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Repository visualization tool (Gource)

Laura Beaufort edited this page Sep 27, 2018 · 3 revisions

Gource tool

  • Gource is a software for version control visualization that utilizes OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) to render 3D vector graphics.
  • Parse git logs to produce visualization
  • "The repository is displayed as a tree where the root of the repository is the centre, directories are branches and files are leaves. Contributors to the source code appear and disappear as they contribute to specific files and directories." Source: Gource github repo

Source code

Installation and running locally

Install using brew: brew install gource

Run locally using command: gource

Can pass multiple configurations parameters, see below.


See all Gource control config documentation here:

Helpful configs

Below are the configs that were run during innovation sprint demo

gource --auto-skip-seconds 1 --seconds-per-day .08 --file-idle-time 0 --highlight-users --user-scale 2 --viewport 1280x1024 --camera-mode overview --key --bloom-multiplier .5 --font-size 40 --font-colour FFFF00 --logo ../seal.svg --title "fec-cms"
  • --auto-skip-seconds 1 Auto advanced to next entry after 1 second of idle time
  • --seconds-per-day .08 Speed of simulation in seconds per day
  • --file-idle-time 0 Time in seconds files remain idle before they are removed or 0 for no limit.
  • --highlight-users Show all user names at all times
  • --user-scale 2 Doubles user scale for better viewing
  • --viewport 1280x1024 Sets 1280x1024 resolution viewport size on run
  • --camera-mode overview Display an overview of the entire repo
  • --key Shows file extensions that are being generated in a left-hand key
  • --bloom-multiplier .5 Intensifies bloom effect based on multiplier
  • --font-size 40 Specify font size for the title and time
  • --font-colour FFFF00 Makes the title and time a yellow color
  • --logo ../seal.svg Displays logo based on file location
  • --title "fec-cms" Sets title to fec-cms