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Releases: ezekg/flint


25 Sep 19:10
Choose a tag to compare

2.0.1 - 9/25/14

  • Updated Sass dependency to ~> 3.4 in gemspec.
  • Ignore test folder in bower.


25 Sep 15:02
Choose a tag to compare

2.0.0 - 9/25/14

  • Release 2.0.0!

2.0.0.rc.4 - 9/17/14

  • Added ability to use na identical $context value with a variable $span. Example, _(1 2 3 4, 4).

2.0.0.rc.3 - 9/16/14

  • Fixed issue with $context modifiers calling a division by 0.

2.0.0.rc.1 - 9/12/14

  • Revamped codebase considerably.
  • Modified layout of $flint configuration map. Breakpoints are now housed in their own separate section.
  • Removed $shift modifier. (Don't like this one? Create an issue and let me know!)
  • Modified calculations to use fixed values all the way through the system, and then convert to percentages on output. Coupled with instance methods, this makes gutters infinitely nest-able and consistent even on fluid grids.
  • Added instance-maps option in config to enable or disable instance maps and all of the associated methods.
  • Modified docblocks to follow SassDoc standards.
  • Moved selector functions over to Sass 3.4. (No more forced Ruby dependency!)
  • Modified tests; added new HTML test page.
  • Lots of other cleanup and speed improvements.


17 Sep 19:09
Choose a tag to compare
2.0.0.rc.4 Pre-release

2.0.0.rc.4 - 9/17/14

  • Added ability to use an identical $context value with a variable $span.


16 Sep 21:14
Choose a tag to compare
2.0.0.rc.3 Pre-release

2.0.0.rc.3 - 9/16/14

  • Fixed issue with $context modifiers calling a division by 0.


12 Sep 17:04
Choose a tag to compare
2.0.0.rc.1 Pre-release

2.0.0.rc.1 - 9/12/14

  • Revamped codebase considerably.
  • Modified layout of $flint configuration map. Breakpoints are now housed in their own separate section.
  • Removed $shift modifier. (Don't like this one? Create an issue and let me know!)
  • Modified calculations to use fixed values all the way through the system, and then convert to percentages on output. Coupled with instance methods, this makes gutters infinitely nest-able and consistent even on fluid grids.
  • Added instance-maps option in config to enable or disable instance maps and all of the associated methods.
  • Modified docblocks to follow SassDoc standards.
  • Moved selector functions over to Sass 3.4. (No more forced Ruby dependency!)
  • Modified tests; added new HTML test page.
  • Lots of other cleanup and speed improvements.


01 Sep 17:40
Choose a tag to compare

1.12.0 - 8/29/14

  • Added test suite and contributing guidelines.
  • Cleaned up a few functions.


28 Aug 16:02
Choose a tag to compare

1.11.2 - 8/13/14

  • Rewrite flint-map-fetch() and flint-exists() functions.
  • Add ability to call @include _(<alias>, container) for individual breakpoints.
  • Add ability to call @include _(container, clear) consecutively.
  • Add ability to call @include _(<alias>, container, clear) consecutively.
  • Fix breakpoint query math for fixed em grids.


12 Aug 20:12
Choose a tag to compare

1.10.0 - 8/11/14

  • Add $gutter: center modifier.
  • Fix SASS_PATH issue.


06 Aug 14:06
Choose a tag to compare

1.9.1 - 8/4/14

  • Break Compass dependency.
  • Add better error handling for invalid arguments.


01 Aug 19:07
Choose a tag to compare

1.8.0 - 8/1/14

  • Deprecated $shift modifier.
  • Optimized for query to output comma delimited list of queries instead of duplicating styles for each query.
  • Optimized _main.scss. Significantly cleaned up code by grouping like-calls together into the same conditional.
  • Removed prefixes from all properties.
  • Created flint-box-sizing mixin. Uses box-sizing mixin if it exists.
  • Removed only screen from media queries.