diff --git a/mcxlab/examples/demo_mcxlab_replay_traj.m b/mcxlab/examples/demo_mcxlab_replay_traj.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..38383053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mcxlab/examples/demo_mcxlab_replay_traj.m
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+% MCXLAB - Monte Carlo eXtreme for MATLAB/Octave by Qianqina Fang
+% In this example, we show the most basic usage of MCXLAB.
+% This file is part of Monte Carlo eXtreme (MCX) URL:http://mcx.sf.net
+clear cfg cfgs;
+cfg.nphoton = 1e6;
+cfg.vol = uint8(ones(60, 60, 60));
+cfg.srcpos = [30 30 0];
+cfg.srcdir = [0 0 1];
+cfg.gpuid = 1;
+% cfg.gpuid='11'; % use two GPUs together
+cfg.autopilot = 1;
+cfg.issrcfrom0 = 1;
+cfg.prop = [0 0 1 1; 0.005 1 0 1.37];
+cfg.tstart = 0;
+cfg.tend = 5e-9;
+cfg.tstep = 5e-10;
+cfg.issaveexit = 1;
+% calculate the flux distribution with the given config
+cfg.detpos = [15 30 0 2];
+[flux, detp, vol, seeds] = mcxlab(cfg);
+newcfg = cfg;
+newcfg.seed = seeds.data;
+newcfg.outputtype = 'jacobian';
+newcfg.detphotons = detp.data;
+newcfg.maxjumpdebug = 29371108;
+[flux2, detp2, vol2, seeds2, traj2] = mcxlab(newcfg);
+jac = sum(flux2.data, 4);
+imagesc(log10(abs(squeeze(jac(:, 30, :)))));
+newtraj = mcxplotphotons(traj2);
+title('photon trajectories');
+idx = find(diff(newtraj.id));
+% idx=[idx; length(newtraj.id)];
+pos = newtraj.pos(idx, :);
+plot3(pos(:, 1), pos(:, 2), pos(:, 3), 'o');
+hold on;
+plotmesh(detp2.p, 'r.');
+[tf, loc] = ismember(detp2.p, newtraj.pos([idx; end], :), 'rows');
+detp2.p(1:2, :);
+newtraj.pos(idx(loc(1:2)), :);
+title('last position of detected photons');
+pos = newtraj.pos(idx + 1, :);
+plot3(pos(:, 1), pos(:, 2), pos(:, 3), 'o');
+title('launch position of each photon');
+hold on;