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KubeView is a Kubernetes cluster visualiser and graphical explorer.


$ helm repo add cowboysysop
$ helm install my-release cowboysysop/kubeview


This chart bootstraps a KubeView deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


  • Kubernetes 1.16+ (should work with 1.12+)
  • Helm 3.1+


Install the chart using:

$ helm repo add cowboysysop
$ helm install my-release cowboysysop/kubeview

These commands deploy KubeView on the Kubernetes cluster in the default configuration and with the release name my-release. The deployment configuration can be customized by specifying the customization parameters with the helm install command using the --values or --set arguments. Find more information in the configuration section of this document.


Upgrade the chart deployment using:

$ helm upgrade my-release cowboysysop/kubeview

The command upgrades the existing my-release deployment with the most latest release of the chart.

TIP: Use helm repo update to update information on available charts in the chart repositories.

Upgrading to version 2.0.0

The chart is no more compatible with Helm 2.

Refer to the Helm documentation for more information.


Uninstall the my-release deployment using:

$ helm uninstall my-release

The command deletes the release named my-release and frees all the kubernetes resources associated with the release.

TIP: Specify the --purge argument to the above command to remove the release from the store and make its name free for later use.


The following tables lists all the configurable parameters expose by the chart and their default values.

Common parameters

Name Description Default
kubeVersion Override Kubernetes version ""
imagePullSecrets Docker registry secret names as an array []
nameOverride Partially override kubeview.fullname template with a string (will prepend the release name) nil
fullnameOverride Fully override kubeview.fullname template with a string nil
commonAnnotations Annotations to add to all deployed objects {}
commonLabels Labels to add to all deployed objects {}


Name Description Default
replicaCount Number of replicas 1
image.repository KubeView image name bencuk/kubeview
image.tag KubeView image tag 0.1.11
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
pdb.create Specifies whether a pod disruption budget should be created false
pdb.minAvailable Minimum number/percentage of pods that should remain scheduled 1
pdb.maxUnavailable Maximum number/percentage of pods that may be made unavailable nil
serviceAccount.create Specify whether to create a ServiceAccount true
serviceAccount.annotations ServiceAccount annotations {} The name of the ServiceAccount to create Generated using the kubeview.fullname template
podAnnotations Additional pod annotations {}
podLabels Additional pod labels {}
podSecurityContext Pod security context {}
priorityClassName Priority class name nil
securityContext Container security context {}
livenessProbe.enabled Enable liveness probe true
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Delay before the liveness probe is initiated 0
livenessProbe.periodSeconds How often to perform the liveness probe 10
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds When the liveness probe times out 1
livenessProbe.failureThreshold Minimum consecutive failures for the liveness probe to be considered failed after having succeeded 3
livenessProbe.successThreshold Minimum consecutive successes for the liveness probe to be considered successful after having failed 1
readinessProbe.enabled Enable readiness probe true
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Delay before the readiness probe is initiated 0
readinessProbe.periodSeconds How often to perform the readiness probe 10
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds When the readiness probe times out 1
readinessProbe.failureThreshold Minimum consecutive failures for the readiness probe to be considered failed after having succeeded 3
readinessProbe.successThreshold Minimum consecutive successes for the readiness probe to be considered successful after having failed 1
service.annotations Service annotations {}
service.type Service type ClusterIP
service.clusterIP Static cluster IP address or None for headless service when service type is ClusterIP nil
service.loadBalancerIP Static load balancer IP address when service type is LoadBalancer nil
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges Source IP address ranges when service type is LoadBalancer nil
service.externalTrafficPolicy External traffic routing policy when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort Cluster
service.port Service port 8000
service.nodePort Service node port when service type is LoadBalancer or NodePort nil
ingress.enabled Enable ingress controller resource false
ingress.ingressClassName IngressClass that will be be used to implement the Ingress ""
ingress.pathType Ingress path type ImplementationSpecific
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
ingress.hosts[0].host Hostname to your KubeView installation kubeview.local
ingress.hosts[0].paths Paths within the url structure []
ingress.tls[0].secretName TLS Secret (certificates) nil
ingress.tls[0].hosts[0] TLS hosts nil
resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits {}
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
affinity Map of node/pod affinities {}
extraEnvVars Additional container environment variables []
extraEnvVarsCM Name of existing ConfigMap containing additional container environment variables nil
extraEnvVarsSecret Name of existing Secret containing additional container environment variables nil

Specify the parameters you which to customize using the --set argument to the helm install command. For instance,

$ helm install my-release \
    --set replicaCount=3 cowboysysop/kubeview

The above command sets the replicaCount to 3.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

$ helm install my-release \
    --values values.yaml cowboysysop/kubeview

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml.