SpaceTraders is an open-universe game and learning platform that offers a set of HTTP endpoints to control a fleet of ships and explore a multiplayer universe.
The API is documented using OpenAPI. You can send your first request right here in your browser to check the status of the game server.
\"method\": \"GET\",
\"url\": \"\",
Unlike a traditional game, SpaceTraders does not have a first-party client or app to play the game. Instead, you can use the API to build your own client, write a script to automate your ships, or try an app built by the community.
We have a Discord channel where you can share your projects, ask questions, and get help from other players.
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 2.0.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen
Dart 2.12 or later
If this Dart package is published to Github, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
To use the package in your local drive, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/openapi
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:openapi/api.dart';
// TODO Configure HTTP Bearer authorization: AgentToken
// Case 1. Use String Token
// Case 2. Use Function which generate token.
// String yourTokenGeneratorFunction() { ... }
final api_instance = AgentsApi();
final agentSymbol = agentSymbol_example; // String | The agent symbol
try {
final result = api_instance.getAgent(agentSymbol);
} catch (e) {
print('Exception when calling AgentsApi->getAgent: $e\n');
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AgentsApi | getAgent | GET /agents/{agentSymbol} | Get Public Agent |
AgentsApi | getAgents | GET /agents | List Agents |
AgentsApi | getMyAgent | GET /my/agent | Get Agent |
ContractsApi | acceptContract | POST /my/contracts/{contractId}/accept | Accept Contract |
ContractsApi | deliverContract | POST /my/contracts/{contractId}/deliver | Deliver Cargo to Contract |
ContractsApi | fulfillContract | POST /my/contracts/{contractId}/fulfill | Fulfill Contract |
ContractsApi | getContract | GET /my/contracts/{contractId} | Get Contract |
ContractsApi | getContracts | GET /my/contracts | List Contracts |
DefaultApi | getStatus | GET / | Get Status |
DefaultApi | register | POST /register | Register New Agent |
FactionsApi | getFaction | GET /factions/{factionSymbol} | Get Faction |
FactionsApi | getFactions | GET /factions | List Factions |
FleetApi | createChart | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/chart | Create Chart |
FleetApi | createShipShipScan | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/scan/ships | Scan Ships |
FleetApi | createShipSystemScan | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/scan/systems | Scan Systems |
FleetApi | createShipWaypointScan | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/scan/waypoints | Scan Waypoints |
FleetApi | createSurvey | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/survey | Create Survey |
FleetApi | dockShip | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/dock | Dock Ship |
FleetApi | extractResources | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/extract | Extract Resources |
FleetApi | extractResourcesWithSurvey | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/extract/survey | Extract Resources with Survey |
FleetApi | getMounts | GET /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/mounts | Get Mounts |
FleetApi | getMyShip | GET /my/ships/{shipSymbol} | Get Ship |
FleetApi | getMyShipCargo | GET /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/cargo | Get Ship Cargo |
FleetApi | getMyShips | GET /my/ships | List Ships |
FleetApi | getRepairShip | GET /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/repair | Get Repair Ship |
FleetApi | getScrapShip | GET /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/scrap | Get Scrap Ship |
FleetApi | getShipCooldown | GET /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/cooldown | Get Ship Cooldown |
FleetApi | getShipNav | GET /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/nav | Get Ship Nav |
FleetApi | installMount | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/mounts/install | Install Mount |
FleetApi | jettison | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/jettison | Jettison Cargo |
FleetApi | jumpShip | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/jump | Jump Ship |
FleetApi | navigateShip | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/navigate | Navigate Ship |
FleetApi | negotiateContract | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/negotiate/contract | Negotiate Contract |
FleetApi | orbitShip | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/orbit | Orbit Ship |
FleetApi | patchShipNav | PATCH /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/nav | Patch Ship Nav |
FleetApi | purchaseCargo | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/purchase | Purchase Cargo |
FleetApi | purchaseShip | POST /my/ships | Purchase Ship |
FleetApi | refuelShip | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/refuel | Refuel Ship |
FleetApi | removeMount | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/mounts/remove | Remove Mount |
FleetApi | repairShip | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/repair | Repair Ship |
FleetApi | scrapShip | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/scrap | Scrap Ship |
FleetApi | sellCargo | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/sell | Sell Cargo |
FleetApi | shipRefine | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/refine | Ship Refine |
FleetApi | siphonResources | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/siphon | Siphon Resources |
FleetApi | transferCargo | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/transfer | Transfer Cargo |
FleetApi | warpShip | POST /my/ships/{shipSymbol}/warp | Warp Ship |
SystemsApi | getConstruction | GET /systems/{systemSymbol}/waypoints/{waypointSymbol}/construction | Get Construction Site |
SystemsApi | getJumpGate | GET /systems/{systemSymbol}/waypoints/{waypointSymbol}/jump-gate | Get Jump Gate |
SystemsApi | getMarket | GET /systems/{systemSymbol}/waypoints/{waypointSymbol}/market | Get Market |
SystemsApi | getShipyard | GET /systems/{systemSymbol}/waypoints/{waypointSymbol}/shipyard | Get Shipyard |
SystemsApi | getSystem | GET /systems/{systemSymbol} | Get System |
SystemsApi | getSystemWaypoints | GET /systems/{systemSymbol}/waypoints | List Waypoints in System |
SystemsApi | getSystems | GET /systems | List Systems |
SystemsApi | getWaypoint | GET /systems/{systemSymbol}/waypoints/{waypointSymbol} | Get Waypoint |
SystemsApi | supplyConstruction | POST /systems/{systemSymbol}/waypoints/{waypointSymbol}/construction/supply | Supply Construction Site |
- AcceptContract200Response
- AcceptContract200ResponseData
- ActivityLevel
- Agent
- Chart
- Construction
- ConstructionMaterial
- Contract
- ContractDeliverGood
- ContractPayment
- ContractTerms
- Cooldown
- CreateChart201Response
- CreateChart201ResponseData
- CreateShipShipScan201Response
- CreateShipShipScan201ResponseData
- CreateShipSystemScan201Response
- CreateShipSystemScan201ResponseData
- CreateShipWaypointScan201Response
- CreateShipWaypointScan201ResponseData
- CreateSurvey201Response
- CreateSurvey201ResponseData
- DeliverContract200Response
- DeliverContract200ResponseData
- DeliverContractRequest
- DockShip200Response
- ExtractResources201Response
- ExtractResources201ResponseData
- ExtractResources201ResponseDataEventsInner
- ExtractResourcesRequest
- Extraction
- ExtractionYield
- Faction
- FactionSymbol
- FactionTrait
- FactionTraitSymbol
- FulfillContract200Response
- GetAgents200Response
- GetConstruction200Response
- GetContract200Response
- GetContracts200Response
- GetFaction200Response
- GetFactions200Response
- GetJumpGate200Response
- GetMarket200Response
- GetMounts200Response
- GetMyAgent200Response
- GetMyShip200Response
- GetMyShipCargo200Response
- GetMyShips200Response
- GetRepairShip200Response
- GetRepairShip200ResponseData
- GetScrapShip200Response
- GetScrapShip200ResponseData
- GetShipCooldown200Response
- GetShipNav200Response
- GetShipyard200Response
- GetStatus200Response
- GetStatus200ResponseAnnouncementsInner
- GetStatus200ResponseLeaderboards
- GetStatus200ResponseLeaderboardsMostCreditsInner
- GetStatus200ResponseLeaderboardsMostSubmittedChartsInner
- GetStatus200ResponseLinksInner
- GetStatus200ResponseServerResets
- GetStatus200ResponseStats
- GetSystem200Response
- GetSystemWaypoints200Response
- GetSystemWaypointsTraitsParameter
- GetSystems200Response
- GetWaypoint200Response
- InstallMount201Response
- InstallMount201ResponseData
- InstallMountRequest
- Jettison200Response
- Jettison200ResponseData
- JettisonRequest
- JumpGate
- JumpShip200Response
- JumpShip200ResponseData
- JumpShipRequest
- Market
- MarketTradeGood
- MarketTransaction
- Meta
- NavigateShip200Response
- NavigateShip200ResponseData
- NavigateShipRequest
- NegotiateContract200Response
- NegotiateContract200ResponseData
- OrbitShip200Response
- OrbitShip200ResponseData
- PatchShipNavRequest
- PurchaseCargo201Response
- PurchaseCargoRequest
- PurchaseShip201Response
- PurchaseShip201ResponseData
- PurchaseShipRequest
- RefuelShip200Response
- RefuelShip200ResponseData
- RefuelShipRequest
- Register201Response
- Register201ResponseData
- RegisterRequest
- RemoveMount201Response
- RemoveMount201ResponseData
- RemoveMountRequest
- RepairShip200Response
- RepairShip200ResponseData
- RepairTransaction
- ScannedShip
- ScannedShipEngine
- ScannedShipFrame
- ScannedShipMountsInner
- ScannedShipReactor
- ScannedSystem
- ScannedWaypoint
- ScrapShip200Response
- ScrapShip200ResponseData
- ScrapTransaction
- SellCargo201Response
- SellCargo201ResponseData
- SellCargoRequest
- Ship
- ShipCargo
- ShipCargoItem
- ShipConditionEvent
- ShipCrew
- ShipEngine
- ShipFrame
- ShipFuel
- ShipFuelConsumed
- ShipModificationTransaction
- ShipModule
- ShipMount
- ShipNav
- ShipNavFlightMode
- ShipNavRoute
- ShipNavRouteWaypoint
- ShipNavStatus
- ShipReactor
- ShipRefine201Response
- ShipRefine201ResponseData
- ShipRefine201ResponseDataProducedInner
- ShipRefineRequest
- ShipRegistration
- ShipRequirements
- ShipRole
- ShipType
- Shipyard
- ShipyardShip
- ShipyardShipCrew
- ShipyardShipTypesInner
- ShipyardTransaction
- Siphon
- SiphonResources201Response
- SiphonResources201ResponseData
- SiphonYield
- SupplyConstruction201Response
- SupplyConstruction201ResponseData
- SupplyConstructionRequest
- SupplyLevel
- Survey
- SurveyDeposit
- System
- SystemFaction
- SystemType
- SystemWaypoint
- TradeGood
- TradeSymbol
- TransferCargo200Response
- TransferCargoRequest
- WarpShip200Response
- WarpShip200ResponseData
- Waypoint
- WaypointFaction
- WaypointModifier
- WaypointModifierSymbol
- WaypointOrbital
- WaypointTrait
- WaypointTraitSymbol
- WaypointType
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: HTTP Bearer authentication