Clone the repository and run the command mvn clean install
, this will first clean the project by running
the clean
lifecyccle and then build the project.
To run all the unit tests, run the command mvn test
The project is using Junit5 dependency for the tests and Jacoco for code coverage.
To generate the coverage for the project, run mvn clean verify
, this will run all the preceeding Maven lifecycles
and also generate code coverage in the target/site/jacoco
There is an index.html
file in this folder. It can be opened in any browser to properly view the page information.
First, run the following command to compile the project
mvn compile
Then run
mvn package
command to build an executable jar.
To run the application, use the command
Java -jar target/BillingTest-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
The above command will run the main
of the NetBill