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Create Component

Each component should be represented by the self-explanatory folder (e.g. image/) and at least two files (image/component.cljs and image/wrapper.cljs).

Then the component must be added to 'components' variable in webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.index namespace.


A component file must contain three obligatory public variables: default-props, component-type and create.


Component's properties must be defined in default-props variable.

(def default-props {:x {}
                    :y {}})

All props that should be received from activity template must present as keys of default-props map. Values can be an empty object or can contain some specific fields:

  • :default - describes default value if a prop was not defined;

    (def default-props {:scale {:default {:x 1 :y 1}}})
  • :alias - allows you to rename a prop. For example, if in activity template prop is defined as :start but you want to have this prop named as ':animation-start?' you can describe prop as the next:

    (def default-props {:animation-start? {:alias :start}})

These fields also can be combined:

(def default-props {:skin-name {:alias   :skin 
                                :default "default"}})

Other properties would not be received even if they are defined in the template except properties defined in skip-check-props variable of webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.props-utils namespace (e.g. :object-name, :parent, :type, etc..).


During rendering scene renderer decides which component should be rendered by component type. Component type must be defined in component-type variable. Type must be unique among other components.


(def component-type "rectangle")

Create function

Component's main function create. Must be public. It receives properties that was defined in default-props variable and must return wrapper of ready component.


(defn create
  "Example function for rounded rectangle creation"
  [{:keys [parent type object-name x y width height border-radius fill]}] ;; Required in `default-props` component properties
  ;; Generally graphic component consists of
  ;; sprite - colored area,
  ;; mask - per-pixel visibility map,
  ;; container - auxiliary component for setting position, rotation, scale..
  (let [mask (doto (Graphics.)                              ;; Create mask as rounded corner rectangle filled with black color
               (.beginFill 0x000000)
               (.drawRoundedRect 0 0 width height border-radius)
               (.endFill 0x000000))
        sprite (doto (Sprite. WHITE)                        ;; Colored sprite is created as white sprite with needed color tint
                 (aset "tint" fill)
                 (aset "width" width)
                 (aset "height" height))
        container (doto (Container.)                        ;; Overall container
                    (utils/set-position {:x x :y y}))]

    (aset sprite "mask" mask)                               ;; Set mask to sprite

    (.addChild container sprite)                            ;; Put mask and sprite to container 
    (.addChild container mask)                              ;; so they can be transitioned simultaneously

    (.addChild parent container)                            ;; Add out brand-new container to parent component

    (wrap type object-name container)                       ;; Function must return created component wrapper


Wrapper is an object that contains fields and methods to interact with a component from actions.

A base wrapper is created by calling the create-wrapper function (webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.wrapper namespace) with an object as a parameter. This object must contain the following fields:

  • :name - component identifier in the scene. Usually should be passed :object-name from component's props;
  • :type - component type. Should be passed :type from component props which should be equivalent to :component-type;
  • :object - the top-level DisplayObject of component (for example, a container, if a rectangle or picture is contained in a container).

In general, the wrapper declaration will look like this:

(defn wrap
  [type name object]
  (create-wrapper {:name name
                   :type type
                   :object object}))

This declaration makes default methods available for interaction with the component: :set-position, :set-scale, :set-rotation, :set-visibility, :add-filter and others. The full list and technical details can be found in the function add-default-methods of webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.wrapper namespace.

Custom methods

If you want to add your own method (e.g. for your custom action), you can define it in the same object that is passed parameters to create-wrapper.

The next is an example of adding a changing picture source method of the image component:

(defn wrap
  [type name container sprite-object]
  (create-wrapper {:name    name
                   :type    type
                   :object  container
                   :set-src (fn [src]
                              (let [resource (resources/get-resource src)]
                                (when (nil? resource)
                                  (throw (js/Error. (str "Resources for '" src "' were not loaded"))))
                                (aset sprite-object "texture" (.-texture resource))))}))

Register Component

When the new component is ready, it must be added to the components variable so the renderer could use it.

Variable could be found in webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.index namespace in src/cljs/webchange/interpreter/renderer/scene/components/index.cljs folder.

(ns webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.index
    ;; --- other components ---
    [webchange.interpreter.renderer.scene.components.rectangle.component :as rectangle]
    ;; --- other components ---

(def components (apply hash-map [;; --- other components ---
                                 rectangle/component-type {:constructor   rectangle/create
                                                           :default-props rectangle/default-props}
                                 ;; --- other components ---

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