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214 lines (127 loc) · 7.3 KB

File metadata and controls

214 lines (127 loc) · 7.3 KB

Management Packs

Management Group Information

Database and Datawarehouse Information

Get-ItemProperty -Path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Operations Manager\3.0\Setup' -Name DatabaseServerName,DatawarehousedbServerName | Select-Object  DatabaseServerName,DatawarehousedbServerName | ft -AutoSize

Management Server Information

Get-SCOMManagementServer | Select-Object -Property HealthState,DisplayName,Version,IsGateway ,IPAddress ,ActionAccountIdentity,@{Name="AgentCount";Expression={(($_).GetAgentManagedComputers()).Count}},InstallTime | ft -AutoSize

Group Management

Getting Group of a computer



Import-Module OperationsManager
if (!(Get-SCOMManagementGroupConnection).Isactive) {

New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName $ManagementServer


$ComputerObjectID = Get-SCOMClass -Name Microsoft.Windows.Computer | Get-SCOMClassInstance | where {$_.Name -eq $ComputerName}

$Groups = Get-SCOMGroup
$groups | ForEach-Object {

if ((($_).GetRelatedMonitoringObjects().Where({$_.GetLeastDerivedNonAbstractClass().Name -eq 'Microsoft.Windows.Computer'})).Name -contains $ComputerName) {
"$computerName is member of $($_.DisplayName)"



The following script line lists references used by unsealed managementpacks which helps in migrating management groups to list which mps needs to be insalled on the new management group.

((get-scommanagementpack).where({$_.Sealed -eq $false})).References.Value.Name | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object

Agent Management

Agent and Management Server management scripts.

Runs HSLockodwn on multiple dcs. Requires Powershell Remoting.

Import-Module OperationsManager
set-location "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent"
get-service -Name HealthService | Restart-Service -Verbose
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $AddScriptBlock -ComputerName $ProblemDCs

Returns the unhealthy Health Service Watchers

Get-SCOMClass -DisplayName "Health Service Watcher" | Get-SCOMClassInstance | where {$_.HealthState -eq 'Error'}

Agent and Gateway Failover

The following line lists scom Gateways with their failover servers.

Get-SCOMGatewayManagementServer | Select-Object -Property DisplayName, @{Name="PrimaryServer"; Expression={($_.GetPrimaryManagementServer()).DisplayName}},@{Name="FailOverServer"; Expression={($_.GetFailoverManagementServers()).DisplayName}}

List of Primary and Failover MS for SCOM agents

Get-SCOMAgent | select-object -Property DisplayName, PrimaryManagementServerName, @{Name='FailoverMS';Expression={($_.GetFailoverManagementServers()).Name}}

Updating Agents

Following line updates the agent to UR7 using PSSession

Invoke-Command -session $2016rtms -ScriptBlock {invoke-expression 'C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe /p C:\temp\ur7\KB4492182-AMD64-Agent.msp /qn'}

Following line gets the latest success event for agent update using pssesion

Invoke-Command -session $2016rtms -ScriptBlock {Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Source MsiInstaller -InstanceId 1022 -Message *System?Center?2016?Operations?Manager?Update?Rollup ?7* -Newest 1 | Select-Object -Property TimeGenerated,Message}


Alert related powershell scrirps

Returns top 20 active alerts in scom console

Get-SCOMAlert | where ResolutionState -eq 0 | Group-Object -Property Name | Sort-Object -Property Count -Descending  | Select-Object -Property Count,Name -First 20

Lists Top 20 Active Alerts and if they are Monitor Based. But has a bug if theres "," in alert Name then the alert name is truncted(split). Dont worry the Remaining part is handled:)

Get-SCOMAlert | where ResolutionState -eq 0 | Group-Object -Property Name,IsMonitorAlert | Sort-Object -Property Count -Descending  | Select-Object -Property Count, @{Name="AlertName";Expression={$result=$_.Name -split "," ;$result[0] }}  ,@{Name="IsMonitorAlert";Expression={$result=$_.Name -split "," ;$result|ForEach-Object {if ($_ -match '(True|False)'){$Matches[1]}} }} -First 20

Gets the count per day of the specified alert

Get-SCOMAlert | where {$_.Name -eq 'Server Performance Exception' -and $_.ResolutionState -eq 0} | Select-Object -Property @{Name="Date";Expression={"{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" -f $_.TimeRaised}}, NetbiosComputerName | Group-Object -Property Date | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending | Select-Object -Property Name,Count

Gets the count of alerts generated by each computer

Get-SCOMAlert | where {$_.Name -eq 'Server Performance Exception' -and $_.ResolutionState -eq 0}  | Group-Object -Property NetbiosComputerName | Sort-Object -Property Count -Descending |Select-Object -Property Name,Count

Run the below line on the management server to figure out which agents are connected.

 Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 5723 | Format-Table -Property @{Name="LocalDNS";Expression={(resolve-dnsname $_.LocalAddress).NameHost}},LocalPort,@{Name="RemoteDNS";Expression={(resolve-dnsname $_.RemoteAddress).NameHost}},RemotePort,@{Name="ProcessName";Expression={(Get-Process -PID ($_.OwningProcess)).Name}},state 

Top Servers restarted in the last 7 days.

$rule=get-scomrule -DisplayName "Collection Rule for Windows Restarted Events"
Get-SCOMEvent -Rule $rule | where {$_.TimeGenerated -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-7) } | Group-Object -Property LoggingComputer  |Sort-Object -Property Count -Descending | Select-Object -first 10 -Property Count,Name

Lists the servers with the computer not reachable monitor in red. Script referring to Kevin Holman but a couple modifications.

$MonitorColl = @()
$MonitorColl = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackMonitor]"

$objects = get-scomclass -DisplayName "Health Service Watcher" | Get-SCOMClassInstance
$monitor = Get-SCOMMonitor -DisplayName 'Computer Not Reachable'

ForEach ($object in $objects)
    #Set the monitor collection to empty and create the collection to contain monitors
    $MonitorColl = @()
    $MonitorColl = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Configuration.ManagementPackMonitor]"

    #Get specific monitors matching a displayname for this instance of URLtest ONLY
    #$Monitor = Get-SCOMMonitor -Instance $object -Recurse| where {$_.DisplayName -eq "Computer Not Reachable"} 
    #Add this monitor to a collection

    #Get the state associated with this specific monitor

if ($state.HealthState -eq 'Error') {  
New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $props | Write-Output 


Lists recoveries in specified management pack with the class displayNames targed. USeful in finding out custom recoveries created.

Get-SCOMManagementPack -Name myMPName  | Get-SCOMRecovery | Select-Object -Property DisplayName,@{Name="Target";Expression={(get-scomclass -Name $_.Target.Identifier.Path).DisplayName}},Enabled