Datatables With Spring Data-JPa
Server side rendering with spring data JPA making use of DTO projections.
Configuration begins with joining JPA repositories with the DataTables repository interface.
package com .developersboard .config .jpa ;
import org .springframework .boot .autoconfigure .domain .EntityScan ;
import org .springframework .context .annotation .Configuration ;
import org .springframework .data .jpa .repository .config .EnableJpaAuditing ;
import org .springframework .data .jpa .repository .config .EnableJpaRepositories ;
@ Configuration
@ EnableJpaRepositories (
repositoryFactoryBeanClass = DataTablesRepositoryFactoryBean .class ,
basePackages = "com.developersboard.backend.persistent.repository" )
@ EntityScan (basePackages = "com.developersboard.backend.persistent.domain" )
public class JpaConfig {
Then the definition of the DataTables repository interface.
package com .developersboard .backend .persistent .repository ;
import com .developersboard .backend .persistent .domain .user .User ;
import org .springframework .data .jpa .datatables .repository .DataTablesRepository ;
import org .springframework .data .jpa .repository .JpaRepository ;
import org .springframework .stereotype .Repository ;
@ Repository
public interface UserRepository
extends DataTablesRepository <User , Long >, JpaRepository <User , Long > {
Then the logic to retrieve the data from the database.
package com .developersboard .backend .service .user ;
public interface UserService {
DataTablesOutput <UserResponse > getUsers (final DataTablesInput dataTablesInput );
Finally, the scripting to consume the controller.