Multiple parts of the library use similar patterns to provide components that are highly
customizable. These components must have similar names. The components defined as classes must be
written in PascalCase
// ❌ Wrong
export default class myComponent extends Vue {}
// ✅ Good
export default class MyComponent extends Vue {}
The file name must be written using kebab-case
// ❌ Wrong
// ✅ Good
When a component is used in a template, the tag of the component must be written in PascalCase
// ❌ Wrong
<my-component class="x-component" />
// ✅ Good
<MyComponent class="x-component" />
The base components have no dependencies with any X Module. They serve as
blocks to build more complex components. Base components must be prefixed with Base
// ❌ Wrong
export default class DefaultButton extends Vue {}
// ✅ Good
export default class BaseButton extends Vue {}
The file name must be also prefixed using kebab-case
// ❌ Wrong
// ✅ Good
Lists components are used across all apps. These components render a list of the same type of items.
They can have filtering functionality, but do not contain additional logic. Usually, the item
component can be replaced using slots. List components must be suffixed with List
// ❌ Wrong
export default class Suggestions extends Vue {}
// ✅ Good
export default class SuggestionList extends Vue {}
The file name must be also suffixed using kebab-case
// ❌ Wrong
// ✅ Good
These components are perceived by the User as buttons. They are not the same as an HTML <button>
tag. There are components with <button>
that are displayed with link
style, for example. Valid
examples include the button used to clear the search input or the button to clear the selected
filters. If the button represents an entity, the entity name should be used instead. For example,
with different types of suggestions (NextQuery
, PopularSearch
, QuerySuggestion
Button components must be suffixed with Button
// ❌ Wrong
export default class Clear extends Vue {}
// ✅ Good
export default class ClearButton extends Vue {}
The file name must be suffixed using kebab-case
// ❌ Wrong
// ✅ Good
These components contain other components. Panel components must be suffixed with Panel
. They must
be prefixed with Base
if they are a Base Component.
// ❌ Wrong
export default class SmartContainer extends Vue {}
// ✅ Good
export default class BaseSmartPanel extends Vue {}
The file name must be suffixed and/or prefixed as appropriate using kebab-case
// ❌ Wrong
// ✅ Good
The names of exports must match the name of the component.
// ❌ Wrong
export { default as Filter } from './filters/base-filter.vue';
base - filter.vue;
export default class BaseFilter extends Vue {}
// ✅ Good
export { default as BaseFilter } from './filters/base-filter.vue';
base - filter.vue;
export default class BaseFilter extends Vue {}
Props are used to pass variables and other information around between different components. The name
must be written in camelCase
and must follow the rules written in Base-naming.
If a component can emit multiple types of events, such as clicks depending on the subcomponent
clicked, you must name the events according to the <event>:<source>
convention in kebab
represents the name of the DOM event that triggered the Vue event, and source
the name of the element that triggered the event.
Getters belong to X Module. There are two different ways of declaring a
getter. It can be a function or a class with multiple getters. If the getter is a
function, it should be named using camelCase
. It should explain what it returns.
// ❌ Wrong
export const queryRequest: SearchXStoreModule['getters']['queryRequest'] = ({ query }) => {
return {
start: 0,
origin: 'default'
// ✅ Good
export const request: SearchXStoreModule['getters']['request'] = ({ query }) => {
return {
start: 0,
origin: 'default'
If the getter is a class, it should follow the Classes convention,
explain what it returns, and be suffixed with Getter
. Each function inside the class should
explain what it does or returns.
// ❌ Wrong
export class historyGetter implements GettersClass<HistoryQueriesXStoreModule> {
historyQueries({ query, historyQueries, config }: HistoryQueriesState): HistoryQuery[] {
return historyQueries;
// ✅ Good
export class HistoryQueriesGetter implements GettersClass<HistoryQueriesXStoreModule> {
historyQueries({ query, historyQueries, config }: HistoryQueriesState): HistoryQuery[] {
return historyQueries;
The file name must be written using kebab-case
and be suffixed with .getter
attention to the period before getter
// ❌ Wrong
// ✅ Good
Components are documented using Markdown and Vue Styleguidist. The Vue Styleguidist library is used to export the doc to Markdown.
You must use jsdoc tag within JS/TS comments wherever you can, including a readable link text.
{@link namepathOrURL|link text}
Document slot by explaining what they are used for and if they have any bindings.
// ❌ Wrong
<BaseSuggestion class="x-next-query" :suggestion="suggestion">
<template #default="{ suggestion }">
@slot Next Query content.
<slot :suggestion="suggestion">{{ suggestion.query }}</slot>
// ✅ Good
<BaseSuggestion class="x-next-query" :suggestion="suggestion">
<template #default="{ suggestion }">
@slot Next Query content.
@binding {Suggestion} suggestion - Next Query suggestion data.
<slot :suggestion="suggestion">{{ suggestion.query }}</slot>
Components must be documented by explaining what they do. You should add some context about how they
achieve that. You must end the inline documentation with @public
to make it available for export
using Vue Styleguidist
// ❌ Wrong
* Renders a history queries.
* @internal
mixins: [xComponentMixin(historyQueriesXModule)],
components: { RemoveHistoryQuery, BaseSuggestion }
export default class HistoryQuery extends Vue {}
// ✅ Good
* This component renders a history query suggestion by combining two buttons: one for selecting this
* suggestion as the search query, and another button to remove this query suggestion from the
* history queries.
* @public
mixins: [xComponentMixin(historyQueriesXModule)],
components: { RemoveHistoryQuery, BaseSuggestion }
export default class HistoryQuery extends Vue {}
Document props by explaining what they do and add extra information about how they are used. End the
inline documentation with @public
or @internal
, depending on whether it needs to be exported or
// ❌ Wrong
class Component {
* An array.
* @public
items?: Result[];
// ✅ Good
class Component {
* The list of results to render.
* @public
items?: Result[];
Document methods and computed by explaining what they do and what they return. Use @returns
indicate what is returned, and end the inline documentation with @public
or @internal
on whether it should be exported or not.
// ❌ Wrong
class CurrencyComponent {
* Returns a string.
* @internal
protected get currency(): string {
return currencyFormatter(this.value, this.format);
// ✅ Good
class CurrencyComponent {
* Returns the formatted result as string.
* @returns Formatted number.
* @internal
protected get currency(): string {
return currencyFormatter(this.value, this.format);
Each component must have a documentation block where you explain how the component is used and the different uses.
It must contain examples to show the default
, props
and customized
<docs lang="mdx">
# Example
## Default usage
## Prop 1
## Prop 2
## ...
## Customized usage
## Usage 1
## Usage 2
## ...
Each example must be explained with a brief description about what it does and how it is done.
It renders a list of items using the default slot:
// ❌ Wrong
## Default usage
Renders an string with the item id
<BaseGrid :items="items">
<template #default="{ item }">
{{ `Default slot content: ${}` }}
// ✅ Good
## Default usage
It renders a list of items using the default slot:
<BaseGrid :items="items">
<template #default="{ item }">
{{ `Default slot content: ${}` }}
Each component must have an events documentation section that explains which events it emits, and how and when they are emitted.
Each event must be written according to the format:
- -
: the event is emitted when...(something happened). The event payload is ...:
This approach is the same for the Vue events emitted by the component.
// ❌ Wrong
## Events
- The event is `UserClickedColumnPicker` and it is emitted when the user clicks the component.
The payload is the column number.
// ✅ Good
## Events
- `UserClickedColumnPicker`: the event is emitted after the user clicks an item.
The event payload is the number of columns that the clicked item represents.