Existing Geocoder Changes
- OSM - Fix deprecation by using HTTPS
Existing Geocoder Changes
- Ipstack: Fix success where city can be nil
- FCC: Update to new API
Existing Geocoder Changes
- FreegeoIp: Deprecated
Other Changes
- Added Ipstack which replaces Freegeoip
Existing Geocoder Changes
- Google - Add components option
- Google - Add zip code handling
- Google - optional reverse parameters
- Bing - Provice is actually district (county)
- Mapbox - Handle state only values
- Yandex - Fetch district
- Fix multi geocoder
- Various province improvements
Other Changes
- Alias province to city
- Use Timeout::Error instead of TimeoutError
Existing Geocoder Changes
- Google: place_id/formatted_address support
- Google: Improve error handling
- Google: Consistent precision names
- Google: Improve ordering
- Mapbox: city-only support
- Mapbox: Make MultiGeocoder compatible
- CaGeocoder: Fix url and xml
- Yandex: Use https
Other Changes
- Added Geobytes geocoder
- Replace MultiJSON with JSON
- Fix Get with URI (not URL)
- Fix missing openssl requirement
- Error when units invalid/unsupported
- Drop Ruby 1.8 support
- Make meter centric
- Add meters as a unit
- Use state_name/state_code instead of state
- HTTPS on Google, Bing, Yahoo and MapQuest
- Added Geocod.io Geocoder
- Can use Google Key on free geocoder
- Fix bug in RIPE geocoder where no locations returned
- provider_order option for MultiGeocoder
- dms return methods (degree, minute, second)
- Fix math error in ruby 1.8
- Extract HTTP processing to allow different HTTP clients for caching, etc.
- Fix MultiGeocoder with geocoders that only have one argument
- Fix due to name clash with dependency definitions in geokit 1.8.1
- Standaride GeoLoc provider string
- Change way keys/dependencies defined
- Added Bing Geocoder
- Added freegeoip.net Geocoder
- Added MapQuest Geocoder
- Remove Google (v2) Geocoder and rename Google3 (v3) to Google
- Added tests for various gateways
- Greatly standarize, simplify and improve code
- Reorganise files
- MaxMind bug fixes
- Remove geoip require from MaxMind to avoid new dependency issues
- Added Yahoo Boss, Yandex, RIPE and MaxMind Support
- Integration tests for google/yahoo boss
- Other minor fixes/improvements
- Minor fixes/improvements
- first release by @imajes, thanks @andre for all the hard work!
- normalized whitespace
- added support for subpremise on google3 encoder
- fixed yahoo's support by switching to placefinder
- switched to multi json for agnostic json support
- removed hoe and replaced with bundler's gem harness
- added Google geocoder3 support (thanks @projectdx)
- added FCC encoder support (thanks @paulschreiber)
- various minor fixes.
- fixed jruby compatibility (thanks manalang)
- added country name to Google reverse geocoder (thanks joahking)
- added DependentLocalityName as district, and SubAdministrativeAreaName as province (google geocoder only)
- Google geocoder throws an error if you exceed geocoding rates (thanks drogus)
- Fixed Ruby 1.9.1 compat and load order (thanks Niels Ganser)
- Added country code/viewport biasing to GoogleGeocoder. Added Bounds#to_span method
- Added suggested_bounds (Geokit::Bounds) property to GeoLoc. (Google geocoder only)
- Added LatLng#reverse_geocode convenience method (thanks Tisho Georgiev for all three)
- Fixed blank address geocoding bug
- Support for External geocoders file (thanks dreamcat4)
- Support multiple ip geocoders, including new setting for ip_provider_order (thanks dreamcat4)
- Added capability to define multiple API keys for different domains that may be pointing to the same application (thanks Glenn Powell)
- Added numeric accuracy accessor for Yahoo and Google geocoders (thanks Andrew Fecheyr Lippens)
- Implement #hash and #eql? on LatLng to allow for using it as a hash key (thanks Luke Melia and Ross Kaffenberger)
- misc minor fixes
- fixed GeoLoc.to_yaml
- fixed minor google geocoding bug
- now periodically publishing the Geokit gem to Rubyforge. Still maintaining development and managing contributions at Github
- Improved Google geocoder in the Gem: Support for multiple geocoding results from the Google geocoder. (thanks github/pic)
- Adding GeoPluginGeocoder for IP geocoding (thanks github/xjunior)
- Ruby 1.9.1 compatibility and Unicode fixes (thanks github/Nielsomat)
- various bug fixes
- minor bug fixes
- reverse geocoding added (Google only): res=Geokit::Geocoders::GoogleGeocoder.reverse_geocode "37.791821,-122.394679"
- nautical miles added (in addition to miles and KM)
- Improved Geocoder.us support -- respects authentication, and can geocode city names or zipcodes alone
- cross-meridian finds work correctly with bounds conditions
- fixed a problem with columns with "distance" in their name
- added Geonames geocoder
- the gem and plugin are now hosted at Github.
- fixes for distance calculation (in-memory and database) when distances are either very small or 0.
- NOTE: older versions of MySQL/Postgres may not work. See readme for more info.
- Geokit is now Rails 2.0 / Edge friendly.
- see http://earthcode.com/blog/2007/07/new_geokit_release.html
- auto geocoding: an option to automatically geocode a model's address field on create
- in-memory sort-by-distance for arrays of location objects
- bounding box queries:
Location.find :all, :bounds=>[sw,ne]
- improved performance by automatically adding a bounding box condition to radial queries
- new Bounds class for in-memory bounds-related operations
- ability to calculate heading and midpoint between two points
- ability to calculate endpoint given a point, heading, and distance