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What is this?

The Evaluate instance is used primarily to test a specific Feature, for a particular User, evaluates to a specific variantKey (usually 'on' or 'off').

Its main usage expects a boolean returned, an example being:

if ( featureflow.evaluate(featureKey, user).is(variant) ){
  ...Do some feature specific code for the targeted variant here...

It calculates this value by finding the correct variant for the feature specified by the featureKey and User provided (optional).


new Evaluate(feature, [user])

The Evaluate class can only be instantiated by the FeatureflowClient calling featureflow.evaluate(key, [user]).

See Feature to see the structure of a feature.

During construction, this.evaluatedVariant should be set to the result of _calculateVariant(feature, defaultFeatureVariant, user)

_calculateVariant(feature, user)

  • Returns: a string containing the evaluated Variant
  • Arguments:
    • feature the feature to calculate
    • defaultFeatureVariant the failover variant specified in the FeatureRegistration for the Feature key
    • user from user -> should have default properties added to it. See User for more details

Example implementation is as follows:

# arguments: [feature, defaultFeatureVariant, user]

if (feature is defined) then
  if (feature.enabled is false) then
      return feature.offVariantKey
  foreach (rule in feature.rules) do
      # there is always a default rule so a value will always be returned
      if (EvaluateHelpers.ruleHasMatched(rule, user) == true) then
          hash = EvaluateHelpers.calculateHash(feature.variationSalt, feature.key, user.key)
          variantValue = Helpers.getVariantValue(hash)
          return EvaluateHelpers.getVariantSplitKey(rule.variantSplits, variantValue) 
    if (defaultFeatureVariant is defined) then
        return defaultFeatureVariant
        return 'off'



  • Returns: a boolean if the featureKey matches the variant provided
  • Arguments:
    • variant* The value of the variant you are testing (e.g. 'on' or 'off')

Example implementation:

# arguments: [variant]
# from new Evaluate(...): [this.featureKey, this.user]

evaluated = this.value() # see .value() below
sendEvaluateEvent(this.featureKey, variant, evaluated, this.user) # Send an event to with the expected and evaluated feature for the user
return value == evaluated

You might also consider implementing some helper functions for the default Variant cases:

featureflow.evaluate(...).isOn()   # equivalent to featureflow.evaluate(...).is('on')
featureflow.evaluate(...).isOff()  # equivalent to featureflow.evaluate(...).is('off')


  • Returns: a string containing the evaluated Variant from this.evaluatedVaraint

See Operators to see the different operators that need to be implemented