lib.md中放置常用框架, lib-alternate 放置备用框架, 用于做对比或是面对特殊情况时的备选项
- Jingle 移动webapp 框架
- AmazeUI
- Pintuer
- Titon Toolkit
- mui Material Design CSS Framework
- Agile Lite
- dcloudio/mui
- mint-ui Mobile UI elements for vue.js
- sheral Focus in mobile UI
- Wijmo5
iGrowl growl-like notifications with an emphasis on icons
SweetAlert An awesome replacement for JavaScript's alert.
fancyBox Mac风格的弹出窗口, 支持图片, iframe等等
baguetteBox Simple and easy to use lightbox script. no dependencies required, Around 2.3KB gzipped
Photopile JS image gallery that simulates a pile of photos scattered about on a surface, Thumbnails are draggable
- 普通对话框
- 模态对话框
- 气泡浮层
UI 弹层 虚拟弹层、弹框、提示信息、确认对话、列表选择等功能
motice Simple Notification Component With Magical Css3 Effects
mobox MOBOX = Modern Dialog + Pop Box + Overlay + Extensible CSS3 Effects
noty a jQuery notification plugin that makes it easy to create alert - success - error - warning - information - confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog.
jBox popup windows, tooltips, notices
forkit.js an animated GitHub ribbon
kwicks sliding panels for jQuery
Layout/Grid/Toolbar/Tree/Tabs/Popup/Forms, Grid 很强大, 非常适合做管理系统
handsontable an Excel-like data grid / spreadsheet
jquery.animate-enhanced Extend $.animate() to detect CSS transitions and convert animations automatically.
Transit CSS transitions & transformations
Animsition css animated page transitions.
transitn JS utility class for CSS transitions
animo.js managing CSS animations. Stack animations
CountUp.js Animates a numerical value
turn.js The page flip effect