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File metadata and controls

421 lines (308 loc) · 17.6 KB

Contributing to NV-Ingest

External contributions will be welcome soon, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

Table of Contents

  1. Filing Issues
  2. Cloning the Repository
  3. Code Contributions
  4. Architectural Guidelines
  5. Licensing
  6. Attribution

Filing Issues

  1. Bug Reports, Feature Requests, and Documentation Issues: Please file an issue with a detailed description of the problem, feature request, or documentation issue. The NV-Ingest team will review and triage these issues, scheduling them for a future release.

Cloning the repository

DATASET_ROOT=[path to your dataset root]
MORPHEUS_ROOT=[path to your Morpheus root]
NV_INGEST_ROOT=[path to your NV-Ingest root]
git clone $MORPHEUS_ROOT
git clone $NV_INGEST_ROOT

Ensure all submodules are checked out:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Code Contributions

Your First Issue

  1. Finding an Issue: Start with issues labeled good first issue.
  2. Claim an Issue: Comment on the issue you wish to work on.
  3. Implement Your Solution: Dive into the code! Update or add unit tests as necessary.
  4. **Submit Your Pull Request: ** Create a pull request once your code is ready.
  5. Code Review: Wait for the review by other developers and make necessary updates.
  6. Merge: Once approved, an NV-Ingest developer will approve your pull request.

Seasoned Developers

For those familiar with the codebase, please check the project boards for issues. Look for unassigned issues and follow the steps starting from Claim an Issue.


  1. NV-Ingest Foundation: Built on top of NVIDIA Morpheus.

  2. Pipeline Structure: Designed around a pipeline that processes individual jobs within an asynchronous execution graph. Each job is processed by a series of stages or task handlers.

  3. Job Composition: Jobs consist of a data payload, metadata, and task specifications that determine the processing steps applied to the data.

  4. Job Submission:

  5. Pipeline Processing:

    • The ControlMessage is passed through the pipeline, where each stage processes the data and metadata as needed.
    • Subsequent stages may add, transform, or filter data as needed, with all resulting artifacts stored in the ControlMessage's payload.
    • For example, after processing, the payload may look like:
          document_type   source_id   uuid       metadata
          0               text        somefile   abcd-1234   {'content': "The quick brown fox jumped...", ...}
          1               image       somefile   efgh-5678   {'content': "base64 encoded image", ...}
          2               image       somefile   xyza-5618   {'content': "base64 encoded image", ...}
          3               image       somefile   zxya-5628   {'content': "base64 encoded image", ...}
          4               status      somefile   kvq9-5600   {'content': "", 'status': "filtered", ...}
    • A single job can result in multiple artifacts, each with its own metadata element definition.
  6. Job Completion:

    • Upon reaching the end of the pipeline, the ControlMessage is converted into a JobResult object and pushed to the ephemeral output queue for client retrieval.
    • JobResult objects consist of a dictionary containing:
      1. data: A list of metadata artifacts produced by the job.
      2. status: The job status as success or failure.
      3. description: A human-readable description of the job status.
      4. trace: A list of timing traces generated during the job's processing.
      5. annotations: A list of task annotations generated during the job's processing.

Common Processing Patterns

In NV-Ingest, decorators are used to enhance the functionality of functions by adding additional processing logic. These decorators help ensure consistency, traceability, and robust error handling across the pipeline. Below, we introduce some common decorators used in NV-Ingest, explain their usage, and provide examples.

traceable -> src/nv_ingest/util/tracing/

The traceable decorator adds entry and exit trace timestamps to a ControlMessage's metadata. This helps in monitoring and debugging by recording the time taken for function execution.


  • To track function execution time with default trace names:
    def process_message(message):
  • To use a custom trace name:
    def process_message(message):

nv_ingest_node_failure_context_manager -> src/nv_ingest/util/exception_handlers/

This decorator wraps a function with failure handling logic to manage potential failures involving ControlMessages. It ensures that failures are managed consistently, optionally raising exceptions or annotating the ControlMessage.


  • To handle failures with default settings:
    def process_message(message):
  • To handle failures and allow empty payloads:
    @nv_ingest_node_failure_context_manager(annotation_id="example_task", payload_can_be_empty=True)
    def process_message(message):

filter_by_task -> src/nv_ingest/util/flow_control/

The filter_by_task decorator checks if the ControlMessage contains any of the specified tasks. Each task can be a string of the task name or a tuple of the task name and task properties. If the message does not contain any listed task and/or task properties, the message is returned directly without calling the wrapped function, unless a forwarding function is provided.


  • To filter messages based on tasks:
    @filter_by_task(["task1", "task2"])
    def process_message(message):
  • To filter messages based on tasks with specific properties:
    @filter_by_task([("task", {"prop": "value"})])
    def process_message(message):
  • To forward messages to another function. This is necessary when the decorated function does not return the message directly, but instead forwards it to another function. In this case, the forwarding function should be provided as an argument to the decorator.
    @filter_by_task(["task1", "task2"], forward_func=other_function)
    def process_message(message):

cm_skip_processing_if_failed -> morpheus/utils/

The cm_skip_processing_if_failed decorator skips the processing of a ControlMessage if it has already failed. This ensures that no further processing is attempted on a failed message, maintaining the integrity of the pipeline.


  • To skip processing if the message has failed:
    def process_message(message):

Adding a New Stage or Module

TODO(Devin): Add details about adding a new stage or module once we have router node functionality in place.

Common Practices for Writing Unit Tests

Writing unit tests is essential for maintaining code quality and ensuring that changes do not introduce new bugs. In this project, we use pytest for running tests and adopt blackbox testing principles. Below are some common practices for writing unit tests, which are located in the [repo_root]/tests directory.

General Guidelines

  1. Test Structure: Each test module should test a specific module or functionality within the codebase. The test module should be named test_<module_name>.py, and reside on a mirrored physical path to its corresponding test target to be easily discoverable by pytest.

    1. Example: nv_ingest/some_path/another_path/ should have a corresponding test file: tests/some_path/another_path/
  2. Test Functions: Each test function should focus on a single aspect of the functionality. Use descriptive names that clearly indicate what is being tested. For example, test_function_returns_correct_value or test_function_handles_invalid_input.

  3. Setup and Teardown: Use pytest fixtures to manage setup and teardown operations for your tests. Fixtures help in creating a consistent and reusable setup environment.

  4. Assertions: Use assertions to validate the behavior of the code. Ensure that the tests cover both expected outcomes and edge cases.

Mocking External Services

When writing tests that depend on external services (e.g., databases, APIs), it is important to mock these dependencies to ensure that tests are reliable, fast, and do not depend on external factors.

  1. Mocking Libraries: Use libraries like unittest.mock to create mocks for external services. The pytest-mock plugin can also be used to integrate mocking capabilities directly with pytest.

  2. Mock Objects: Create mock objects to simulate the behavior of external services. Use these mocks to test how your code interacts with these services without making actual network calls or database transactions.

  3. Patching: Use patch to replace real objects in your code with mocks. This can be done at the function, method, or object level. Ensure that patches are applied in the correct scope to avoid side effects.

Example Test Structure

Here is an example of how to structure a test module in the [repo_root]/tests directory:

import pytest
from unittest.mock import patch, Mock

# Assuming the module to test is located at [repo_root]/
from module import function_to_test

def mock_external_service():
    with patch('module.ExternalService') as mock_service:
        yield mock_service

def test_function_returns_correct_value(mock_external_service):
    # Arrange
    mock_external_service.return_value.some_method.return_value = 'expected_value'

    # Act
    result = function_to_test()

    # Assert
    assert result == 'expected_value'

def test_function_handles_invalid_input(mock_external_service):
    # Arrange
    mock_external_service.return_value.some_method.side_effect = ValueError("Invalid input")

    # Act and Assert
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Invalid input"):

Submodules, Third Party Libraries, and Models


  1. Submodules are used to manage third-party libraries and dependencies.
  2. Submodules should be created in the third_party directory.
  3. Ensure that the submodule is updated to the latest commit before making changes.


  1. Model Integration: NV-Ingest is designed to be scalable and flexible, so running models directly in the pipeline is discouraged.
  2. Model Export: Models should be exported to a format compatible with Triton Inference Server or TensorRT.
    • Model acquisition and conversion should be documented in triton_models/, including the model name, version, pbtxt file, Triton model files, etc., along with an example of how to query the model in Triton.
    • Models should be externally hosted and downloaded during the pipeline execution, or added via LFS.
    • Any additional code, configuration files, or scripts required to run the model should be included in the triton_models/[MODEL_NAME] directory.
  3. Self-Contained Dependencies: No assumptions should be made regarding other models or libraries being available in the pipeline. All dependencies should be self-contained.
  4. Base Triton Container: Directions for the creation of the base Triton container are listed in the triton_models/ file. If a new model requires additional base dependencies, please update the Dockerfile in the triton_models directory.

Architectural Guidelines

To ensure the quality and maintainability of the NV-Ingest codebase, the following architectural guidelines should be followed:

1. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)

  • Ensure that each module, class, or function has only one reason to change.

2. Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)

  • Avoid forcing clients to depend on interfaces they do not use.

3. Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

  • High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules, both should depend on abstractions.

4. Physical Design Structure Mirroring Logical Design Structure

  • The physical layout of the codebase should reflect its logical structure.

5. Levelization

  • Organize code into levels where higher-level components depend on lower-level components but not vice versa.

6. Acyclic Dependencies Principle (ADP)

  • Ensure the dependency graph of packages/modules has no cycles.

7. Package Cohesion Principles

Common Closure Principle (CCP)

  • Package classes that change together.

Common Reuse Principle (CRP)

  • Package classes that are used together.

8. Encapsulate What Varies

  • Identify aspects of the application that vary and separate them from what stays the same.

9. Favor Composition Over Inheritance

  • Utilize object composition over class inheritance for behavior reuse where possible.

10. Clean Separation of Concerns (SoC)

  • Divide the application into distinct features with minimal overlap in functionality.

11. Principle of Least Knowledge (Law of Demeter)

  • Objects should assume as little as possible about the structure or properties of anything else, including their subcomponents.

12. Document Assumptions and Decisions

  • Assumptions made and reasons behind architectural and design decisions should be clearly documented.

13. Continuous Integration and Testing

  • Integrate code frequently into a shared repository and ensure comprehensive testing is an integral part of the development cycle.

Contributors are encouraged to follow these guidelines to ensure contributions are in line with the project's architectural consistency and maintainability.


NV-Ingest is licensed under the NVIDIA Proprietary Software License -- ensure that any contributions are compatible.

The following should be included in the header of any new files:

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES.
All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


Portions adopted from