The main goal of this lesson is to get familiar with basic concepts (configuration, running the system, etc.) and to create a working system which:
- generates random data,
- distributes data and stores it in in-memory database.
In this simple setup we can think of data generator as one of the data providers (Bloomberg, Reuters, etc.) from which data is pushed to in-memory database.
Please note that Feed Handlers (Bloomberg, Reuters, etc.) are optional and not part of the Enterprise Components. However, DEVnet offers professional services including tailored development as well as pre-build feed handlers. Please contact sales(at) for further information.
It is assumed that Installation page is read, system is deployed and working. Specifically these sections should be looked at in more detail:
In this lesson we've used three components:
- generates mock data fortrade
- distributes trade updates across the systemcore.rdb
- captures real time data (incoming updates) totrade
Image below shows how these interact together:
Red line around components indicates that those have been added in this Lesson.
Very basic system such as presented in this lesson can be created by using two main configuration
files. Both files can be found in ec/tutorial/Lesson01/etc
The main goal of this file is to define components used in the system with list of properties such as startup command, port used, etc. Snippet of this file is shown below:
+++ system.cfg (Lesson 1)
+ [group:core]
+ [[core.gen]] # Component named 'core.gen'
+ # random data generator
+ command = "q gen.q" # command line string to start q process
+ type = q:mock/gen # q component of type 'gen' from package 'mock'
+ port = ${basePort} + 9 # q process port, based on ${basePort}
+ memCap = 5000 # q process memory cap in MB (-w q option) - here 5000 MB
+ cfg.dst = core.tick # server name that should be used for data distribution
+ [[core.tick]] # Component named 'core.tick'
+ # distribution of high frequency data
+ command = "q tickHF.q" # command line string to start q process
+ type = q:tickHF/tickHF # q component of type 'tickHF' from package 'tickHF'
+ port = ${basePort} + 10 # q process port, based on ${basePort}
+ memCap = 5000 # q process memory cap in MB (-w q option)
+ [[core.rdb]] # Component named 'core.rdb'
+ # real-time database
+ command = "q rdb.q" # command line string to start q process
+ type = q:rdb/rdb # q component of type 'rdb' from package 'rdb'
+ port = ${basePort} + 11 # q process port, based on ${basePort}
+ memCap = 10000 # q process memory cap in MB (-w q option)
Defines tables present in the system and their schema (models). As you can see, there are
similarities between two files - both list components within the system. The main difference is that
while system.cfg
defines what components are used, dataflow.cfg
outlines what happens with the
data in the system:
+++ dataflow.cfg (Lesson 1)
+ [table:trade]
+ # Data model definition - list of colName(colType) pairs
+ model = time(TIME), sym(SYMBOL), price(FLOAT), size(LONG)
+ [[core.gen]] # Data generation component for dummy trade updates
+ period = 5000 # frequency of data updates
+ pkgSize = 10 # size of each update package
+ [[core.tick]] # Data distribution component
+ # distribute trade table updates within the system
+ [[core.rdb]] # Collect intraday updates for trade table
+ subSrc = core.tick # source server for the data - pointing to core.tick
+ hdbConn = NULL # no hdb in current system setup
+ eodClear = TRUE # clear trade table at the end of the day
+ eodPerform = FALSE # don't store trade table at the end of the day
If you would like to get a better understanding of how Enterprise Components are configured and used together, please visit configuration section in the documentation which gives more details on this topic. In future lessons we will cover configuration files and general concepts in more detail.
Once the system is installed, linked, sourced and started - we can have some 'hands on' exercises to see what can be done.
Data shown below from q processes will differ as it's randomly generated
DemoSystem> yak info \*
uid pid port status started stopped
core.gen 11281 17009 RUNNING 2014.05.08 07:40:03
core.rdb 11293 17011 RUNNING 2014.05.08 07:40:04
core.tick 11287 17010 RUNNING 2014.05.08 07:40:03
If all three processes are running, than the system is working properly. Otherwise, please refer to troubleshooting.txt.
DemoSystem> ls -l
etc -> bin/ec/tutorial/Lesson01/etc/
DemoSystem> ls -l log
DemoSystem> yak log core.rdb
INFO 2014.05.08 07:40:04.203 sl - KDB+ ver: 3.1 rel: 2014.03.27 OS: l32 PID: 11293
INFO 2014.05.08 07:40:04.204 sl - no license found
INFO 2014.05.08 07:40:04.204 sl - user: userName host: userHost port: 17011
INFO 2014.05.08 07:40:04.204 sl - dir: DemoSystem/bin/ec/components/rdb file: rdb.q
DemoSystem> ls -l data
DemoSystem> ls -la data/core.tick
-rw-rw-r-- 1 userName userName 40178 May 8 09:47 core.tick2014.05.08
DemoSystem> ls -la data/core.tick
-rw-rw-r-- 1 userName userName 40796 May 8 09:47 core.tick2014.05.08
q)/ execute on process core.rdb, port 17011
q) tables[]
In this lesson we have only used one table (
), however, if you switch back from other lessons without deletingdata
directory, you might see additional tables (e.g.quote
q)/ execute on process core.rdb, port 17011
q) .sub.status[]
tab | name | src | subProtocol | srcConn | rowsCnt
trade | trade | core.tick | PROTOCOL_TICKHF | open | 3560
Hint: Executing this function few times shows increase in rowsCnt which indicates incoming data.
q)/ execute on process core.rdb, port 17011
q) -3#trade
time | sym | price | size
08:10:44.306 | instr62 | 2.833303320221603 | 67
08:10:44.306 | instr52 | 53.228960861451924 | 45
08:10:44.306 | instr71 | 15.618060110136867 | 44