The Expyriment command line interface provides a convenient way to run experiment scripts and apply default settings, as well as access to a selection of other common functionality. Note: non-capitalized letter arguments are (chainable) options, capitalized letter arguments run single commands.
usage: [-h] [-0] [-1] [-2] [-3] [-a] [-d] [-f] [-i] [-t] [-w] [--display INDEX] [--display-resolution WIDTHxHEIGHT] [--opengl MODE] [--text-size SIZE] [--window-size WIDTHxHEIGHT] [-A] [-B] [-C] [-D] [-I] [-J] [-S] [-T] [SCRIPT] The Expyriment command line interface provides a convenient way to run experiment scripts and apply default settings, as well as access to a selection of other common functionality. Note: non-capitalized letter arguments are (chainable) options, capitalized letter arguments run single commands positional arguments: SCRIPT the experiment script to be executed options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -0, -g, --no-opengl DEPRECATED: no OpenGL (no vsync / no blocking) -1, --no-blocking DEPRECATED: OpenGL (vsync / no blocking) -2, --blocking DEPRECATED: OpenGL (vsync / blocking) -3, --alternative-blocking DEPRECATED: OpenGL (vsync / alternative blocking) -a, --auto-subject-id auto create subject ID -d, --develop-mode develop mode (equivalent to -wfat) -f, --fast-mode fast mode (no initialize delay and fast quitting) -i, --intensive-logging intensive logging (log level 2) -t, --no-time-stamps no time stamps for output files -w, --window-mode window mode --display INDEX show the screen on specific display (multi-monitor setting) --display-resolution WIDTHxHEIGHT set the display resolution (only in fullscreen mode) --opengl MODE set the OpenGL mode: 0 = No OpenGL (no vsync / no blocking), 1 = OpenGL (vsync / no blocking), 2 = OpenGL (vsync / blocking) --text-size SIZE set the default text size --window-size WIDTHxHEIGHT set the window size (only in window mode) -A, --Api start the API reference tool -B, --Browser-api open browser with API reference -C, --Create-exp create experiment template -D, --Download-stash download from Expyriment stash -I, --Interactive start an interactive session -J, --Join-data join data files to one single csv file -S, --System-info print system information -T, --Test-suite run the Expyriment test suite