This lab will walkthrough using the Core OS Prometheus Operator to add Monitoring and Visualization capabilities to our AKS Cluster. The Operator will be installed using HELM.
- Complete previous labs:
Configure and Setup Helm to Deploy Prometheus Operator
# Switch to the lab directory in Azure Cloud Shell cd labs/monitoring-logging/prometheus-grafana
# Create Tiller Service Account and Apply ClusterRoleBinding kubectl apply -f prom-rbactillerconfig.yaml # Helm was installed previously. Check to make sure it is Running helm version
Note: If helm is not installed, run:
helm init --service-account=tiller
Deploy Prometheus Operator
# Add the Core OS Helm Reop in case it is not already installed helm repo add coreos # Create a new Monitoring Namespace to deploy Prometheus Operator too kubectl create namespace monitoring # Install Prometheus Operator # NOTE: The output of this command will say failed because there is a job (pod) # running and it takes a while to complete. It is ok, proceed to next step. helm install coreos/prometheus-operator --version 0.0.27 --name prometheus-operator --namespace monitoring kubectl -n monitoring get all -l "release=prometheus-operator" # Install Prometheus Configuration and Setup for Kubernetes helm install coreos/kube-prometheus --version 0.0.95 --name kube-prometheus --namespace monitoring kubectl -n monitoring get all -l "release=kube-prometheus" # Check to see that all the Pods are running kubectl get pods -n monitoring # Other Useful Prometheus Operator Resources to Peruse kubectl get prometheus -n monitoring kubectl get prometheusrules -n monitoring kubectl get servicemonitor -n monitoring kubectl get cm -n monitoring kubectl get secrets -n monitoring
Expose Services to Public IP's
# use your VI skills to change the below snippet. It should be "LoadBalancer" and not "ClusterIP" kubectl edit service kube-prometheus -n monitoring
spec: clusterIP: ports: - name: http port: 9090 protocol: TCP targetPort: 9090 selector: app: prometheus prometheus: kube-prometheus sessionAffinity: None type: LoadBalancer
# repeat for Alert Manager kubectl edit service kube-prometheus-alertmanager -n monitoring
# repeat for Grafana kubectl edit service kube-prometheus-grafana -n monitoring
Note: These settings should not generally be used in production. The endpoints should be secured behind an Ingress. This just aides the lab experience.
Interact with Prometheus (Prometheus and Alert Manager Dashboards)
# Get your public IP address for the Prometheus dashboard (if <pending>, you must wait...) kubectl get service kube-prometheus -n monitoring
Open up a brower to http://:9090 and you will see the Prometheus dashboard
# Get your public IP address for the Prometheus Alert Manager (if <pending>, you must wait...) kubectl get service kube-prometheus-alertmanager -n monitoring
Open up a brower to http://:9093 and you will see the Prometheus dashboard
Interact with Grafana Dashboard
# Get your public IP address for Grafana (if <pending>, you must wait...) kubectl get service kube-prometheus-grafana -n monitoring
Open up a brower to http://:80 and you will see the Prometheus dashboard
Deploy Sample App with Integrated and Custom Prometheus Metrics
Create Namespace for Sample GO App
# Create custom Namespace to deploy sample app to. kubectl create namespace sample-app
Build Sample GO App Container & Update Deployment Manifest
# 1. Use ACR Build to create Container and Push to ACR # 2. Update Container Image in Deployment manifest (prom-graf-sample-go-app.yaml) # Deploy the Sample GO Application with Updated Container Image kubectl apply -f prom-graf-sample-go-app.yaml -n sample-app # Deploy the ServiceMonitor to Monitor the Sample GO App kubectl apply -f prom-graf-servicemonitor.yaml -n monitoring # Deploy the ConfigMap to Raise Alerts for the Sample GO App kubectl apply -f prom-graf-configmap.yaml -n monitoring
If there is interest in how Prometheus Metrics and Custom Metrics can be added to an existing application take a look at the GO Code.
Check Metrics and Alerts are Working for Sample GO App
Fix Replica Count Custom Alert
Scale the Deployment to 3 replicas to stop the Alert from FIRING.
kubectl scale deploy sample-go -n sample-app --replicas=3
Using the technique above, port-forward to the Prometheus Dashboard and check that the Alert is now Green and not FIRING. Be patient, this will take a couple of minutes for the metrics to be updated and the evaluation process to respond accordingly.
Checking Default Prometheus Configuration
kubectl get secret prometheus-kube-prometheus -n monitoring -o json | jq -r '.data["prometheus.yaml"]' | base64 --decode
Checking Default Prometheus Alert Manager Configuration
kubectl get secret alertmanager-kube-prometheus -n monitoring -o json | jq -r '.data["alertmanager.yaml"]' | base64 --decode
Checking Custom Deployed ServiceMonitor (Sample GO App) Configuration
kubectl get secret prometheus-kube-prometheus -n monitoring -o json | jq -r '.data["prometheus.yaml"]' | base64 --decode | grep "sample-go"