Before proceeding to this stage, you should make sure that you activate the O2 environment with alienv, then install the argcomplete package with pip install argcomplete
and pip3 install argcomplete
in O2, and then source the autocomplete bash script with source
You can Complete this with a TAB key after each word and character you type in command line. Keep this thing in your mind.
If you have successfully installed this package and successfully sourced the script, follow these steps.
Step 1: Type python3 (If your symbolic link is python for python3, type python)
Step 2: Type the name of your script (e.g
Step 3: At this stage, since the JSON configuration files are in the Configs folder, enter the name of your JSON config file by completing it with TAB or listing the available options
for ex. if you type:
python3 configs
you will get this displayed options in your terminal:
configs/configAnalysisData.json configs/configFlowDataRun3.json configs/configtestFilterPPDataRun3.json configs/readerConfiguration_reducedEventMC.json
configs/configAnalysisMC.json configs/configTableMakerDataRun2.json configs/configtestFlowDataRun3.json configs/writerConfiguration_dileptonMC.json
configs/configFilterPPDataRun2.json configs/configTableMakerDataRun3.json configs/configtestTableMakerDataRun3.json configs/writerConfiguration_dileptons.json
configs/configFilterPPDataRun3.json configs/configTableMakerMCRun2.json configs/readerConfiguration_dilepton.json
configs/configFlowDataRun2.json configs/configTableMakerMCRun3.json configs/readerConfiguration_reducedEvent.json
then you can complete your JSON config file (for example assuming you export configTableMakerMCRun3.json to configure tablemaker for mc run 3
python3 configs/configTableMakerDataRun3.json
P.S You can Complete this with a TAB key after each word and character you type in command line.
Step 4: Now when you type -- and press TAB key all parameter options in interface will be listed
python3 configs/configTableMakerDataRun3.json --
if you type like this and press TAB you will see all the parameters in the interface in your terminal like this:
--add_fdd_conv --internal-dpl-aod-reader:aod-file --tof-pid:param-sigma
--add_mc_conv --internal-dpl-aod-reader:end-value-enumeration --tof-pid:pid-al
--add_track_prop --internal-dpl-aod-reader:orbit-multiplier-enumeration --tof-pid:pid-de
--add_weakdecay_ind --internal-dpl-aod-reader:orbit-offset-enumeration --tof-pid:pid-el
--analysis-qvector:ccdb-no-later-than --internal-dpl-aod-reader:start-value-enumeration --tof-pid:pid-he
--analysis-qvector:ccdb-path --internal-dpl-aod-reader:step-value-enumeration --tof-pid:pid-ka
--analysis-qvector:ccdb-url --internal-dpl-aod-reader:time-limit --tof-pid:pid-mu
--analysis-qvector:cfgAcceptance --logFile --tof-pid:pid-pi
--analysis-qvector:cfgBarrelTrackCuts --multiplicity-table:doVertexZeq --tof-pid:pid-pr
--analysis-qvector:cfgCutEta --multiplicity-table:processRun2 --tof-pid:pid-tr
--analysis-qvector:cfgCutPtMax --multiplicity-table:processRun3 --tof-pid:processWoSlice
--analysis-qvector:cfgCutPtMin --overrider --tof-pid:processWSlice
--analysis-qvector:cfgEfficiency --table-maker:ccdb-path-tpc --tpc-pid-full:autofetchNetworks
--analysis-qvector:cfgEtaLimit --table-maker:ccdb-url --tpc-pid-full:ccdbPath
--analysis-qvector:cfgEventCuts --table-maker:cfgAddEventHistogram --tpc-pid-full:ccdb-timestamp
Step 5: After entering one of these parameters (e.g --table-maker:cfgBarrelTrackCuts for leave a space and press tab again. As a result you will see each value this parameter can take.
python3 configs/configTableMakerMCRun3.json --table-maker:cfgBarrelTrackCuts
If you leave a space after cfgBarrelTrackCuts and press TAB:
electronPID1 eventStandard jpsiPIDshift matchedGlobal PIDCalib
electronPID1randomized eventStandardNoINT7 jpsiPIDworseRes mchTrack pidcalib_ele
electronPID1shiftDown highPtHadron jpsiStandardKine muonHighPt PIDStandardKine
electronPID1shiftUp int7vtxZ5 kaonPID muonLowPt singleDCA
electronPID2 jpsiBenchmarkCuts kaonPIDnsigma muonQualityCuts standardPrimaryTrack
electronPID2randomized jpsiKineAndQuality lmee_GlobalTrack muonTightQualityCutsForTests TightGlobalTrack
electronPIDnsigma jpsiO2MCdebugCuts lmee_GlobalTrackRun3 NoPID TightGlobalTrackRun3
electronPIDnsigmaLoose jpsiO2MCdebugCuts2 lmee_GlobalTrackRun3_lowPt pairDCA TightTPCTrackRun3
electronPIDnsigmaOpen jpsiO2MCdebugCuts3 lmee_GlobalTrackRun3_TPC_ePID_lowPt pairJpsi tof_electron
electronPIDnsigmaRandomized jpsiPID1 lmeeLowBKine pairJpsiLowPt1 tof_electron_loose
electronPIDshift jpsiPID1Randomized lmeePID_TOFrec pairJpsiLowPt2 tpc_electron
electronPIDworseRes jpsiPID1shiftDown lmeePID_TPChadrej pairMassLow tpc_kaon_rejection
electronStandardQuality jpsiPID1shiftUp lmeePID_TPChadrejTOFrec pairNoCut tpc_pion_band_rejection
electronStandardQualityBenchmark jpsiPID2 lmeePID_TPChadrejTOFrecRun3 pairPsi2S tpc_pion_rejection
electronStandardQualityForO2MCdebug jpsiPID2Randomized lmeeStandardKine pairPtLow1 tpc_pion_rejection_highp
eventDimuonStandard jpsiPIDnsigma lmee_TPCTrackRun3_lowPt pairPtLow2 tpc_proton_rejection
eventMuonStandard jpsiPIDnsigmaRandomized matchedFwd pairUpsilon
Step 6: After configuring the argument - parameter pair, type space and -- again to see other parameters again and see other parameters and use autocomplete with TAB as you type
python3 configs/configTableMakerMCRun3.json --table-maker:cfgBarrelTrackCuts jpsiPID1 jpsiPID2 --
--add_fdd_conv --internal-dpl-aod-reader:aod-file --tof-pid:param-sigma
--add_mc_conv --internal-dpl-aod-reader:end-value-enumeration --tof-pid:pid-al
--add_track_prop --internal-dpl-aod-reader:orbit-multiplier-enumeration --tof-pid:pid-de
--add_weakdecay_ind --internal-dpl-aod-reader:orbit-offset-enumeration --tof-pid:pid-el
--analysis-qvector:ccdb-no-later-than --internal-dpl-aod-reader:start-value-enumeration --tof-pid:pid-he
--analysis-qvector:ccdb-path --internal-dpl-aod-reader:step-value-enumeration --tof-pid:pid-ka
--analysis-qvector:ccdb-url --internal-dpl-aod-reader:time-limit --tof-pid:pid-mu
--analysis-qvector:cfgAcceptance --logFile --tof-pid:pid-pi
--analysis-qvector:cfgBarrelTrackCuts --multiplicity-table:doVertexZeq --tof-pid:pid-pr
--analysis-qvector:cfgCutEta --multiplicity-table:processRun2 --tof-pid:pid-tr
--analysis-qvector:cfgCutPtMax --multiplicity-table:processRun3 --tof-pid:processWoSlice
--analysis-qvector:cfgCutPtMin --overrider --tof-pid:processWSlice
--analysis-qvector:cfgEfficiency --table-maker:ccdb-path-tpc --tpc-pid-full:autofetchNetworks
--analysis-qvector:cfgEtaLimit --table-maker:ccdb-url --tpc-pid-full:ccdbPath
--analysis-qvector:cfgEventCuts --table-maker:cfgAddEventHistogram --tpc-pid-full:ccdb-timestamp
After that you can similarly continue configuring your parameters with autocompletion.
VERY IMPORTANT P.S: Not every argument in the interface has a parameter to configure. Some are configured as metavariable, meaning they are itself a value parameter. To explain this situation in detail, for example, --table-maker:cfgBarrelTrackCuts
argument in tablemaker has to take one of two values as true or false, while e.g --add_track_prop
is a parameter value directly and remains false when it is not added to the command line, they do not take a value. They are configured as True only when you type them on the command line.
python3 configs/configTableMakerDataRun3.json --add_track_prop
python3 configs/configTableMakerDataRun3.json --table-maker:cfgBarrelTrackCuts jpsiPID1 --table-maker:cfgWithQA true
list of some metavar parameters:
In Python scripts, argument autocompletes are defined as built-in-method in the argcomplete package and CLI arguments do not need extra care for the arguments as the json files are created by parsing the json files before the script is executed, with the argcomplete package all arguments will be listed after typing -- and pressing TAB.
The auto-completions for the parameters taken by the arguments are implemented with the sub string search technique according to the naming rules. For example, if a configuration starts with "process", then the parameters it can take are defined as "true" or "false" (for e.g. processBarrelOnly). Again, in the O2-DQ Framework, for each configuration containing the "Cuts" sub string, all the cut string names in the CutsLibrary.h file are recommended and printed on the screen when the TAB key is pressed with autocompletion (for e.g cfgBarrelTrackCuts).
Below you can see all the autocompletions for O2-DQ Framework currently available:
Naming Convention | Autocompletion | Type |
Cuts in configuration name |
All possible analysis cut definitions from CutsLibrary.h | Flexible |
Configuration name endswith signals or Signals |
All possible MC Signal definitions from MCSignalLibrary.h | Flexible |
Histogram in configuration name |
All possible histogram definitions from HistogramLibrary.h | Flexbile |
Configuration name endswith Sels |
All possible event trigger types from CutsLibrary.h | Flexible |
MixingVars in configuration name |
All possible mixing variables from MixingLibrary.h | Flexible |
Configuration name startswith cfg and QA in configuration name |
true or false |
Flexible |
Configuration name equals to cfgIsAmbiguous |
true or false |
Hardcoded |
Configuration name equals to cfgFillCandidateTable |
true or false |
Hardcoded |
Configuration name equals to cfgFlatTables |
true or false |
Hardcoded |
Configuration name equals to cfgTPCpostCalib |
true or false |
Hardcoded |
Configuration name starts with process |
true or false |
Flexible |
If you want to know more autocompletion or for defining new autocompletions, you can visit Developer guide
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