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367 lines (262 loc) · 12.6 KB

File metadata and controls

367 lines (262 loc) · 12.6 KB


v1.21.9 (24 June 2024)

  • Adds support for css custom identifiers

v1.21.8 (11 June 2024)

  • Added support for 'of' keyword in :nth-child and :nth-last-child
  • Fixed bug with JavaScript Object Destructuring with default values

v1.21.7 (24 April 2024)

  • Fixes bug parsing arrow and anonymous functions as object properties within object destructuring.

v1.21.4 (05 February 2024)

  • Fixes NullReferenceException when parsing object literal with computed property name expression starting with (

v1.21.3 (04 February 2024)

  • Fixed bug with escaped css identifiers

v1.21.2 (16 December 2023)

  • Fixed bug with JS variables named module

v1.21.0 (6 October 2023)

  • Added option to disable crunching hex and rga colors

v1.20.7 (11 May 2023)

  • Fixes bug with export async

v1.20.6 (4 April 2023)

  • Fixes bug with delete keyword

v1.20.5 (26 Jan 2023)

  • Fixes bug with duplicate property names

v1.20.4 (13 December 2022)

  • Fixes bug with border: 0 none

v1.20.3 (23 November 2022)

  • Fixes spread bug
  • Optimises compression of @supports()
  • Optimises !important
  • Optimises border:0

v1.20.2 (21 July 2022)

  • Fixes bug with empty css variable declarations

v1.20.0 (8 April 2022)

  • Addes support for HTMLSettings.TagsCaseSensitive

v1.19.2 (1 April 2022)

  • Added support for

v1.19.1 (30 March 2022)

  • Stopped zeros being reduced for css properties

v1.19.0 (16 March 2022)

  • Fixed bug with boolean handling inside JSON

v1.18.0 (16 March 2022)

  • Added support for compressing <script type="application/json">

v1.17.14 (8 March 2022)

  • Fixed bug with String.raw``

v1.17.13 (8 March 2022)

  • Fixed bug with yield on the LHS of binary expressions
  • Fixed bug with leading underscores in css identifiers
  • Fixed bug with yields inside unary expressions and missing parenthesis

v1.17.10 (24 January 2022)

  • Adds support for css variables inside rgba functions


  • Fixes bug with object destructuring parenthesis


  • Fixes bug with rest spread call expressions inside object literals


  • Fixes bug with await f() === "string"
  • Fixes bug with escaping of dollar sign in template literals

v1.17.6 (13 January 2021)

  • Fixes use of spaces instead of commas in CSS RGB values

v1.17.5 (10 January 2022)

  • Fixes bug with \$ inside template literals


  • Skipped due to deployment error

v1.17.3 (17 December 2021)

  • Fixes bug with escape characters in template literals

v1.17.2 (14 December 2021)

  • Fixes :has(> .bla) type function selectors - beware this may still not be perfect but its considerably better than it was

v1.17.1 (14 December 2021)

  • Adds support for #rgba and #rrggbbaa css colors and adds better invalid css color detection

v1.17.0 (14 December 2021)

  • Fixes exception thrown on lambda syntax errors
  • Fixes bug with catch parameters inside lexical scopes. Note this removes a syntax error check for ancient IE versions.


  • Skipped due to deployment error


  • Skipped due to deployment error

v1.16.4 (21 November 2021)

  • Allows whitespace around Knoockout comments when retaining them in minified HTML

v1.16.3 (21 November 2021)

  • Fixes bug with whitespace around :is() css selectors


  • Skipped version

v1.16.1 (5 October 2021)

  • Fixes bugs with assignment operator precendence

v1.16.0 (20 Aug 2021)

  • Adds support for private class members

v1.15.0 (18 Aug 2021)

  • Adds support for Class Fields

v1.14.0 (13 Aug 2021)

  • Adds support for CSS case (in)sensitive attribute selectors

v1.13.15 (5 Aug 2021)

  • Added net50 target framework

v1.13.14 (26 Jul 2021)

  • Fixed bug with object literal implicit method duplicates

v1.13.13 (25 Jul 2021)

  • Fixed bug with methods in object initializers

v1.13.12 (11 Jun 2021)

  • Fixed bug with optional catch bindings
  • Fixed bug with static and non static class member method duplicates

v1.13.11 (21 May 2021)

  • Fixed bug with for..of

v1.13.10 (7 May 2021)

  • Fixed support for multiple negated conditions in css @supports condition

v1.13.9 (28 April 2021)

  • Fixes bug with object destructing and rest spread in arrow function parameters

v1.13.8 (15 Mar 2021)

  • Fixes bug with javascript use of "of" as an identifier

v1.13.7 (15 Mar 2021)

  • Fixes bug with javascript pretty-print formatting and empty object initializers {}

v1.13.6 (9 Mar 2021)

  • Fixes bug with json script elements in HTML e.g. application/ld+json


  • Publishing error, versions do not exist

v1.13.3 (22 Feb 2021)

  • Fixes false errors reported with use of rest spread operator in object literals

v1.13.2 (29 Jan 2021)

  • Fixed over-minificaiton of aria-hidden="true"

v1.13.1 (2 Jan 2021)

  • Improved HTML formatting when prettifying

v1.13.0 (1 Jan 2021)

  • Improved ObjectLiteral formatting when outputting "prettyified" code

v1.12.3 (30 December 2020)

  • Fixed html comments onto new lines when prettifying

v1.12.2 (30 December 2020)

  • Attempted to fix unsupported computed method names on object initializers. Beware of bugs with this, please report any you find. There shouldn't be any regressions but this may not fully work.

v1.12.1 (29 December 2020)

  • Improves unused setter parameter handling

v.12.0 (28 December 2020)

  • Changed defaults for HTML minification for embedded JS and CSS to make them output prettily

v1.11.9 (28 December 2020)

  • Fixes bug with HtmlToText and trailing newlines

v1.11.8 (28 December 2020)

  • Fixes object destructuring syntax and default values in arrow function arguments.

v1.11.7 (28 December 2020)

  • Fixes but methods called set or get on classes
  • Fixed bug with for(let x in y) and for([x] of y) and scope lookup crunching

v1.11.6 (28 December 2020)

  • Fixes tagged template literals
  • Fixed bug with unused setter value parameters being removed

v1.11.5 (10 December 2020)

  • Fixes bug with <br>s when HtmlToText()ing

v1.11.4 (2 December 2020)

  • Fixed bug with computed property names in object literals not getting processed

v1.11.3 (27 November 2020)

  • Fixes bugs with escaped slashes in JSON and SourceMaps

v1.11.1 (25 November 2020)

  • Fixes bug with object literal properties and singly referenced lexical declarations

v1.11.0 (14 November 2020)

  • Adds support for <% %> ASP tags in HTML Parser

v1.10.0 (11 November 2020)

  • Re-adds long lost support for Minify JS Attributes within HTML
  • Fixes bugs with Attriute CSS Settings when minifying HTML
  • Fixes bug with stripping Javascript attributes from HTML
  • Fixes many bugs with HTML minification and processing, mainly around whitespace
  • Removes public HtmlWriterToHtml.Writer properly
  • Fixes inheritance issues with HtmlWriterToHtml
  • Performance improvements to HtmlMinification
  • Fixes leading whitespace with Prettifying HTML
  • Fixes bug with style attributes spanning multiple lines
  • Adds support for custom indent character when prettifying CSS and JS, use CommonSettings.Indent instead of CommonSettings.IndentSize

v1.9.11 (7 November 2020)

  • Made contents of <script> and <style> elements fully indented when outputting pretty HTML

1.9.10 (22 October 2020)

  • Improved readme and docs
  • Improved HTMLSettings comments
  • Added ability to control indentation when prettifying HTML
  • Deprecated HtmlSettings.TagsWithNonCollapsableWhitespaces in favour of the correct spelling TagsWithNonCollapsibleWhitespaces

1.9.9 (14 October 2020)

  • Fixes bug with PreserveFunctionNames

1.9.8 (13 October 2020)

  • Fixes bug with dynamic import expressions

1.9.7 (7 October 2020)

  • Fixes bug with single-lined blocks with a lexical declaration
  • Fixes bug with arrow functions returning && and || logical BinaryExpressions

1.9.6 (1 October 2020)

  • Fixes bug with Optional Chaining

1.9.5 (18 September 2020)

  • Adds support for Optional Chaining This is buggy
  • Adds support for Numeric Separators
  • Adds support for Logical Assignment operators
  • Ensures globalThis works properly
  • Adds basic support for BigInt (minification of BigInt syntax is not yet optimal)

1.9.4 (15 September 2020)

  • Fixes bug with crlf immediately before a closing template literal

1.9.3 (15 September 2020)

  • Fixes bug with single argument functions with a default parameter value

1.9.2 (9 September 2020)

  • Fixes bug with crlf immediately before a closing template literal this wasnt properly fixed, see 1.9.4 for the real fix
  • Fixes bug with async shortand object initializer syntax

1.9.1 (25 August 2020)

  • Improves handling of rogue closing tags in HTML, manifesting at least in how HtmlToText behaves. There shouldn't be any regressions but we've gone up a minor revision just in case.

1.8.1 (24 August 2020)

  • Removes deprecated lineCount from SourceMaps
  • Adds MakePathsRelative true/false to V3SourceMap to control path munging
  • Fixes JS bug with getters and setters, primarily when used within defineProperty

1.7.2 (24 August 2020)

  • Adds support for HTML attribute removal
  • Adds support for HTML attribute reordering

1.7.1 (24 August 2020)

  • Changes (fixes) how HTML5 comments are handled. Previously valid/invalid comments may now be handled differently (correctly)

1.6.6 (21 August 2020)

  • Fixes overloading of async keyword

1.6.5 (19 August 2020)

  • Adds Exponent ** and Exponent Assign **= support
  • Adds Null Coalesce ?? operator support

1.6.4 (6 July 2020)

  • Fixes issue with const name redeclaration

1.6.3 (10 June 2020)

  • Fixes further module variable bugs ((PR #113)

1.6.2 (10 June 2020)

1.6.1 (10 June 2020)

  • Updates Nuget package details

1.6.0 (10 June 2020)

  • Fix for whitespace preceeding a textarea ((PR #103))
  • Include application/ld+json in list of processable javascript type blocks ((PR #102))
  • Fixes infinite loop when dealing with malformed switch statements ((PR #99)
  • Fixes arrow function parenthesis issue ((PR #98)
  • Fixes arrow functions + sourcemaps bug ((PR #97)
  • Fixes spread operator bug ((PR #91)
  • Fixes issue with mutliple await return ((PR #90)
  • Fixes issue with parameterless arrow functions ((PR #89)
  • Fixes bug with KeyFrames in css ((PR #107)
  • Fixes bug with ShortBooleanAttribute=true incorrectly removes value tags from inputs ((PR #108)
  • Fixes bug with css calc, flex and 0px ((PR #109)

1.5.14 (9 Mar 2020)

  • Fix async/await JS minifier
  • Add support for CSS @supports
  • Adding a options to turoff escape decoding in CSS files.

1.5.13 (04 Jun 2019)

  • Allow async function expressions ((PR #65))
  • Fix for(let x of y.prop) ((PR #69))
  • Fix #71 "Invalid arrow-function arguments" error on Firefox ((PR #72))

1.5.12 (21 Aug 2018)

  • ECMAScript 6 Support for computed names in object property definitions
  • Add support for async and await.
  • Add support for netstandard2.0

1.5.11 (6 May 2018)

  • Support for ES6 arrow functions (PRs)

1.5.10 (5 Apr 2018)

  • Support for CSS variables ((PR #46))
  • Implementing Razor escape support in CSS ((PR #41))


  • Respect self-closing tags with "RemoveOptionalTags" option disabled


  • Fix Check for break outside of a loop but inside a label block (#31)


  • Fix issue in Html compact with pre/textarea tags not keeping whitespaces


  • Add new HtmlSettings.KeepTags to selectively keep a list of optional start/end tags even when settings.RemoveOptionalTags is true


  • Fix possible NullReferenceException when using HtmlSettings.RemoveJavaScript = true


  • Fix regression when collapsing spaces introduced previously


  • Add option HtmlSettings.KeepOneSpaceWhenCollapsing to keep at least one space when collapsing them


  • Add support for keeping knockout comments
  • Don't minify (0,eval)('this') expressions


  • Fix bug while minimizing HTML style CSS attribute


  • Add support to dotnet RTM, switch to netstandard1.6