This is a library containing tools for testing your Apollo applications.
Include the maven dependency in your project pom.xml
<version>${apollo.version}</version> <!-- (version not needed with apollo-bom) -->
If you get MethodNotFound exceptions from Hamcrest move this dependency to the top. E.g. mockito and junit adds their own (older) versions of hamcrest to the classpath.
When testing your apollo service code there are some things that need some extra attention. Things
like the fact that your code uses the RequestContext.requestScopedClient()
to make service calls
and that the whole request handler returns a CompletionStage
. You'll have to mock the
instance and set up interaction rules for how each request should be identified
and what the response should be. Furthermore you should have actual asynchronous responses
instead of just returning a CompletableFuture.completedFuture(T)
if you want to test how the
transformations actually compose when responses come in after the transformations are set up in
the handler.
This library aims to help with testing your services with a few helpers:
our application under test
class MinimalApp {
static void main(String... args) throws LoadingException {
HttpService.boot(MinimalApp::init, "test", args);
static void init(Environment environment) {
.registerAutoRoute(Route.future("GET", "/beer", (ctx) -> beer(ctx)));
static CompletionStage<Response<String>> beer(RequestContext context) {
Request breweryRequest = Request.forUri("http://brewery/order");
CompletionStage<Response<ByteString>> orderRequest = context.requestScopedClient()
return orderRequest.thenApply(orderResponse -> {
if (orderResponse.status().code() != Status.OK.code()) {
return Response.forStatus(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
// assume we get an order id as a plaintext payload
final String orderId = orderResponse.payload().get().utf8();
return Response.forPayload("your order is " + orderId);
So we have a simple endpoint at http://<app>/beer
that makes a GET call to the brewery
for an order (yes this isn't a nice API but thankfully it's imaginary). Then it transforms the
response into a simple string response telling us what our order id is. It also checks the response
code of the brewery
call to make sure we got a 200 OK
back. If not, it will reply with a 500 Internal Server Error
An example how tests that call this endpoint and mock the brewery
calls would be written using the
test library.
import static com.spotify.apollo.test.unit.ResponseMatchers.hasStatus;
import static com.spotify.apollo.test.unit.StatusTypeMatchers.withCode;
public class MinimalAppTest {
private static final String BREWERY_ORDER_URI = "http://brewery/order";
private static final String ORDER_REPLY = "order0443";
private static final ByteString ORDER_REPLY_BYTES = ByteString.encodeUtf8(ORDER_REPLY);
public ServiceHelper serviceHelper = ServiceHelper.create(MinimalApp::init, "test");
public StubClient stubClient= serviceHelper.stubClient();
public void shouldRespondWithOrderId() throws Exception {
CompletionStage<Response<ByteString>> replyFuture = serviceHelper.request("GET", "/beer");
String reply = replyFuture.toCompletableFuture().get().payload().get().utf8();
assertThat(reply, is("your order is " + ORDER_REPLY));
public void shouldFailForBadStatusCode() throws Exception {
stubClient.respond(Response.of(StatusCode.IM_A_TEAPOT, ORDER_REPLY_BYTES).to(BREWERY_ORDER_URI);
CompletionStage<Response<ByteString>> replyFuture = serviceHelper.request("GET", "/beer");
Response<ByteString> response = replyFuture.toCompletableFuture().get();
assertThat(response, hasStatus(withCode(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)));
Here we have a unit test that creates a ServiceHelper
that will use MinimalApp::init
to create
our routes. From the helper we can get a StubClient
for setting up replies to outgoing requests.
The actual tests then should be pretty self-explanatory. They simply use stubClient.respond(...)
and its overloads to setup different request-reply scenarios. Then they make the call to our
endpoint using serviceHelper.send(...)
and verify the response.
There are a couple of handy utility classes that can help you write your tests more succinctly: