swift-cli provides pipelined streaming access to OpenStack Swift
It is designed for high speed transfer of large objects into and out of OpenStack Swift. Streaming support allows for usage like:
$ tar -czf - <my_dir/> | scli put <container>/<object>
$ scli get <container>/<object> | tar -zx
swift-cli is written in Go and requires a Go installation. It can be installed with go get
to download and compile it from source. To install the command-line tool, scli
$ go get github.com/fanatic/swift-cli
$ go build -o scli github.com/fanatic/swift-cli
version Print version information and quit
ls [container[/object]] list containers or objects
put container[/object] upload (put) an object
get container[/object] download (get) an object
delete container[/object] delete an object
help [command] Help about any command
Available Flags:
-D, --debug=false: Enable debug mode
Set Swift keys as environment Variables:
$ export ST_AUTH=http://localhost:8080/auth/v1.0
$ export ST_USER=test:tester
$ export ST_KEY=testing
This is a WIP that does one thing relatively well: managing dynamic large objects in swift. Currently it only supports stdin and stdout.
Borrows upload logic from rlmcpherson's s3gof3r (https://github.com/rlmcpherson/s3gof3r)
Leverages the well-written golang swift library (http://github.com/ncw/swift)
Would probably be better to use Static Large Objects, but requires middleware support on the server.
I'd love to add "append" support to infinitely stream logs (update static manifest after every uploaded chunk and on ctrl+c) or to "concatenate" a file to an existing object.