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A Qslice Tutorial

This is a narrative introduction to using the qslice library on a realistic problem where you have to translate a simple application-defined query language data structure to a Datomic-flavored datalog query.

This is meant as a companion to, but not a replacement for, the API Reference found in the qslice.core namespace docstring and the public function docstrings.

If you are reading this in GitHub, please avail yourself of the automatic table of contents to ease navigation through this tutorial.

A Simple Application-Defined Query Language

Suppose you have a simple application which searches a music database for tracks (songs). (Perhaps you are searching the sample Datomic MusicBrainz database.)

You don't want your users to need to write datalog, so you create an application-specific query language.

At first your query language's capabilities are simple: you can search by fulltext track name or artist; if you include both, the track must match both.

Translating to Datalog

You implement this the typical way one would construct a Datomic query dynamically. You target the Datomic query map form and use cond-> to add :in, :where and :args clauses to the query conditionally when a query term is present. Your clauses have a fixed order you think will have good performance most of the time. You even extract your query operators into rules so that they are nearly one-to-one with your query components.

It looks something like this:

;; user query
{:track "broadway" :artist "genesis"}

;; code to generate datomic query
 {:find '[?t]
  :in   (cond-> '[$ %]
                track (conj '?track-name)
                artist (conj ?artist))
  :where (cond-> '[]
                 track (conj '[(track-name ?t ?track-name)])
                 artist (conj '[(track-artist-name ?t ?artist-name)]))}
 (cond-> [db rules]
         track (conj track)
         artist (conj artist))}

Over time your query language evolves and grows more search parameters. Your cond-> forms are getting long, but it's still manageable. You refactor it to keep :in,:where, and :args terms together:

(let [terms (cond-> []
                    track (conj {:in    ['?track-name]
                                 :where '[(track-name ?t ?track-name)]
                                 :args  [track]})
                    artist (conj {:in    ['?artist-name]
                                  :where '[(artist-name ?t ?artist-name)]
                                  :args  [artist]})
                    ;; many more things ...
   {:find  '[?t]
    :in    (into '[$ %] (mapcat :in) terms)
    :where (into [] (mapcat :where) terms)}
   (into [db rules] (mapcat :args) terms)})

Adding "Every" Matches

One day someone asks for an "every" term, so they can match tracks which have each one of a list of artists. There are ways to express this in datalog with rules, but it's clearer (and usually faster) to expand every input to a separate clause, so you do that:

;; We have two artist name terms, and we want each one to match.
(let [every-artist ["genesis" "phil collins"]
      ;; Make one var per artist value like ?art0, ?art1, etc.
      syms (mapv #(symbol nil (str "?art" %)) (range (count every-artist)))]
  {:in syms
   ;; Then make one where clause per var name...
   :where (mapv %(list 'artist-name '?t %) syms)
   ;; ...and bind every artist value
   :args  every-artist})

Refactoring for Performance

Later you realize that the artist-name rule is repeating work for every "invocation" of a matching track. You do some testing at a repl and find out that in this query it's faster to determine the possible artist entity ids first then filter matching track names by the artist entity ids to avoid a join.

You refactor artist matching to produce two sets of :where clauses sandwiching the track-name matches (and possibly other matches).

(cond-> []
        artist (conj (let [name-syms (mapv #(symbol nil (str
                                                         "?art-name" %))
                                           (range (count every-artist)))
                           id-syms (mapv #(symbol nil (str "?art" %))
                                         (range (count every-artist)))]
                       {:in name-syms
                        :where (mapv %(list 'artist-by-name %1 %2)
                        :args  every-artist}))

        ;; other stuff that finds tracks and binds `?t`

        artist (conj (let [id-syms (mapv #(symbol nil (str "?art" %))
                                         (range (count every-artist)))]
                       {:in []
                        :where (mapv %(list 'track-artist '?t %)
                        :args  []}))
        ;; ...

Then a coworker, in a completely unrelated change having to do with album art search terms, accidentally uses a var named ?art0, and now some queries just silently return no results. They accidentally collided with the dynamically-generated ids in id-syms. You switch to gensyms instead, but you are annoyed that your generated queries are no longer deterministic. It busts the query plan cache and makes the assertions in your query generator tests harder to write.

Then there's another feature request: a composite "or" operator, so people can express queries like

{:or {:track "rocket"
      :artist ["paul" "george"]}}

It's at about this point that you consider using qslice.

Qslice Basics

Qslices is not that different from the technique you were using. Each qslice is essentially a bundle of :in, :where, and :args data that is combined in the right order to form a datalog query. What's different is that it adds extra metadata read by the "combiner" to provide more flexibility and safety in the final query. The query "bundles" are instead made with qslice and combined by compile-query.

Making a Qslice

Let's start with a simple example that doesn't have any parameterization. This is how you make a qslice that gives you all tracks in the database and makes those tracks available to other qslices via the name ?t:

(require '[qslice.core :as qslice])

(def q-all-tracks
   ;; :name is just for logging and printing
   :name "all-tracks"
   ;; This is your :where query fragment
   :where '[[?t :track/id]]
   ;; :provide means that `?t` will be made available to *other* qslices
   ;; that :require it.
   ;; You have to keep track of your "common qslice vars" yourself,
   ;; e.g. through documentation.
   :provide '[?t]

   ;; In clojure >= 1.11, you can provide a map argument
   ;; instead of keyword-value pairs.

The result of qslice is a big map with a bunch of datalog var data:

#:qslice.core{:let-pairs [],
              :let-vars #{},
              :letable-vars #{?t},
              :must-let-vars #{},
              :must-let-vars-checked? true,
              :name "all-tracks",
              :owned-vars #{},
              :provide-specials #{},
              :provide-variables #{?t},
              :require-specials #{$},
              :require-variables #{},
              :selectivity 0,
              :shaded-vars [],
              :where-forms [[?t :track/id]],
              :where-vars #{$ ?t}}

Note the :require-specials #{$}: qslice inferred that this slice needed a database because the :where contains a data pattern. qslice will infer database names via implicit requirements of data patterns or explicit variables starting with $. It will also infer rule requirements via the presence of rule expressions.

Every other var requirement to the qslice must be explicitly stated. We'll cover requirements later.

Making a Query from Qslices

Qslice is not a query by itself, just a piece of one. You get a full query via compiled-query, which accepts a list of qslices and a :find expression.

(qslice/compiled-query [q-all-tracks] '[?t])

Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at qslice.core/compiled-query.
Some slices require a datasource or % that is not provided by another slice.

However, if you run this you will get the error above. Remember how I said we needed a database? q-all-tracks requires a database, but we didn't provide one to compiled-query.

This illustrates a truth about qslices: you cannot compile them unless all their requirements are met!

So let's provide a database qslice:

(def q-db
  (qslice/qslice :name "q-db" :provide '[$]))

Notice this qslice has no :where clause because it doesn't need one. What it provides will be provided via :in.

Let's try again:

(qslice/compiled-query [q-db q-all-tracks] '[?t])

Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at qslice.core/assert-must-let-satisfied*
qslice required a var via :must-let but didn't get it

Another error! Why won't this work?

Understanding Errors

Every error from qslice has a rich exception-info map that tries to explain exactly what happened:

(ex-data *e)
{:unsatisfied-vars #{$},
 :must-let-vars #{$},
 :let-vars #{},
 :binding-forms [],
 :slice #:qslice.core{:let-pairs [],
                      :let-vars #{},
                      :letable-vars #{$},
                      :must-let-vars #{$},
                      :must-let-vars-checked? false,
                      :name "q-db",
                      :owned-vars #{$},
                      :provide-specials #{$},
                      :provide-variables #{},
                      :require-specials #{},
                      :require-variables #{},
                      :selectivity 0,
                      :shaded-vars [],
                      :slice-idx 0,
                      :where-forms [],
                      :where-vars #{}},
 :cognitect.anomalies/category :cognitect.anomalies/incorrect,
 :cognitect.anomalies/message "qslice required a var via :must-let but didn't get it",
 :qslice.core/error :unsatisfied-must-let}

This map is a cognitect anomaly that also includes a :qslice.core/error to categorize the problem and other human-readable entries to help diagnose the error.

In this case, it's complaining about an :unsatisfied-var $ needed by a slice named q-db. Although we made a qslice that provides the datasource $, we didn't actually provide a datasource!

Binding Args with "Let"

You bind a datasource using some form of binding via "let"--but not Clojure let! There are three ways to bind, all equivalent:

;; Pretend we have a Datomic db
(def db 'db)

;; You can bind when you make the qslice:
(qslice/qslice :name "q-db" :provide '[$] :let {'$ db})

;; or bind afterwards using `with-let` and pairs of binding+value
(qslice/with-let q-db '$ db)

;; Or bind afterwards using a map:
;; with-let _allows_ a map and delegates to with-let*
(qslice/with-let q-db {'$ db})
;; with-let* _requires_ a map.
(qslice/with-let* q-db {'$ db})

All of these produce a "bound" qslice.

Binding always adds :in and :args entries to the final compiled query. Just like normal datalog, you may bind any var mentioned by the :where--or not, if you don't want to. You must bind :provides variables if the :where doesn't provide it. You may also use :must-let to require a binding--normally values for variables that are not in :provides are optional. This is a safety feature to protect against inefficient queries. It serves the same purpose as required rule bindings.

Let's try one last time:

 [(qslice/with-let q-db '$ db) q-all-tracks]
{:query {:find [?t], :in [$], :where [[?t :track/id]]},
 :args [db],
 :slice-order [{:slice-idx 0, :name "q-db", :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 1, :name "all-tracks", :selectivity 0}]}


The return value is something you can give directly to d/query because its :args are set. The values in :args are the values you bound to the qslices with "let".

Inspecting Compilation Results

:slice-order is some metadata about how compiled-query ordered the qslices. compiled-slice-order-names is a convenience function that turns this into a more compact representation for logging:

(qslice/compiled-slice-order-names *1)
=> ["q-db" "all-tracks"]

But :slice-order is a public contract, so you are free to write your own.

Database and Rule Qslice Constructors

Because needing a database or a rule is so common, qslice provides two convenience qslice constructors db-qslice and rule-qslice to make them for you.

 [(qslice/db-qslice db) q-all-tracks]
{:query {:find [?t], :in [$], :where [[?t :track/id]]},
 :args [db],
 :slice-order [{:slice-idx 0, :name $, :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 1, :name "all-tracks", :selectivity 0}]}

Translating to Qslices

The previous example using all-tracks was a toy example that didn't have any useful parameterization. Let's try the first real example from our problem narrative--track and artist name matching--but implement it using qslice instead.

Here is our example user query:

(def user-query
  {:track "broadway" :artist "genesis"})

We need to make qslices for track and artist name queries, then a function to convert the user-query to a list of bound qslices.

;; First, we define some unbound qslices.
;; (There's some parsing work done by qslice/qslice
;; which you don't need to repeat if you define your qslice just once.)
(def q-track-name
   :name "track-name"
   :where '[(track-name ?t ?param)]
   ;; The `?t` can be seen by other qslices.
   :provide '[?t]
   ;; This qslice must have `?param` bound at compile-time.
   :must-let '[?param]))

(def q-artist-name
   :name "track-artist-name"
   :where '[(track-artist-name ?t ?param)]
   :provide '[?t]
   :must-let '[?param]))

;; Then we write a function that takes the application-defined query
;; and translates it to *bound* qslices.
(defn user-query->qslices [user-query]
  (mapv (fn [[term param]]
          (let [qs (case term
                     :track q-track-name
                     :artist q-artist-name)]
            ;; This part binds the value of `param` to the var `?param`.
            (qslice/with-let qs '?param param)))

;; Dummy db and rule values for later
(def qdb (qslice/db-qslice 'db))
(def qr (qslice/rule-qslice '%))

Now let's translate and compile the user-query:

(def user-query-translated
  (user-query->qslices user-query))

 (into [qdb qr] user-query-translated)
 ;; Notice you are not limited to a single `:find` spec.
 ;; You can provide a map of multiple find-related entries.
 ;; Here, we're using `:keys` so the query will return a set of maps. 
 {:find ['?t] :keys ['track-eid]})
{:query {:find [?t],
         :keys [track-eid],
         :in [$ % ?param:0:2 ?param:0:3],
         :where [(track-name ?t ?param:0:2)
                 (track-artist-name ?t ?param:0:3)]},
 :args [db % "broadway" "genesis"],
 :slice-order [{:slice-idx 0, :name $, :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 1, :name %, :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 2, :name "track-name", :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 3, :name "track-artist-name", :selectivity 0}]}

Var munging

Notice in the compiled :where clause there are some unusual var names that were not in your qslices:

[(track-name ?t ?param:0:2)
 (track-artist-name ?t ?param:0:3)]

The ?param:0:2 and ?param:0:3 are munged var names that correspond to the ?param in the qslices. This munging is what allowed both qslices to use ?param as a var without them accidentally unifying together.

The ?t was not munged because it was in the :provide of both qslices. Vars in :provide or :require are not munged because they are meant to be communicated between qslices or pulled out of :find.

For your own sanity, I strongly recommend you document the :provide and :require var names that are meant to be shared among related qslices!

Adding "Any" Values

Let's extend our user-query language. Instead of a single value, let's allow multiple values per term. If any of them are satisfied by the track, the track is included.

(def user-query:any-values
  ;; Include track names that contain either "broadway" or "lilith" 
  {:track ["broadway" "lilith"]
   :artist "genesis"})

Let Bindings with Destructuring

Adding this feature changes our translation function, but requires no changes to our qslices because of how let-binding works.

This is the change our translation function needs to handle our "or" extension:

(defn user-query->qslices2 [user-query]
  (mapv (fn [[term param]]
          (let [qs (case term
                     :track q-track-name
                     :artist q-artist-name)]
            ;; When you "let", you can use destructuring!
            (qslice/with-let qs (if (coll? param)
                                  '[?param ...]

When we run this translation and compile a query:

 (into [qdb qr]
       (user-query->qslices2 user-query:any-values))
 {:find ['?t] :keys ['track-eid]})
{:query {:find [?t],
         :keys [track-eid],
         ;; Notice the destructuring for ?param:0:2 made it to the :in clause.
         :in [$ % ?param:0:3 [?param:0:2 ...]],
         :where [(track-name ?t ?param:0:2)
                 (track-artist-name ?t ?param:0:3)]},
 :args [db % "genesis" ["broadway" "lilith"]],
 :slice-order [{:slice-idx 0, :name $, :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 1, :name %, :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 2, :name "track-name", :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 3, :name "track-artist-name", :selectivity 0}]}

This illustrates an important fact about with-let: it understands the same destructuring forms as :in and can apply its var-munging logic to them. Your :where clause variables are independent of the :in destructuring used to bind those parameters, just like in normal datalog.

Each call to with-let completely replaces all bindings the qslice had before because there's no straightforward way to merge bindings when destructuring is possible.

Controlling Qslice Order with Selectivity

When you added this change, you introduced the possibility that someone may use "or" in any term and increase the number of tracks that term would match. In Datomic, you want the most selective clauses first to reduce the result set size as soon as possible. But this feature makes it difficult to predict which clauses will be the most restrictive.

Qslices have a value called "selectivity" to control the order in which qslices appear in the compiled query. Selectivity is just an integer: smaller values (including negative values) will appear before larger values; two qslices with the same selectivity will tie-break by their order in the qslice list. The default selectivity is 0.

Note that "selectivity" is a confusing name because larger selectivity values are actually less selective! I apologise for the confusion.

We can use selectivity to implement an extremely basic cost model for clause ordering. Let's say that we decide clauses with more parameters are less selective.

(defn user-query->qslices3 [user-query]
  (mapv (fn [[term param]]
          (let [qs (case term
                     :track q-track-name
                     :artist q-artist-name)]
            (-> qs
                 (if (coll? param) '[?param ...] '?param)
                ;; Set selectivity to the number of parameters
                ;; on the assumption that more parameters will match more rows.
                 (if (coll? param) (count param) 1)))))

If we use the same user-query with the new translator the track-name search term appears second:

(-> (into [qdb qr]
          (user-query->qslices3 user-query:any-values))
    (qslice/compiled-query '[?t]))
{:query {:find [?t],
         :in [$ % ?param:0:3 [?param:0:2 ...]],
         :where [(track-artist-name ?t ?param:0:3)
                 (track-name ?t ?param:0:2)]},
 :args [db % "genesis" ["broadway" "lilith"]],
 :slice-order [{:slice-idx 0, :name $, :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 1, :name %, :selectivity 0}
               ;; Note the nonzero selectivity values
               {:slice-idx 3, :name "track-artist-name", :selectivity 1}
               ;; Note the slice index is lower than the previous entry.
               ;; The selectivity sorting took precedence.
               {:slice-idx 2, :name "track-name", :selectivity 2}]}

You can do anything you want with this feature. Here are some ideas:

  • Assign each qslice type a different static selectivity to ensure a stable total order no matter how the translation function is implemented.
  • Assign a base per-row cost to a qslice (e.g. by assoc-ing with your own key--remember qslices are just maps!), then multiply by expected row count based on the parameter.
  • Use some external source of statistics (say from a nightly batch job) to assign a selectivity based on expected row count.

These are all exercises for the reader.

Adding "Every" Matches

Now you have to implement the "every-artist" term which takes multiple values and requires that the track is only included if all match.

When we weren't using qslice, we used a technique that involved creating one dynamic :where clause per input term with a var-munged symbol.

However, qslices have the machinery for var munging built-in! We can approach this by just emitting more qslices.

Let's change our user-query to use one of these "match everything" terms.

(def user-query:every-value
  {:track "submarine" :every-artist ["paul" "george"]})

(Hey, I said it was a realistic query syntax, not a good one!)

Our query term count is increasing, and the new term acts differently than our previous ones in important ways. We'll take this opportunity to do a refactor.

First lets define some helper functions for selectivity scoring and param binding.

;; Define some helpers for calculating selectivity
;; This is the one we used before:
;; more params means "any", which means more rows.
(defn less-selective-by-param-count [param]
  (if (coll? param) (count param) 1))

;; This is the opposite:
;; "every" means more things must match, which means fewer rows.
(defn more-selective-by-param-count [param]
  (- (less-selective-by-param-count param)))

;; This is a helper to make the with-let forms.
;; It's designed for use with `qslice/with-let*`,
;; which is better for programmatic use because it only accepts a seq of
;; binding:value pairs instead of a flat seq.
(defn param-bindings [param]
  (if (coll? param)
    [['[?param ...] param]]
    [['?param param]]))

Now lets pull our case statement out into a map of functions, including the new :every-artist term.

;; Extracting the term to qslice mapping to a map
(def term->qslices
   ;; This is the new term.
   ;; Unlike our previous code where one term emitted one qslice,
   ;; the :every-artist term emits one qslice per parameter value.
   (fn [params]
     ;; We'll reuse the q-artist-name qslice, because it's the same
     ;; We'll just return multiple of them, one per param.
     (let [q-every-artist (-> q-artist-name
                              ;; For easier debugging, we'll change the name.
                              (qslice/with-name "every-artist")
                              ;; It's also scored differently:
                              ;; more params means _fewer_ rows match, not more
                               (more-selective-by-param-count params)))]
       ;; Now we make one bound qslice per param.
       ;; Each one has the same name as selectivity.
       (mapv (fn [param]
               (qslice/with-let q-every-artist '?param param))

   ;; These are the terms we had before.
   ;; We need to return our qslice in a vector now because the contract is now
   ;; "return *multiple* qslices per query term."
   :track (fn [param]
            [(-> q-track-name
                  (less-selective-by-param-count param))
                 (qslice/with-let* (param-bindings param)))])
   :artist (fn [param]
             [(-> q-artist-name
                   (less-selective-by-param-count param))
                  (qslice/with-let* (param-bindings param)))])})

Our new query translator now just dispatches into the map to get a qslices constructor and passes it the params:

(defn user-query->qslices4 [user-query]
  (into []
        (mapcat (fn [[term param]] ((term->qslices term) param)))

Let's try it out:

 (into [qdb qr] (user-query->qslices4 user-query:every-value))
{:query {:find [?t],
         :in [$ % ?param:0:2 ?param:0:3 ?param:0:4],
         :where [(track-artist-name ?t ?param:0:3)
                 (track-artist-name ?t ?param:0:4)
                 (track-name ?t ?param:0:2)]},
 :args [db % "submarine" "paul" "george"],
 :slice-order [{:slice-idx 3, :name "every-artist", :selectivity -2}
               {:slice-idx 4, :name "every-artist", :selectivity -2}
               {:slice-idx 0, :name $, :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 1, :name %, :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 2, :name "track-name", :selectivity 1}]}

Notice how our :slice-order puts the qslices related to :every-artist first, and we didn't have to construct any magic symbols manually.

Refactoring for Performance

Remember we determined that it was faster to match the artist names first, separately rather than once per track. We can implement that same refactor with qslices. First let's write the qslice for the "get the artist names first" part:

(def q-artist-by-name
   :where '[(artist-by-name ?param ?artist-id)]
   ;; Keeping with our "param" convention.
   :must-let '[?param]
   ;; We don't provide `?t`, but we do provide something we'll use later.
   :provide '[?artist-id]
   ;; We want this to execute early in the query.
   :selectivity -100000))

Using :require for safety

Now let's implement the track-matches-artist-id half:

(def q-track-with-artist-id
   :where '[(track-artist ?t ?artist-id)]
   ;; This actually provides the `?t`
   :provide '[?t]
   ;; But it requires an ?artist-id from the other query! 
   :require '[?artist-id]))

We've introduced a new concept: :require. We did touch on this briefly when we talked about how :require-specials keeps track of whether a qslice needs a database or rule. This is a little different because it's about requiring a variable.

:provide is a variable the qslice makes available to other qslices for unification, whether through let-binding or the :where clause. :require is the other half of that. It prevents vars in :where from getting munged, but it also prevents you from let-binding the variable to the qslice or from compiling a query where the :require of the qslice is not met.

:require mostly exists as a safety measure to prevent inadvertently compiling queries where a critical variable is left free that should be bound.

Let's finish refactoring our translator:

(def term->qslices
   ;; ...
   ;; :every-artist and :track remain the same
   ;; ...
   :artist (fn [param]
             ;; We've just split this into two parts
             [(-> q-artist-by-name
                  (qslice/with-let* (param-bindings param)))

Adding structural "OR"

Your previous implementation without qslice stopped short of trying to implement an "or" operator to accept queries like this:

(def user-query:or
  {:or {:track "rocket"
        :every-artist ["paul" "george"]}})

This is interpreted as "include any track for which any of the term+value pairs matches."

What you want to do here is dynamically emit an or-join clause which has one and clause per subitem containing many clauses. This is still tricky, even with qslice. But qslice does include a function to help with this.


or-qslice is a function which takes a list of bound qslices and returns a single bound qslice where each qslice is a different clause in an or-join

This is easier to illustrate with an example:

(-> (qslice/or-qslice
       :where '[[?t :track/name ?name]
                [?t :track/id ?id]]
       :require '[?t]
       :provide '[?id])
       :where '[[?t :track/artist ?art]
                [?art :artist/name ?name]
                [?t :track/id ?id]]
       :require '[?t]
       :provide '[?id]
       :let {'?name "paul"})])
  [[?name:1:1 ?t] ?id]
  (and [?t :track/name ?name:0:0]
       [?t :track/id ?id])
  (and [?t :track/artist ?art:0:1]
       [?art:0:1 :artist/name ?name:1:1]
       [?t :track/id ?id]))]

The or-join that is produced ensures that vars are munged separately across all branches the same way compiled-query would.

The vars the qslice :requires or already bound are declared as must-be-bound (surrounded by [ ] up front), The :provide vars are declared but left free to unify with other parts of the query. All other vars (such as ?art:0:1) are unmentioned and only unify within their branch.


or-join needs to apply var-munging immediately to disambiguate vars of the same name from different branches. This makes it impossible to use with-let on the result of or-join. In this example, how would you know which ?name you meant: the one for :artist/name or for :track/name?

As a safety feature, qslice introduces a notion of "let-locking". Once a qslice is "let-locked", using any variant of with-let on it will throw an error:

(-> (qslice/or-qslice
       :where '[[?t :track/name ?name]
                [?t :track/id ?id]]
       :require '[?t]
       :provide '[?id])
       :where '[[?t :track/artist ?art]
                [?art :artist/name ?name]
                [?t :track/id ?id]]
       :require '[?t]
       :provide '[?id]
       :let {'?name "paul"})])
    (qslice/with-let '?name "george"))

Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at qslice.core/with-let* (core.clj:321).
qslice is locked: it cannot be with-let again.

If you want, you can let-lock any query you want using qslice.core/with-let-locked.

Using or-qslice

Besides let-locking, or-qslice has a number of other limitations: some are imposed by the semantics of or-join and rules themselves, but some are just implementation shortcuts that could be improved. Please read the docstring for the function carefully.

One big limitation important for this tutorial is that or-qslice requires that every "branch" be a single qslice. (Not a single :where clause though: multiple are fine.) There's no reason for this limitation other than nothing else was needed at the time it was implemented.

Either a corresponding and-qslice combinator or an extension to or-qslice could lift this limitation. However, we're going to keep it for this tutorial, which means we can't support the way we implemented the :every-artist term or our split artist-name approach with :or because they both use multiple qslices. We'll have to fall back to more primitive methods.

;; Here's our special implementations for inside an :or clause
(def or-term->one-qslice
  ;; We have to return exactly one qslice per term again.
   (fn [params]
     ;; This is roughly what we did without qslice.
     ;; It's safer and a little easier with qslice,
     ;; but we still need to generate symbols ourselves.
     (let [syms (mapv #(symbol nil (str "?art" %)) (range (count params)))]
        :name "or:every-artist"
        :selectivity (more-selective-by-param-count params)
        :where (mapv #(list 'artist-name '?t %) syms)
        :provide ['?t]
        :let (mapv vector syms params))))
   ;; This is the artist-name approach without our refactor into two parts.
   :artist (fn [param]
             (-> q-artist-name
                  (less-selective-by-param-count param))
                 (qslice/with-let* (param-bindings param))))
   ;; This stays the same
   :track (fn [param]
            (-> q-track-name
                 (less-selective-by-param-count param))
                (qslice/with-let* (param-bindings param))))})

Now let's write a new translation function that wraps our :or qslices with or-qslice:

(defn user-query->qslices5 [user-query]
  (into []
        (mapcat (fn [[term param]]
                  (if (= :or term)
                     (map (fn [[term param]]
                            ((or-term->one-qslice term) param))
                    ((term->qslices term) param))))

And finally compile our user query:

 (into [qdb qr]
        {:or {:track "rocket"
              :every-artist ["paul" "george"]}}))
{:query {:find [?t],
         :in [$ % ?art0:0:1:0:2 ?art1:1:1:1:2 ?param:0:0:2:2],
         :where [(or-join [[?art0:0:1:0:2 ?art1:1:1:1:2 ?param:0:0:2:2] ?t]
                  (track-name ?t ?param:0:0:2:2)
                  (and (artist-name ?t ?art0:0:1:0:2)
                       (artist-name ?t ?art1:1:1:1:2)))]},
 :args [db % "paul" "george" "rocket"],
 :slice-order [{:slice-idx 0, :name $, :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 1, :name %, :selectivity 0}
               {:slice-idx 2, :name "or(track-name or:every-artist)", :selectivity 1}]}

Now we see what or-qslice is doing. It munged all vars that weren't provided or required--in this case the ?t is provided, so it was left alone. It generated a list of vars to unify with outer clauses. (This is the part immediately after the or-join in the query.) It only mentions vars that are provided, required, or let-bound. Vars that were already let-bound were declared as required-to-be-bound (the double vector around the ?artX and ?paramX vars) to let the datalog query parser know what to expect. The shared provided var ?t was also mentioned to make sure the ?t in each branch unifies with clauses that are siblings to the or-join.

And finally, it created a composite qslice name for logging purposes with the structure or(name of each qslice inside it).


That's it! You now know all the features of the qslice library.

Qslice isn't magic--it's just a safer and more organized abstraction over the same kinds of dynamic query templating you were doing without it.

I hope qslice can help you maintain very dynamic datalog query translators in your codebase with a little less hair loss.


This file is released under the MIT License and is copyright © 2024 Francis Avila.