A typical practice is:
- Split all the training dataset into K folds.
- Train K models with every K-1 folds data.
- Execute inference on the test data with all the K models.
- Compute the average values with weights or vote the most common value as the final result.
More details of practice is at Model ensemble tutorial.
is a common and efficient training approach, especially in the medical-specific domain where obtaining large datasets for training can be difficult. So transfer learning from a pre-trained checkpoint can significantly improve the model metrics and shorten training time.
MONAI provided CheckpointLoader
to load a checkpoint for the workflow before training, and it allows some layer names
of the current network don't match the checkpoint, or some layer shapes
don't match the checkpoint, which can be useful if the current task has different input image classes or output classes.
The MMAR (Medical Model ARchive) defines a data structure for organizing all artifacts produced during the model development life cycle. NVIDIA Clara provides rich existing MMARs of medical domain-specific models. And these MMARs include all the information about the model including configurations and scripts to provide a work space to perform all model development tasks. To better leverage the pretrained MMARs released on Nvidia GPU cloud, MONAI provides pythonic APIs to access the MMARs.
The following figure compares the loss curves and validation scores for (1) training from scratch (the green line), (2) applying a pretrained model without training (the magenta line), (3) training from the pretrained model (the blue line), according to the number of training epochs (the tutorial is available at transfer_mmar):
decollate batch
is introduced in MONAI v0.6, which simplifies the post processing transforms and provides flexible following operations on a batch of data with various data shapes. It can decollate batched data (e.g. model predictions) into a list of tensors, for the benefits such as:
- enabling postprocessing transforms for each item independently -- randomised transforms could be applied differently for each predicted item in a batch.
- simplifying the transform APIs and reducing the input validation burdens because both the preprocessing and postprocessing transforms now only need to support the "channel-first" input format.
- enabling the
transform for the predictions and the inverted data with different shapes, as the data items are in a list, not stacked in a single tensor. - allowing for both batch-first tensor and list of channel-first tensors in a flexible metric computation.
A typical process of decollate batch
is illustrated as follows (with a batch_size=N
model predictions and labels as an example):
decollate batch tutorial shows a detailed usage example based on a PyTorch native workflow.
Except for the pytorch-ignite based monai.engines
, most of the MONAI modules could be used independently or combined with other software packages. For example, MONAI can be easily integrated into popular frameworks such as PyTorch-Lightning and Catalyst: Lightning segmentation and Lightning + TorchIO tutorials show the PyTorch Lightning programs with MONAI modules, and Catalyst segmentation shows the Catalyst program with MONAI modules.
There are several research prototypes in MONAI corresponding to the recently published papers that address advanced research problems. We always welcome contributions in forms of comments, suggestions, and code implementations.
The generic patterns/modules identified from the research prototypes will be integrated into MONAI core functionality.
A reimplementation of the COPLE-Net originally proposed by:
G. Wang, X. Liu, C. Li, Z. Xu, J. Ruan, H. Zhu, T. Meng, K. Li, N. Huang, S. Zhang. (2020) "A Noise-robust Framework for Automatic Segmentation of COVID-19 Pneumonia Lesions from CT Images." IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2020.3000314
A reimplementation of the LAMP system originally proposed by:
Wentao Zhu, Can Zhao, Wenqi Li, Holger Roth, Ziyue Xu, and Daguang Xu (2020) "LAMP: Large Deep Nets with Automated Model Parallelism for Image Segmentation." MICCAI 2020 (Early Accept, paper link:
Typically, model training is a time-consuming step during deep learning development, especially in medical imaging applications. Volumetric medical images are usually large (as multi-dimensional arrays) and the model training process can be complex. Even with powerful hardware (e.g. CPU/GPU with large RAM), it is not easy to fully leverage them to achieve high performance. MONAI provides a fast training guide to achieve the best performance:
NVIDIA GPUs have been widely applied in many areas of deep learning training and evaluation, and the CUDA parallel computation shows obvious acceleration when comparing to traditional computation methods. To fully leverage GPU features, many popular mechanisms raised, like automatic mixed precision (AMP), distributed data parallel, etc. MONAI can support these features and provides rich examples.
First of all, MONAI provides several methods based on DLProf
, Nsight
and NVML
for users to analyze their programs to identify the performance bottleneck. The analyses include operation-based GPU activity and overall GPU activity during model training. They will greatly help users manage computing bottlenecks and provide insights for the area to be improved for better computing efficiency. The detailed example is shown in the performance profiling tutorial.
In 2017, NVIDIA researchers developed a methodology for mixed-precision training, which combined single-precision (FP32) with half-precision (e.g. FP16) format when training a network, and it achieved the same accuracy as FP32 training using the same hyperparameters.
For the PyTorch 1.6 release, developers at NVIDIA and Facebook moved mixed precision functionality into PyTorch core as the AMP package, torch.cuda.amp
MONAI workflows can easily set amp=True/False
in SupervisedTrainer
or SupervisedEvaluator
during training or evaluation to enable/disable AMP. And we tried to compare the training speed if AMP ON/OFF on NVIDIA V100 GPU with CUDA 11 and PyTorch 1.6, obtained some benchmark results:
We also executed the same test program on NVIDIA A100 GPU with the same software environment, obtained faster results:
More details is available at AMP training tutorial.
We also tried to combine AMP
with CacheDataset
, GPU cache
, GPU transforms
, ThreadDataLoader
, DiceCE
loss function and Novograd
optimizer to achieve the fast training in MONAI, able to obtain approximately 200x
speedup compared with a Pytorch native implementation when the training converges at a validation mean dice of 0.95
. Benchmark for reference:
More details is available at Fast training tutorial.
Distributed data parallel is an important feature of PyTorch to connect multiple GPU devices on single or multiple nodes to train or evaluate models. The distributed data parallel APIs of MONAI are compatible with native PyTorch distributed module, pytorch-ignite distributed module, Horovod, XLA, and the SLURM platform. MONAI provides demos for reference: train/evaluate with PyTorch DDP, train/evaluate with Horovod, train/evaluate with Ignite DDP, partition dataset and train with SmartCacheDataset, as well as a real world training example based on Decathlon challenge Task01 - Brain Tumor segmentation. The tutorial contains distributed caching, training, and validation. We obtained performance benchmarks for reference (based on PyTorch 1.9.1, CUDA 11.4, NVIDIA V100 GPUs. The optimization
means that with more GPU resources, we can split the data and cache into GPU memory and execute GPU transforms directly):
To further accelerate the domain-specific routines in the workflows, MONAI C++/CUDA implementation are introduced as extensions of the PyTorch native implementations. MONAI provides the modules using the two ways of building C++ extensions from PyTorch:
- via
, for modules includingResampler
,Conditional random field (CRF)
,Fast bilateral filtering using the permutohedral lattice
. - via just-in-time (JIT) compilation, for the
Gaussian mixtures
module. This approach allows for dynamic optimisation according to the user-specified parameters and local system environments. The following figure shows results of MONAI's Gaussian mixture models applied to tissue and surgical tools segmentation:
Even with CacheDataset
, we usually need to copy the same data to GPU memory for GPU random transforms or network computation in every epoch. An efficient approach is to cache the data to GPU memory directly, then every epoch can start from GPU computation immediately.
For example:
train_transforms = [
EnsureTyped(..., data_type="tensor"),
ToDeviced(..., device="cuda:0"),
dataset = CacheDataset(..., transform=train_trans)
Here we convert to PyTorch Tensor
with EnsureTyped
transform and move data to GPU with ToDeviced
transform. CacheDataset
caches the transform results until ToDeviced
, so it is in GPU memory. Then in every epoch, the program fetches cached data from GPU memory and only executes the random transform RandCropByPosNegLabeld
on GPU directly.
GPU caching example is available at Spleen fast training tutorial.
The research area of medical image deep learning is expanding fast. To apply the latest achievements into applications, MONAI contains many application components to build end-to-end solutions or prototypes for other similar use cases.
A reimplementation of the DeepGrow components, which is deep learning based semi-automated segmentation approach that aims to be a "smart" interactive tool for region of interest delineation in medical images, originally proposed by:
Sakinis, Tomas, et al. "Interactive segmentation of medical images through fully convolutional neural networks." arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.08205 (2019).
Implementation of the pathology detection components, which includes efficient whole slide imaging IO and sampling with NVIDIA cuCIM library and SmartCache mechanism, FROC measurements for lesion and probabilistic post-processing for lesion detection.
Starting from v0.5.0, MONAI provides experimental features for building learning-based 2D/3D registration workflows. These include image similarity measures as loss functions, bending energy as model regularization, network architectures, warping modules. The components can be used to build the major unsupervised and weakly-supervised algorithms.
The following figure shows the registration of CT images acquired at different time points for a single patient using MONAI:
A reimplementation of the 4th place solution of RANZCR CLiP - Catheter and Line Position Challenge in Kaggle:
The original solution is produced by Team Watercooled, and the authors are Dieter ( and Psi (