diff --git a/recsys-2017/index.html b/recsys-2017/index.html
index d9a5274..4d1206d 100644
--- a/recsys-2017/index.html
+++ b/recsys-2017/index.html
@@ -179,7 +179,135 @@
Coming soon...
+ In the challenge, the task of the participants will be the following: given a XING user, the recommender should predict those job postings (items) that the user will interact with in the next week.
+ The traing dataset is supposed to be used for experimenting and training your models. You can split the
+ interaction data into training and test data. For example: you can leave out the last
+ complete week (of the year) from the interaction data and then try to predict whether
+ a given user will _positively_ interact with an item within that week. Relevant items
+ are those items on which a user clicked, bookmarked or replied (`interaction_type` = 1, 2 or 3).
Anonymization, pseudonymization, noise
+ The traing dataset is a semi-synthetic sample of XING's dataset, i.e. it is not complete and enriched with
+ noise in order anonymize the data. For example:
+ - the dataset contains artifical users
+ - the dataset contains only a fraction of XING users and job postings
+ - IDs are used instead of raw text for almost all attribute values (pseudonymization)
+ - some attributes of the users may have been removed or flipped to NULL / unknown.
+ - not all interactions of a user are contained in the dataset
+ - some of the interactions are artificial (= have actually not been performed by the user)
+ - timestamps have been shifted (but the order of interactions is kept)
+ Attempting to identify users or to reveal any private information about the users or information about
+ the business from which the data is coming from is strictly forbidden (cf. [Rules](http://2016.recsyschallenge.com/)).
+ Interactions are all transactions between a user and an item including
+ recruiter interest as well as impressions.
+ Fields:
+ - `user_id` ID of the user who performed the interaction (points to `users.id`)
+ - `item_id` ID of the item on which the interaction was performed (points to `items.id`)
+ - `created_at` a unix time stamp timestamp representing the time when the interaction got created
+ - `interaction_type` the type of interaction that was performed on the item:
+ - 0 = XING showed this item to a user (= impression)
+ - 1 = the user clicked on the item
+ - 2 = the user bookmarked the item on XING
+ - 3 = the user clicked on the _reply button_ or _application form button_ that is shown on some job postings
+ - 4 = the user deleted a recommendation from his/her list of recommendation (clicking on "x") which has the effect that the recommendation will no longer been shown to the user and that a new recommendation item will be loaded and displayed to the user
+ - 5 = a recruiter from the items company showed interest into the user. (e.g. clicked on the profile)
+ Details about those users who appear in the above datasets. Fields:
+ - `id` anonymized ID of the user (referenced as `user_id` in the other datasets above)
+ - `jobroles` comma-separated list of jobrole terms (numeric IDs) that were extracted from the user's current job titles
+ - `career_level` career level ID (e.g. beginner, experienced, manager):
+ - 0 = unknown
+ - 1 = Student/Intern
+ - 2 = Entry Level (Beginner)
+ - 3 = Professional/Experienced
+ - 4 = Manager (Manager/Supervisor)
+ - 5 = Executive (VP, SVP, etc.)
+ - 6 = Senior Executive (CEO, CFO, President)
+ - `discipline_id` anonymized IDs represent disciplines such as "Consulting", "HR", etc.
+ - `industry_id` anonymized IDs represent industries such as "Internet", "Automotive", "Finance", etc.
+ - `country` describes the country in which the user is currently working
+ - `de` = Germany
+ - `at` = Austria
+ - `ch` = Switzerland
+ - `non dach` = non of the above countries
+ - `region` is specified for some users who have as country `de`. Meaning of the regions see below
+ - `experience_n_entries_class` identifies the number of CV entries that the user has listed as _work experiences_
+ - 0 = no entries
+ - 1 = 1
- 2 entries
+ - 2 = 3
- 4 entries
+ - 3 = 5 or more entries
+ - `experience_years_experience` is the estimated number of years of work experience that the user has
+ - 0 = unknown
+ - 1 = less than 1 year
+ - 2 = 1 - 3 years
+ - 3 = 3 - 5 years
+ - 4 = 5 - 10 years
+ - 5 = 10 - 20 years
+ - 6 = more than 20 years
+ - `experience_years_in_current` is the estimated number of years that the user is already working in her current job. Meaning of numbers: same as `experience_years_experience`
+ - `edu_degree` estimated university degree of the user
+ - 0 or NULL = unknown
+ - 1 = bachelor
+ - 2 = master
+ - 3 = phd
+ - `edu_fieldofstudies` comma
- separated fields of studies that the user studied. `0` means "unknown" and `edu_fieldofstudies > 0` entries refer to broad field of studies such as _Engineering_, _Economics and Legal_, ...
+ - `wtcj` predicted willingness to change jobs
+ - 0 XING predicts the user won't change jobs soon
+ - 1 XING predicts the user is interested in changing his current position
+ - `premium` the user subscribed to XING's payed premium membership
+ - 0 no subscription
+ - 1 active subscription
+ Details about the job postings that were and should be recommended to the users.
+ - `id` anonymized ID of the item (referenced as `item_id` in the other datasets above)
+ - `industry_id` anonymized IDs represent industries such as "Internet", "Automotive", "Finance", etc.
+ - `discipline_id` anonymized IDs represent disciplines such as "Consulting", "HR", etc.
+ - `is_paid` indicates that the posting is a paid for by a compnay
+ - `career_level` career level ID (e.g. beginner, experienced, manager)
+ - 0 = unknown
+ - 1 = Student/Intern
+ - 2 = Entry Level (Beginner)
+ - 3 = Professional/Experienced
+ - 4 = Manager (Manager/Supervisor)
+ - 5 = Executive (VP, SVP, etc.)
+ - 6 = Senior Executive (CEO, CFO, President)
+ - `country` code of the country in which the job is offered
+ - `latitude` latitude information (rounded to ca. 10km)
+ - `longitude` longitude information (rounded to ca. 10km)
+ - `region` is specified for some users who have as country `de`. Meaning of the regions: see below.
+ - `employment` the type of emploment
+ - 0 = unknown
+ - 1 = full-time
+ - 2 = part-time
+ - 3 = freelancer
+ - 4 = intern
+ - 5 = voluntary
+ - `created_at` a unix time stamp timestamp representing the time when the interaction got created
+ - `title` concepts that have been extracted from the job title of the job posting (numeric IDs)
+ - `tags` concepts that have been extracted from the tags, skills or company name