All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Added support for AHK v2
Implemented PauseHotkey / ResumeHotkey for InterceptionTapHold
- Add support for context-specific hotkeys (THM only takes effect when a specific window is active)
- Add Pause / Resume hotkeys functionality
- InterceptionTapHold now accepts an instance of AutoHotInterception and a Device ID
This allows you to use AutoHotInterception's GetDeviceIdFromHandle method to get device ID
- Added MaxTaps parameter to support always firing callback after a fixed number of taps / holds
- TapHoldManager now works with Joystick Buttons (eg 1Joy1)
- Updates the AutoHotInterception addon to support AHI 3.x
- Added an additional holdTime parameter to control the amount of time a key must be held to be considered a hold.
- Inital version