Instrustions on how to compile and use the eonum server.
To get the sources and compile you need to have git and maven installed.
cd eonum-server
mvn install
This will generated two OSGi bundles to install in Apache Clerezza.
The two jars are located in ontologies/target and core/target.
Get and start Clerezza following the instructions at
before installing the two bundles compiled above you need to install jettison, you can do this on the clerezza console with with
You can install and start the two eonun bundles the same way (using file:///-URLs) or accessing the webconsole over http://localhost:8080/system/console/services.
On the Clerezza console:
zz>import zz>import zz>val f = new File("/path/to/adderesses.csv") zz>val i = $[Importer] zz>i.importFile(f)
This can be accessed via web at http://localhost:8080/eonum/manager
Note that this will abort on 3 consequtive "over query limit" exceptions.