A very simple java hello world archetype for the featureflow interactive getting started tutiorial
To create an app with this archetype, run the following 'almost-as-long-as-the-codebase' command:
mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.mycompany.app -DartifactId=my-app -DarchetypeGroupId=io.featureflow -DarchetypeArtifactId=featureflow-tutorial -DarchetypeVersion=1.0.0 -DinteractiveMode=false
- Featureflow is an application feature management tool that allows you to safely and effectively release, manage and evaluate your applications features across multiple applications, platforms and languages.
- Dark / Silent Release with features turned off
- Gradual rollout to a percent of users
- Virtual Rollout and Rollback of features
- Environment and Component feature itinerary
- Target features to specific audiences
- A/B and Multivariant test new feature variants - migrate to the winner All without devops, engineering or downtime.
- We have SDKs in the following languages
- [Javascript] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-javascript-sdk)
- [Java] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-java-sdk)
- [NodeJS] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-node-sdk)
- [ReactJS] (https://github.com/featureflow/react-featureflow-client)
- [angular] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-ng)
- [PHP] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-php-sdk)
- [.net] (https://github.com/featureflow/featureflow-dotnet-client)
- Find out more