+### `useWeb3Contract()`
+📋 Runs on-chain functions. Requires active Web3 Provider.
+- `chain` (optional): The blockchain to get data from. Valid values are listed on the intro page in the Transactions and Balances section. Default value Eth.
+- `functionName` (required): The function name
+- `contractAddress` (required): A smart contract address
+- `abi` (required): contract or function ABI(should be provided as an array)
+- `params` (optional): Parameters needed for your specific function
+const ShowUniswapObserveValues = () => {
+ const { runContractFunction, contractResponse, error, isRunning, isLoading } = useWeb3Contract({
+ abi: usdcEthPoolAbi,
+ contractAddress: usdcEthPoolAddress,
+ functionName: "observe",
+ params: {
+ secondsAgos: [0, 10],
+ },
+ });
+ return (
+### `useERC20Balance()`
+💰 Gets all token balances of a current user or specified address.
+- `chain` (optional): The blockchain to get data from. Valid values are listed on the intro page in the Transactions and Balances section. Default value: current chain.
+- `address` (optional): A user address (i.e. 0x1a2b3x...). If specified, the user attached to the query is ignored and the address will be used instead.
+- `to_block` (optional): The block number on which the balances should be checked
+**Returns** (Object) : number of tokens and the array of token objects
+const { fetchERC20Balance, assets } = useERC20Balance({ chain : "eth" });
+### `useERC20Transfers()`
+### `useNativeBalance()`
+💰 Gets native balance for a current user or specified address. The `nativeName` from `useNativeBalance()` shows name of chain(Example: "BNB", "ETH", ...)
+- `chain` (optional): The blockchain to get data from. Valid values are listed on the intro page in the Transactions and Balances section. Default value: current chain.
+- `address` (optional): A user address (i.e. 0x1a2b3x...). If specified, the user attached to the query is ignored and the address will be used instead.
+- `to_block` (optional): The block number on which the balances should be checked
+**Returns** (Object) : { inWei: balance in Wei , formatted: balance in Eth style }
+function NativeBalance() {
+ const { getBalance, balance, nativeName, error, isLoading } = useNativeBalance({ chain : "eth" });
+ return (
{`${balance.formatted} ${nativeName}`}
+ );
+### `useNativeTransactions()`
+Gets the transactions from the current user or specified address. Returns an object with the number of transactions and the array of native transactions
+- `chain` (optional): The blockchain to get data from. Valid values are listed on the intro page in the Transactions and Balances section. Default value: current chain.
+- `address` (optional): A user address (i.e. 0x1a2b3x...). If specified, the user attached to the query is ignored and the address will be used instead.
+- `from_date` (optional): The date from where to get the transactions (any format that is accepted by momentjs). Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date' If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used.
+- `to_date` (optional): Get the transactions to this date (any format that is accepted by momentjs). Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date' If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used.
+- `from_block` (optional): The minimum block number from where to get the transactions Provide the param 'from_block' or 'from_date' If 'from_date' and 'from_block' are provided, 'from_block' will be used.
+- `to_block` (optional): The maximum block number from where to get the transactions. Provide the param 'to_block' or 'to_date' If 'to_date' and 'to_block' are provided, 'to_block' will be used.
+- `offset` (optional): Offset.
+- `limit` (optional): Limit.
+**Returns** (Array) : native transactions
+### `useNFTBalance()`
+### `useNFTTransfers()`
+### `useChain()`
+### `useInchDex()`
+### `useTokenPrice()`
+### `useIPFS()`