archived because samp is dead :(
SAMP.cs is a library that can be used to write SA:MP scripts in C#. follows a different architecture to write SA:MP scripts based on a .dll file written in C but SAMP.cs can be called a rewrite of SA:MP in C#.
You can install SAMP.cs from nuget:
nuget install sampcs
using System;
namespace SAMPCS
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SAMPCS.SampApi.AddMessageToChat("{FFFFFF}SAMP {FF0000}CS {00FF00}sample");
$"You are in {SAMPCS.SampApi.GetPlayerCurrentZone()} with angle {SAMPCS.SampApi.GetPlayerFacingAngle():F1}");
- IsSAMPAvailable() Check if SA:MP is loaded.
- IsInChat() Check if the player's chatbox or dialog is open.
- GetPlayerName() Get the player's name.
- GetPlayerId() Get the player's ID.
- SendChat(wText) Send a message or command to the server.
- AddChatMessage(wText) Add a line to the chat (only visible to the player).
- ShowGameText(wText, dwTime, dwTextstyle) Display text in the middle of the screen.
- PlayAudioStream(wUrl) Play music from a URL (not currently functioning).
- StopAudioStream() Stop the music stream (not currently functioning).
- GetChatLine(Line, ByRef Output) Read a string from the line (integer).
Optional parameters (timestamp=0, color=0).
- BlockChatInput() Block messages from being sent to the server.
- UnBlockChatInput() Unblock messages from being sent to the server.
- GetServerName() Read the server's name.
- GetServerIp() Read the server's IP.
- GetServerPort() Read the server's port.
- CountOnlinePlayers() Read the number of players currently online.
- GetWeatherId() Return the weather ID.
- GetWeatherName() Return the name of the current weather.
- PatchRadio() (internal function)
- UnPatchRadio() (internal function)
- IsDialogOpen() Check if a dialog is currently displayed (returns true or false).
- GetDialogStyle() Read the type of the (last) displayed dialog (0-5).
- GetDialogId() Read the ID of the (last) displayed dialog (also from the server).
- SetDialogId(id) Set the ID of the (last) displayed dialog.
- GetDialogIndex() Read the (last) selected line of the dialog.
- GetDialogCaption() Read the title of the (last) displayed dialog.
- GetDialogText() Read the text of the (last) displayed dialog (also for lists).
- GetDialogLineCount() Read the number of lines/items of the (last) displayed dialog.
- GetDialogLine(index) Read the line at the position [index] using GetDialogText.
- GetDialogLines__() Read the lines using GetDialogText (returns an array).
- IsDialogButton1Selected() Check if Button1 of the dialog is selected.
- GetDialogStructPtr() Read the base pointer to the dialog structure (used internally).
- ShowDialog(style, caption, text, button1, button2, id) Display a dialog (local only).
- GetTargetPed(dwPED) Return the ped ID of the player you are targeting.
- GetPedById(dwId) Return the ped ID of the SA:MP player ID provided.
- GetIdByPed(dwId) Return the SA:MP player ID of the ped ID provided.
- GetStreamedInPlayersInfo() Display information about streamed players.
- CallFuncForAllStreamedInPlayers() Perform certain functions for all streamed players.
- GetDist(pos1,pos2) Calculate the distance between two positions.
- GetClosestPlayerPed() Return the ped ID of the player closest to you.
- GetClosestPlayerId() Return the SA:MP player ID of the player closest to you.
- GetPedCoordinates(dwPED) Return the coordinates of the provided PED ID.
- GetTargetPosById(dwId) Return the coordinates of the provided SA:MP player ID.
- GetTargetPlayerSkinIdByPed(dwPED) Return the skin ID for the provided ped ID.
- GetTargetPlayerSkinIdById(dwId) Return the skin ID for the provided SA:MP player ID.
- CalcScreenCoords(fX, fY, fZ) WorldToScreen Function.
Extra Player Vehicle functions (ensure the player is in a vehicle first before calling, can lead to crashes):
- GetVehiclePointerByPed(dwPED) Return the vehicle pointer of the provided ped ID.
- GetVehiclePointerById(dwId) Return the vehicle pointer of the provided SA:MP player ID.
- IsTargetInAnyVehicleByPed(dwPED) Check if the provided ped ID is in any vehicle.
- IsTargetInAnyVehicleById(dwId) Check if the provided SA:MP player ID is in any vehicle.
- GetTargetVehicleHealthByPed(dwPED) Return the vehicle health value of the provided ped ID.
- GetTargetVehicleHealthById(dwId) Return the vehicle health value of the provided SA:MP player ID.
- GetTargetVehicleTypeByPed(dwPED) Return the vehicle type (car, truck, etc.) of the provided ped ID.
- GetTargetVehicleTypeById(dwId) Return the vehicle type (car, truck, etc.) of the provided SA:MP player ID.
- GetTargetVehicleModelIdByPed(dwPED) Return the vehicle model ID of the provided ped ID.
- GetTargetVehicleModelIdById(dwId) Return the vehicle model ID of the provided SA:MP player ID.
- GetTargetVehicleModelNameByPed(dwPED) Return the vehicle name of the provided ped ID.
- GetTargetVehicleModelNameById(dwId) Return the vehicle name of the provided SA:MP player ID.
- GetTargetVehicleLightStateByPed(dwPED) Return the light status of the vehicle (ped ID).
- GetTargetVehicleLightStateById(dwId) Return the light status of the vehicle (SA:MP player ID).
- GetTargetVehicleLockStateByPed(dwPED) Return the lock status of the vehicle (ped ID).
- GetTargetVehicleLockStateById(dwId) Return the lock status of the vehicle (SA:MP player ID).
- GetTargetVehicleColor1ByPed(dwPED) Return the 1st color ID (ped ID).
- GetTargetVehicleColor1ById(dwId) Return the 1st color ID (SA:MP player ID).
- GetTargetVehicleColor2ByPed(dwPED) Return the 2nd color ID (ped ID).
- GetTargetVehicleColor2ById(dwId) Return the 2nd color ID (SA:MP player ID).
- GetTargetVehicleSpeedByPed(dwPED) Return the vehicle speed of the vehicle (ped ID).
- GetTargetVehicleSpeedById(dwId) Return the vehicle speed of the vehicle (SA:MP player ID).
- GetPlayerScoreById(dwId) Get the score of the provided SA:MP player ID.
- GetPlayerPingById(dwId) Get the ping of the provided SA:MP player ID.
- GetPlayerNameById(dwId) Get the name of the provided SA:MP player ID.
- GetPlayerIdByName(wName) Get the SA:MP player ID of the provided name.
- UpdateScoreboardDataEx() Update scoreboard content (called implicitly).
- UpdateOScoreboardData() Update scoreboard content (called implicitly).
- IsNPCById(dwId) Check if the provided ID is an NPC.
- GetPlayerHealth() Return the player's health value.
- GetPlayerArmor() Return the player's armor value.
- GetPlayerInteriorId() Return the player's interior ID.
- GetPlayerSkinId() Return the player's skin ID.
- GetPlayerMoney() Return the player's money value.
- GetPlayerWanteds() Return the wanted level of the player (up to 6).
- GetPlayerWeaponId() Return the weapon ID of the currently held weapon.
- GetPlayerWeaponName() Return the name of the currently held weapon.
- GetPlayerState() Return the player's state (in a vehicle, walking, dead).
- GetPlayerMapPosX() Return the X position on the map in the menu.
- GetPlayerMapPosY() Return the Y position on the map in the menu.
- GetPlayerMapZoom() Return the zoom value on the map in the menu.
- IsPlayerFreezed() Return true or false if the player is frozen.
- IsPlayerInAnyVehicle() Check if the player is in any vehicle.
- GetVehicleHealth() Return the vehicle's health value.
- IsPlayerDriver() Check if the player is the driver.
- GetVehicleType() Return the vehicle type (car, truck, etc.).
- GetVehicleModelId() Return the vehicle model ID.
- GetVehicleModelName() Return the vehicle name.
- GetVehicleLightState() Return the vehicle's light state.
- GetVehicleEngineState() Return the vehicle's engine state.
- GetVehicleLockState() Return the vehicle's lock state.
- GetVehicleColor1() Return the vehicle's 1st color ID.
- GetVehicleColor2() Return the vehicle's 2nd color ID.
- GetVehicleSpeed() Return the vehicle's current speed.
- GetPlayerRadiostationId() Return the player's radio state ID.
- GetPlayerRadiostationName() Return the player's radio state name.
- GetVehicleNumberPlate() Return the vehicle's license plate.
- GetPlayerCoordinates() Return the current player's position (coordinates).
- GetPlayerPos(X, Y, Z) Same as above.
- InitZonesAndCities() Initialize a list of all default areas.
(Prerequisite for the following functions in this category).
- CalculateZone(X, Y, Z) Return the zone (or district) from the provided coordinates.
- CalculateCity(X, Y, Z) Return the city from the provided coordinates.
- GetCurrentZonecode() Get the current zone in short form (not currently functioning).
- AddZone(Name, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2) Add a zone to the index.
- AddCity(Name, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2) Add a city to the index.
- IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(X, Y, Z, Radius) Check if the player is in the area and radius provided.
- IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint2D(X, Y, Radius) Check if the player is in the area and radius provided (without height).
- GetPlayerZone() Return the player's current zone.
- GetPlayerCity() Return the player's current city.
- getServerStatus(INADDR, PORT) Display the status of the server.
- getAttacker(bReset := false) Return the last attacker.
- UnlockFPS() Unlock FPS.
- FormatNumber(number) Format a number.
- PlayerInput(text) Open a player input in chat.
- DownloadToString(url, encoding = "utf-8") Download a text file as a string.
- stringMath(string) Calculate a math problem from a string.
- getPageSize() Return the current page size (from /pagesize).
- SetPercentageHealthAndArmor(toggle) Show player health and armor percentage.
- SetChatLine(line, string) Change the content of a specific line.
- UrlDownloadToVar(URL, ByRef Result, UserAgent = "", Proxy = "", ProxyBypass = "") URL as a variable.
- AntiCrash() Help against crashing with warning codes (potentially not functioning).
- checkHandles()
- refreshGTA()
- refreshSAMP()
- refreshMemory()
- getPID(szWindow)
- openProcess(dwPID, dwRights)
- closeProcess(hProcess)
- getModuleBaseAddress(sModule, dwPID)
- readString(hProcess, dwAddress, dwLen)
- readFloat(hProcess, dwAddress)
- readDWORD(hProcess, dwAddress)
- readMem(hProcess, dwAddress, dwLen=4, type="UInt")
- writeString(hProcess, dwAddress, wString)
- writeRaw(hProcess, dwAddress, data, dwLen)
- Memory_ReadByte(process_handle, address)
- callWithParams(hProcess, dwFunc, aParams, bCleanupStack = true)
- virtualAllocEx(hProcess, dwSize, flAllocationType, flProtect)