EMQ X Cluster can be deployed as an IoT Hub on an enterprise's private cloud, or on public clouds such as AWS, Azure and QingCloud.
Typical deployment architecture:
The Load Balancer (LB) distributes MQTT connections and traffic from devices across the EMQ X clusters. LB enhances the HA of the clusters, balances the loads among the cluster nodes and makes the dynamic expansion possible.
It is recommended that SSL connections are terminated by a LB. The links between devices and the LB are secured by SSL, while the links between the LB and EMQ X cluster nodes are plain TCP connections. By this setup, a single EMQ X cluster can serve a million devices.
LB products of public cloud providers:
Cloud provider | SSL Termination | LB Product DOC/URL |
QingCloud | Y | https://docs.qingcloud.com/guide/loadbalancer.html |
AWS | Y | https://aws.amazon.com/cn/elasticloadbalancing/ |
aliyun | N | https://www.aliyun.com/product/slb |
LBs for Private Cloud:
Open-Source LB | SSL Termination | DOC/URL |
HAProxy | Y | https://www.haproxy.com/solutions/load-balancing.html |
NGINX | PLUS Edition | https://www.nginx.com/solutions/load-balancing/ |
Recommend AWS with ELB for a public cloud deployment, and HAProxy for a private cloud deployment.
EMQ X cluster nodes are deployed behind LB. It is suggested that the nodes are deployed on VPCs or on a private network. Cloud provider, such as AWS, Azure or QingCloud, usually provides VPC network.
EMQ X Provides the MQTT service on following TCP ports by default:
1883 | MQTT |
8883 | MQTT/SSL |
8083 | MQTT/WebSocket |
8084 | MQTT/WebSocket/SSL |
8080 | Management API |
18083 | Dashboard |
Firewall should make the relevant ports accessible for public.
Following ports are opened for cluster internal communication:
4369 | Node discovery port |
5369 | Cluster PRC |
6369 | Cluster channel |
If deployed between nodes, firewalls should be configured that the above ports are inter-accessible between the nodes.
- Create VPC network.
- Create a 'private network' for EMQ X cluster inside the VPC network, e.g.
- Create 2 EMQ X hosts inside the private network, like:
emqx1 | |
emqx2 | |
- Install and cluster EMQ X on these two hosts. Please refer to the sections of cluster installation for details.
- Create LB and assign the public IP address.
- Create MQTT TCP listener:
Or create SSL listener and terminate the SSL connections on LB:
- Connect the MQTT clients to the LB using the public IP address and test the deployment.
- Create VPC network.
- Create a 'private network' for EMQ X cluster inside the VPC network, e.g.
- Create 2 hosts inside the private network, like:
emqx1 | |
emqx2 | |
- Open the TCP ports for MQTT services (e.g. 1883,8883) on the security group.
- Install and cluster EMQ X on these two hosts. Please refer to the sections of cluster installation for details.
- Create ELB (Classic Load Balancer), assign the VPC network, and assign the public IP address.
- Create MQTT TCP listener on the ELB:
Or create SSL listener and terminate the SSL connections on the ELB:
- Connect the MQTT clients to the ELB using the public IP address and test the deployment.
EMQ X cluster should be DNS-resolvable and the clients access the cluster via domain name or IP list:
- Deploy EMQ X cluster. Please refer to the sections of 'Installation' and 'EMQ X nodes clustering' for details.
- Enable the access to the MQTT ports on the firewall (e.g. 1883, 8883).
- Client devices access the EMQ X cluster via domain name or IP list.
This kind of deployment is NOT recommended.
HAProxy serves as a LB for EMQ X cluster and terminates the SSL connections:
- Create EMQ X Cluster nodes like following:
node | IP |
emqx1 | |
emqx2 | |
Modify the /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg accordingly. An example:
listen mqtt-ssl bind *:8883 ssl crt /etc/ssl/emqx/emqx.pem no-sslv3 mode tcp maxconn 50000 timeout client 600s default_backend emqx_cluster backend emqx_cluster mode tcp balance source timeout server 50s timeout check 5000 server emqx1 check inter 10000 fall 2 rise 5 weight 1 server emqx2 check inter 10000 fall 2 rise 5 weight 1 source usesrc clientip
NGINX Plus serves as a LB for EMQ X cluster and terminates the SSL connections:
- Install the NGINX Plus. An instruction for Ubuntu: https://cs.nginx.com/repo_setup
- Create EMQ X cluster nodes like following:
node | IP |
emqx1 | |
emqx2 | |
Modify the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf. An example:
stream { # Example configuration for TCP load balancing upstream stream_backend { zone tcp_servers 64k; hash $remote_addr; server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s; server max_fails=2 fail_timeout=30s; } server { listen 8883 ssl; status_zone tcp_server; proxy_pass stream_backend; proxy_buffer_size 4k; ssl_handshake_timeout 15s; ssl_certificate /etc/emqx/certs/cert.pem; ssl_certificate_key /etc/emqx/certs/key.pem; } }