Each component should be represented by the self-explanatory folder (e.g. image/
and at least two files (image/component.cljs
and image/wrapper.cljs
Then the component must be added to 'components' variable in webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.index
A component file must contain three obligatory public variables: default-props
, component-type
and create
Component's properties must be defined in default-props
(def default-props {:x {}
:y {}})
All props that should be received from activity template must present as keys of default-props
Values can be an empty object or can contain some specific fields:
- describes default value if a prop was not defined;(def default-props {:scale {:default {:x 1 :y 1}}})
- allows you to rename a prop. For example, if in activity template prop is defined as:start
but you want to have this prop named as ':animation-start?' you can describe prop as the next:(def default-props {:animation-start? {:alias :start}})
These fields also can be combined:
(def default-props {:skin-name {:alias :skin
:default "default"}})
Other properties would not be received even if they are defined in the template
except properties defined in skip-check-props
of webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.props-utils
namespace (e.g. :object-name
, :parent
, :type
, etc..).
During rendering scene renderer decides which component should be rendered by component type.
Component type must be defined in component-type
variable. Type must be unique among other components.
(def component-type "rectangle")
Component's main function create
. Must be public.
It receives properties that was defined in default-props
variable and must return wrapper of ready component.
(defn create
"Example function for rounded rectangle creation"
[{:keys [parent type object-name x y width height border-radius fill]}] ;; Required in `default-props` component properties
;; Generally graphic component consists of
;; sprite - colored area,
;; mask - per-pixel visibility map,
;; container - auxiliary component for setting position, rotation, scale..
(let [mask (doto (Graphics.) ;; Create mask as rounded corner rectangle filled with black color
(.beginFill 0x000000)
(.drawRoundedRect 0 0 width height border-radius)
(.endFill 0x000000))
sprite (doto (Sprite. WHITE) ;; Colored sprite is created as white sprite with needed color tint
(aset "tint" fill)
(aset "width" width)
(aset "height" height))
container (doto (Container.) ;; Overall container
(utils/set-position {:x x :y y}))]
(aset sprite "mask" mask) ;; Set mask to sprite
(.addChild container sprite) ;; Put mask and sprite to container
(.addChild container mask) ;; so they can be transitioned simultaneously
(.addChild parent container) ;; Add out brand-new container to parent component
(wrap type object-name container) ;; Function must return created component wrapper
Wrapper is an object that contains fields and methods to interact with a component from actions.
A base wrapper is created by calling the create-wrapper
function (webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.wrapper
namespace) with an object as a parameter.
This object must contain the following fields:
- component identifier in the scene. Usually should be passed:object-name
from component's props;:type
- component type. Should be passed:type
from component props which should be equivalent to:component-type
- the top-level DisplayObject of component (for example, a container, if a rectangle or picture is contained in a container).
In general, the wrapper declaration will look like this:
(defn wrap
[type name object]
(create-wrapper {:name name
:type type
:object object}))
This declaration makes default methods available for interaction with the component: :set-position
, :set-scale
, :set-rotation
, :set-visibility
, :add-filter
and others.
The full list and technical details can be found in the function add-default-methods
of webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.wrapper
If you want to add your own method (e.g. for your custom action),
you can define it in the same object that is passed parameters to create-wrapper
The next is an example of adding a changing picture source method of the image component:
(defn wrap
[type name container sprite-object]
(create-wrapper {:name name
:type type
:object container
:set-src (fn [src]
(let [resource (resources/get-resource src)]
(when (nil? resource)
(throw (js/Error. (str "Resources for '" src "' were not loaded"))))
(aset sprite-object "texture" (.-texture resource))))}))
When the new component is ready, it must be added to the components
variable so the renderer could use it.
Variable could be found in webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.index
namespace in src/cljs/webchange/interpreter/renderer/scene/components/index.cljs
(ns webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.index
;; --- other components ---
[webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.rectangle.component :as rectangle]
;; --- other components ---
(def components (apply hash-map [;; --- other components ---
rectangle/component-type {:constructor rectangle/create
:default-props rectangle/default-props}
;; --- other components ---