Copyright The Linux Foundation and each contributor to CommunityBridge.
SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
Ideas Roadmap
As an End User, I want to be able to see a unified view of all of the projects to which I have access when I log in
As an End User, who is a CLA team developer, I want to have a unified architecture, so that long term updating and maintenance will be more effiecient
As an End User, I want to be able to upload CLA templates and have them immediately available to me so that I can interact with them as I need to.
As an End User, who is an LF Admin, I want to have an Admin Console for the onboarding of Project Managers, so that it no longer needs to be a manual task
As an End User, who is a CLA Manager, I want to be able to invite additional CLA Managers to the system via email invite, so that the onboarding process is more straightforward
As an End User, I want to be able to apply to be be a CLA manager for a CCLA and be approved, so that I can opt in to becoming a CLA Manager
As an End User, who is a Project Manager, I want to have granular visibility into the status of CLA signatures
As an End User, who is part of an Organization, I want to see my Organization listed in the corporate console
As an End User, who is a contributor, who is already covered under either an ICLA or CCLA, I would like to become covered under additional CLAs, so that I can contribute both as an employee an as an individual
As an End User, who is a Project Manager, I want to approve CLAs before accepting contributions
As an End User, who is a CLA Manager, I want to remove an employee's coverage under my corporate CLA
As an End User, who is a corporate contributor, I want to remove myself from my former employer's corporate CLA, so I may contribute to the project under a different CLA
As an End User, who is a Project Manager, I want important project and CLA information to be tracked in an audit log