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Ultralight CLI

This is an NodeJS implementation of an Ultralight node that exposes a JSON-RPC for interacting with the Portal Network.


The easiest way to get started with Ultralight is to use the npm run dev script to start up a a single local node:

npm run dev along with any of the below parameters. Pass --help as a CLI parameter for a complete list of available options.

CLI Parameters

  --pk                base64 string encoded protobuf serialized private key  [string]
  --bootnode          ENR of Bootnode                                        [string]
  --bindAddress       initial IP address and UDP port to bind to             [string]
  --bootnodeList      path to a file containing a list of bootnode ENRs      [string]
  --rpc               Enable the JSON-RPC server with HTTP endpoint          [boolean] [default: true]
  --rpcPort           HTTP-RPC server listening port                         [number] [default: 8545]
  --rpcAddr           HTTP-RPC server listening interface address            [string]
  --metrics           Turn on Prometheus metrics reporting                   [boolean] [default: false]
  --metricsPort       Port exposed for metrics scraping                      [number] [default: 18545]
  --dataDir           data directory where content is stored                 [string]
  --web3              web3 JSON RPC HTTP endpoint for local Ethereum node    [string]
  --networks          subnetworks to enable  (options are: `history`, `state`, `beacon`) [default: `history`]
  --trustedBlockRoot  a trusted blockroot to start light client syncing of the beacon chain [string]
  --storageHistory    Storage space allocated to HistoryNetwork DB in MB      [number] [default: 1024]
  --storageBeacon     Storage space allocated to BeaconChainNetwork DB in MB  [number] [default: 1024]
  --storageState      Storage space allocated to StateNetwork DB in MB        [number] [default: 1024]

Starting with the same Node ID

To start a node that has the same node ID each time, you can pass the --pk parameter at start-up with a base64 string encoded protobuf serialized private key. So tsx src/index.ts --pk=CAISINx/bjWlmCXTClX2JvDYehb8FSrE6l4MA9LGvP74XdfD will always start the cli client with the node ID 2a9511ca767b7b56bb873234209557d07c5fe09382ed060b272c6a933c5658f5.

Connecting to the public testnet

The implementation teams run a few public bootnodes for interacting with other Portal Network nodes in the wild. These nodes currently just support the History network but hopefully more capabilities are coming soon!

There are two ways to specify bootnodes at start-up. Either pass in a bootnode's base64 string encoded ENR in the --bootnode CLI parameter or else pass the --bootnodeList parameter with a path to a plaintext file containing a list of base64 string encoded ENRs, one ENR per line.

The bootnodes.txt contains the ENRs for the public bootnodes designated and are intended to provide an initial connection point to the fleets of Portal Network nodes operated by implementation teams. Use at your own risk!

Local Devnet

Run a local network of CLI Ultralight clients. Test JSON-RPC calls in a terminal, or run a test script from packages/cli/scripts/ like sampleTest.ts

  • From ./packages/cli:
  • Run npm run devnet -- --numNodes=3
    • This will start 3 nodes with JSON-RPC server addresses [8545, 8546, 8547]
  • To specify a discv5 port number, include a --port variable
    • npm run devnet -- --numNodes=5 --port=9009
    • This will start 5 nodes with discv5 listener ports on [9009, 9010, 9011, 9012, 9013]
  • To specify which subnetworks to support, include one or more options with the --networks parameter as shown below
    • npm run devnet -- --numNodes=5 --networks=history beacon

Note, all nodes are connected to each other as bootnodes for each network by default. To turn off this behavior, pass --connectNodes=false.

CLI Parameters

  --pks           text file containing private keys for nodes in devnet  [string]
  --numNodes      number of random nodes to start                        [number] (default: 1)
  --ip            public ip address of the node                          [string]
  --promConfig    create prometheus scrape_target file                   [boolean] (default: false)
  --port          starting port number                                   [number] (default: 9000)
  --networks      supported subnetworks                                  [array] (default: [`history`, `beacon`, `state`])
  --connectNodes  connect all nodes on network start                     [boolean] (default: false)

Using the Devnet

From the command-line:

Make JSON-RPC calls using curl or httpie

  • Get a node's ENR and NodeId
    • http POST jsonrpc=2.0 id=1 method=discv5_nodeInfo params:=[]
      • __copy the <enr> value
    "id": "1",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": {
        "enr": "enr:-IS4QIDbdz4hUnMDy09zUlXR5k...",
        "nodeId": "0x7d878d995cab4c75608084376a93..."
  • Ping the first node from another
    • http POST jsonrpc=2.0 id=1 method=portal_historyPing params:='["<enr>"]'
    "id": "1",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": "PING/PONG successful with 0x7d878d995cab4c75608084376a93..."
  • Add a block (header, body, receipt) to a node's database:
    • http POST jsonrpc=2.0 id=1 method=ultralight_addBlockToHistory params:='["<blockHash>", "<blockRlp>"]'
    "id": "1",
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "result": "Block <blockHash> added to content DB"
  • Retrieve block content with another
    • http POST jsonrpc=2.0 id=1 method=eth_getBlockByHash params:='["<blockHash>", true]'
  id: '1',
  jsonrpc: '2.0',
  result: {
    header: {
      parentHash: '0xd32c9544473fc38...',
      uncleHash: '0x1dcc4de8dec75d7a...',
      coinbase: '0x52bc44d5378309ee2...',
      stateRoot: '0xbf208abc4d2964e5...',
      transactionsTrie: '0x25ac8c77b...',
      receiptTrie: '0x435cec14c37f75...',
      logsBloom: '0x0000000...',
      difficulty: '0x5aae...',
      number: '0x30...',
      gasLimit: '0x2f...',
      gasUsed: '0xf1...',
      timestamp: '0x55e...',
      extraData: '0xd783010102844765...',
      mixHash: '0xa14a2a095183a08b07...',
      nonce: '0x066ae63e55...'
    transactions: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
    uncleHeaders: []

Using Typescript

scripts/sampleTest.ts` performs the same sequence of JSON-RPC calls as above

  • From ./packages/cli
    • npm run devnet --numNodes=2
      • starting 2 nodes...
      • Started JSON RPC Server address=http://localhost:8545
      • Started JSON RPC Server address=http://localhost:8546
  • From ./packages/cli ( in another terminal )
    • npx tsx scripts/sampleTest.ts


See the RPC docs for details on the available RPC endpoints.

Supported Portal Network Subnetworks

See the Networks for details on how to interact with specific subnetworks.


Freezes during installation of dependencies

If it freezes during installation of dependencies when you run npm install from the monorepo root then run npm run clean from the monorepo root and try running npm install again.

Error env: python: No such file or directory on macOS

If you are on fresh Macbook or similar then whilst you may have the python3 binary in your PATH, you may not also have python in your PATH, so when you run npm install from the monorepo root it may give you error env: python: No such file or directory. In that case it is necessary to create a symlink by running the following:

ln -s /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python


Run the following from the monorepo root

npm install
npx vitest run

If you encounter an error then first run npm run clean


Run the following from monorepo root to show linting errors and fix them to pass CI tests:

npm run lint


This requires Node version 18 or above