This tool also allows for outputting a flight plan inferred from your main.mcf
It uses all information supplied via the custom missions conversion, and adds some extra assumptions:
- It will display the time of day as "day", "night", or "twilight" at origin and destination. Check if your aircraft is equipped for night flights. It will also show the sun elevation and the Local Solar Time (LST).
- Clouds are reported in feet AGL.
- Depending if you are flying in North America or not, the flight plan will show the US or ICAO flight rules.
- Frequencies are shown in MHz for VOR / ILS. NDBs are displayed in kHz, and have an extra symbol prefixed.
- Altitude is shown in feet MSL. It takes into account if it is a VFR or IFR flight, and will increase your altitude to the proper flight level.
- The desired track and suggested heading take magnetic declination into account. The heading calculates wind direction and speed, to give you a heading to keep to your track.
- The distance is displayed in Nautical Miles.
- Estimated time en route is calculated given the known cruise speed of your aircraft type, wind direction and speed relative to your desired track and the distance you want to travel. It is displayed in minutes:seconds.
ORIG ESSL DEP 2022-11-23T06:54Z
DSUN ☼ DUSK @ -2° DLST 08:09
DEST ESKN ARR 2022-11-23T07:19Z
ASUN ☀ DAY @ 0° ALST 08:39
WIND 080° @ 10KTS CLD ◕ BKN @ 2,000FT
VIS 15,000M / 10SM FR VFR
TAS 152KTS ALT 2,000FT
01. ESSL 172
02. 11 142 291° 291° 0.6 01:07
03. W-3051 2,000 058° 060° 11.8 04:59
04. W-1425 2,000 101° 099° 19.8 08:21
05. 08 111.30 113 020° 023° 22.9 09:24
06. ESKN 140 079° 079° 0.7 01:20
> TOT 54.8 25:09
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