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Generating a Crossplane provider

This guide shows you how to generate a Crossplane provider based on an existing Terraform provider using Upjet. The guide uses the Terraform GitHub provider as the example, but the process is similar for any other Terraform provider.

Prepare your new provider repository

  1. Create a new GitHub repository for the Crossplane provider by clicking the "Use this template" button in the upjet-provider-template repository. The expected repository name is in the format provider-<name>. For example, provider-github. The script in step 3 expects this format and fails if you follow a different naming convention.

  2. Clone the repository to your local environment and cd into the repository directory.

  3. Fetch the upbound/build submodule by running the following command:

    make submodules
  4. To setup your provider name and group run the ./hack/ script from the repository root to prepare the code.

  5. Ensure your organization name is correct in the Makefile for the PROJECT_REPO variable.

  6. To configure which Terraform provider to generate from, update the following variables in the Makefile:

Variable Description
TERRAFORM_PROVIDER_SOURCE Find this variable on the Terraform registry for the provider. You can see the source value when clicking on the "USE PROVIDER" dropdown button in the navigation.
TERRAFORM_PROVIDER_REPO The URL to the repository that hosts the provider's code.
TERRAFORM_PROVIDER_VERSION Find this variable on the Terraform registry for the provider. You can see the source value when clicking on the "USE PROVIDER" dropdown button in the navigation.
TERRAFORM_PROVIDER_DOWNLOAD_NAME The name of the provider in the Terraform registry
TERRAFORM_NATIVE_PROVIDER_BINARY The name of the binary in the Terraform provider. This follows the pattern terraform-provider-{provider name}_v{provider version}.
TERRAFORM_DOCS_PATH The relative path, from the root of the repository, where the provider resource documentation exist.

For example, for the Terraform GitHub provider, the variables are:

export TERRAFORM_PROVIDER_SOURCE := integrations/github
export TERRAFORM_PROVIDER_DOWNLOAD_NAME := terraform-provider-github
export TERRAFORM_NATIVE_PROVIDER_BINARY := terraform-provider-github_v5.32.0
export TERRAFORM_DOCS_PATH := website/docs/r

Refer to the Dockerfile to see the variables called when building the provider.

Configure the provider resources

  1. First you need to add the ProviderConfig logic.

    • In upjet-provider-template, there is already boilerplate code in the file internal/clients/github.go which takes care of fetching secret data referenced from the ProviderConfig resource.
    • Reference the Terraform Github provider documentation for information on authentication and provide the necessary keys.:
    const (
      keyBaseURL = "base_url"
      keyOwner = "owner"
      keyToken = "token"
    func TerraformSetupBuilder(version, providerSource, providerVersion string) terraform.SetupFn {
      // set provider configuration
      ps.Configuration = map[string]any{}
      if v, ok := creds[keyBaseURL]; ok {
        ps.Configuration[keyBaseURL] = v
      if v, ok := creds[keyOwner]; ok {
        ps.Configuration[keyOwner] = v
      if v, ok := creds[keyToken]; ok {
        ps.Configuration[keyToken] = v
      return ps, nil
  2. Next add external name configurations for the github_repository and github_branch Terraform resources.

    [!NOTE] Only generate resources with an external name configuration defined.

    • Add external name configurations for these two resources in config/external_name.go as an entry to the map called ExternalNameConfigs
    // ExternalNameConfigs contains all external name configurations for this
    // provider.
    var ExternalNameConfigs = map[string]config.ExternalName{
      // Name is a parameter and it is also used to import the resource.
      "github_repository": config.NameAsIdentifier,
      // The import ID consists of several parameters. We'll use branch name as
      // the external name.
      "github_branch": config.TemplatedStringAsIdentifier("branch", "{{ .parameters.repository }}:{{ .external_name }}:{{ .parameters.source_branch }}"),
  3. Next add custom configurations for these two resources as follows:

    • Create custom configuration directory for whole repository group
    mkdir config/repository    
    • Create custom configuration directory for whole branch group
    mkdir config/branch
    • Create the repository group configuration file
    cat <<EOF > config/repository/config.go
    package repository
    import ""
    // Configure configures individual resources by adding custom ResourceConfigurators.
    func Configure(p *config.Provider) {
        p.AddResourceConfigurator("github_repository", func(r *config.Resource) {
            // We need to override the default group that upjet generated for
            // this resource, which would be "github"
            r.ShortGroup = "repository"
    • Create the branch group configuration file

    [!NOTE] Note that you need to change myorg/provider-github to your organization.

    cat <<EOF > config/branch/config.go
    package branch
    import ""
    func Configure(p *config.Provider) {
        p.AddResourceConfigurator("github_branch", func(r *config.Resource) {
            // We need to override the default group that upjet generated for
            // this resource, which would be "github"
            r.ShortGroup = "branch"
            // This resource need the repository in which branch would be created
            // as an input. And by defining it as a reference to Repository
            // object, we can build cross resource referencing. See
            // repositoryRef in the example in the Testing section below.
            r.References["repository"] = config.Reference{
                Type: "",

    And register custom configurations in config/provider.go:

    import (
        ujconfig ""
    -   ""
    +   ""
    +   ""
     func GetProvider() *ujconfig.Provider {
        for _, configure := range []func(provider *ujconfig.Provider){
                // add custom config functions
    -           null.Configure,
    +           repository.Configure,
    +           branch.Configure,
        } {

    To learn more about custom resource configurations (in step 7), please see the Configuring a Resource document.

  4. Now we can generate our Upjet Provider:

    Before we run make generate ensure to install goimports

    go install
    make generate

Testing the generated resources

Now let's test our generated resources.

  1. First, we will create example resources under the examples directory:

    Create example directories for repository and branch groups:

    mkdir examples/repository
    mkdir examples/branch
    # remove the sample directory which was an example in the template
    rm -rf examples/null

    Create a provider secret template:

    cat <<EOF > examples/providerconfig/secret.yaml.tmpl
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: example-creds
      namespace: crossplane-system
    type: Opaque
      credentials: |
          "token": "y0ur-t0k3n"

    Create example for repository resource, which will use upjet-provider-template repo as template for the repository to be created:

    cat <<EOF > examples/repository/repository.yaml
    kind: Repository
      name: hello-crossplane
        description: "Managed with Crossplane Github Provider (generated with Upjet)"
        visibility: public
          - owner: upbound
            repository: upjet-provider-template
        name: default

    Create branch resource which refers to the above repository managed resource:

    cat <<EOF > examples/branch/branch.yaml
    kind: Branch
      name: hello-upjet
          name: hello-crossplane
        name: default

    In order to change the apiVersion, you can use WithRootGroup and WithShortName options in config/provider.go as arguments to ujconfig.NewProvider.

  2. Generate a Personal Access Token for your Github account with repo/public_repo and delete_repo scopes.

  3. Create examples/providerconfig/secret.yaml from examples/providerconfig/secret.yaml.tmpl and set your token in the file:

    cat examples/providerconfig/secret.yaml.tmpl | sed -e "s/y0ur-t0k3n/${GITHUB_TOKEN}/g" > examples/providerconfig/secret.yaml
  4. Apply CRDs:

    kubectl apply -f package/crds
  5. Run the provider:

    Please make sure Terraform is installed before running the "make run" command, you can check this guide.

    make run
  6. Apply ProviderConfig and example manifests (In another terminal since the previous command is blocking):

    # Create "crossplane-system" namespace if not exists
    kubectl create namespace crossplane-system --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -
    kubectl apply -f examples/providerconfig/
    kubectl apply -f examples/repository/repository.yaml
    kubectl apply -f examples/branch/branch.yaml
  7. Observe managed resources and wait until they are ready:

    watch kubectl get managed
    NAME                                                   READY   SYNCED   EXTERNAL-NAME                     AGE   True    True     hello-crossplane:hello-upjet   89s
    NAME                                                             READY   SYNCED   EXTERNAL-NAME      AGE   True    True     hello-crossplane   89s

    Verify that repo hello-crossplane and branch hello-upjet created under your GitHub account.

  8. You can check the errors and events by calling kubectl describe for either of the resources.

  9. Cleanup

    kubectl delete -f examples/branch/branch.yaml
    kubectl delete -f examples/repository/repository.yaml

    Verify that the repo got deleted once deletion is completed on the control plane.

Next steps

Now that you've seen the basics of generating CustomResourceDefinitions for your provider, you can learn more about configuring resources or testing your resources with Uptest.