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229 lines (144 loc) · 10 KB

File metadata and controls

229 lines (144 loc) · 10 KB

biobox x.x.x


  • agat:

    • agat/agat_convert_genscan2gff: convert a genscan file into a GFF file (PR #100).
    • agat/agat_sp_add_introns: add intron features to gtf/gff file without intron features (PR #104).
    • agat/agat_sp_filter_feature_from_kill_list: remove features in a GFF file based on a kill list (PR #105).
    • agat/agat_sp_merge_annotations: merge different gff annotation files in one (PR #106).
    • agat/agat_sp_statistics: provides exhaustive statistics of a gft/gff file (PR #107).
    • agat/agat_sq_stat_basic: provide basic statistics of a gtf/gff file (PR #110).
  • bd_rhapsody/bd_rhapsody_sequence_analysis: BD Rhapsody Sequence Analysis CWL pipeline (PR #96).

  • bedtools:

    • bedtools/bedtools_bamtobed: Converts BAM alignments to BED6 or BEDPE format (PR #109).
  • rsem/rsem_calculate_expression: Calculate expression levels (PR #93).

  • rseqc:

    • rseqc/rseqc_inner_distance: Calculate inner distance between read pairs (PR #159).
    • rseqc/rseqc_inferexperiment: Infer strandedness from sequencing reads (PR #158).
    • rseqc/bam_stat: Generate statistics from a bam file (PR #155).
  • nanoplot: Plotting tool for long read sequencing data and alignments (PR #95).


  • falco: Fix a typo in the --reverse_complement argument (PR #157).

  • cutadapt: Fix the the non-functional action parameter (PR #161).


  • agat_convert_bed2gff: change type of argument inflate_off from boolean_false to boolean_true (PR #160).

  • cutadapt: change type of argument no_indels and no_match_adapter_wildcards from boolean_false to boolean_true (PR #160).

  • Upgrade to Viash 0.9.0.

biobox 0.2.0


  • star/star_align_reads: Change all arguments from --camelCase to --snake_case (PR #62).

  • star/star_genome_generate: Change all arguments from --camelCase to --snake_case (PR #62).


  • star/star_align_reads: Add star solo related arguments (PR #62).

  • bd_rhapsody/bd_rhapsody_make_reference: Create a reference for the BD Rhapsody pipeline (PR #75).

  • umitools/umitools_dedup: Deduplicate reads based on the mapping co-ordinate and the UMI attached to the read (PR #54).

  • seqtk:

    • seqtk/seqtk_sample: Subsamples sequences from FASTA/Q files (PR #68).
    • seqtk/seqtk_subseq: Extract the sequences (complete or subsequence) from the FASTA/FASTQ files based on a provided sequence IDs or region coordinates file (PR #85).
  • agat:

    • agat_convert_sp_gff2gtf: convert any GTF/GFF file into a proper GTF file (PR #76).
    • agat_convert_bed2gff: convert bed file to gff format (PR #97).
    • agat_convert_embl2gff: convert an EMBL file into GFF format (PR #99).
    • agat/agat_convert_sp_gff2gtf: convert any GTF/GFF file into a proper GTF file (PR #76).
    • agat/agat_convert_bed2gff: convert bed file to gff format (PR #97).
    • agat/agat_convert_mfannot2gff: convert MFannot "masterfile" annotation to gff format (PR #112).
    • agat/agat_convert_embl2gff: convert an EMBL file into GFF format (PR #99).
    • agat/agat_convert_sp_gff2tsv: convert gtf/gff file into tabulated file (PR #102).
    • agat/agat_convert_sp_gxf2gxf: fixes and/or standardizes any GTF/GFF file into full sorted GTF/GFF file (PR #103).
  • bedtools:

    • bedtools/bedtools_intersect: Allows one to screen for overlaps between two sets of genomic features (PR #94).
    • bedtools/bedtools_sort: Sorts a feature file (bed/gff/vcf) by chromosome and other criteria (PR #98).
    • bedtools/bedtools_genomecov: Compute the coverage of a feature file (bed/gff/vcf/bam) among a genome (PR #128).
    • bedtools/bedtools_groupby: Summarizes a dataset column based upon common column groupings. Akin to the SQL "group by" command (PR #123).
    • bedtools/bedtools_merge: Merges overlapping BED/GFF/VCF entries into a single interval (PR #118).
    • bedtools/bedtools_bamtofastq: Convert BAM alignments to FASTQ files (PR #101).
    • bedtools/bedtools_bedtobam: Converts genomic feature records (bed/gff/vcf) to BAM format (PR #111).
    • bedtools/bedtools_bed12tobed6: Converts BED12 files to BED6 files (PR #140).
    • bedtools/bedtools_links: Creates an HTML file with links to an instance of the UCSC Genome Browser for all features / intervals in a (bed/gff/vcf) file (PR #137).
  • qualimap/qualimap_rnaseq: RNA-seq QC analysis using qualimap (PR #74).

  • rsem/rsem_prepare_reference: Prepare transcript references for RSEM (PR #89).

  • bcftools:

    • bcftools/bcftools_concat: Concatenate or combine VCF/BCF files (PR #145).
    • bcftools/bcftools_norm: Left-align and normalize indels, check if REF alleles match the reference, split multiallelic sites into multiple rows; recover multiallelics from multiple rows (PR #144).
    • bcftools/bcftools_annotate: Add or remove annotations from a VCF/BCF file (PR #143).
    • bcftools/bcftools_stats: Parses VCF or BCF and produces a txt stats file which can be plotted using plot-vcfstats (PR #142).
    • bcftools/bcftools_sort: Sorts BCF/VCF files by position and other criteria (PR #141).
  • fastqc: High throughput sequence quality control analysis tool (PR #92).

  • sortmerna: Local sequence alignment tool for mapping, clustering, and filtering rRNA from metatranscriptomic data (PR #146).

  • fq_subsample: Sample a subset of records from single or paired FASTQ files (PR #147).

  • kallisto:

    • kallisto_index: Create a kallisto index (PR #149).
    • kallisto_quant: Quantifying abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data, or more generally of target sequences using high-throughput sequencing reads (PR #152).
  • trimgalore: Quality and adapter trimming for fastq files (PR #117).


  • busco components: update BUSCO to 5.7.1 (PR #72).

  • Update CI to reusable workflow in viash-io/viash-actions (PR #86).

  • Update several components in order to avoid duplicate code when using unset on boolean arguments (PR #133).

  • Bump viash to 0.9.0-RC7 (PR #134)


  • Extend the contributing guidelines (PR #82):

    • Update format to Viash 0.9.

    • Descriptions should be formatted in markdown.

    • Add defaults to descriptions, not as a default of the argument.

    • Explain parameter expansion.

    • Mention that the contents of the output of components in tests should be checked.

  • Add authorship to existing components (PR #88).


  • pear: fix component not exiting with the correct exitcode when PEAR fails (PR #70).

  • cutadapt: fix --par_quality_cutoff_r2 argument (PR #69).

  • cutadapt: demultiplexing is now disabled by default. It can be re-enabled by using demultiplex_mode (PR #69).

  • multiqc: update multiple separator to ; (PR #81).

biobox 0.1.0


  • arriba: Detect gene fusions from RNA-seq data (PR #1).

  • fastp: An ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor (PR #3).

  • busco:

    • busco/busco_run: Assess genome assembly and annotation completeness with single copy orthologs (PR #6).
    • busco/busco_list_datasets: Lists available busco datasets (PR #18).
    • busco/busco_download_datasets: Download busco datasets (PR #19).
  • cutadapt: Remove adapter sequences from high-throughput sequencing reads (PR #7).

  • featurecounts: Assign sequence reads to genomic features (PR #11).

  • bgzip: Add bgzip functionality to compress and decompress files (PR #13).

  • pear: Paired-end read merger (PR #10).

  • lofreq/call: Call variants from a BAM file (PR #17).

  • lofreq/indelqual: Insert indel qualities into BAM file (PR #17).

  • multiqc: Aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report (PR #42).

  • star:

    • star/star_align_reads: Align reads to a reference genome (PR #22).
    • star/star_genome_generate: Generate a genome index for STAR alignment (PR #58).
  • gffread: Validate, filter, convert and perform other operations on GFF files (PR #29).

  • salmon:

    • salmon/salmon_index: Create a salmon index for the transcriptome to use Salmon in the mapping-based mode (PR #24).
    • salmon/salmon_quant: Transcript quantification from RNA-seq data (PR #24).
  • samtools:

    • samtools/samtools_flagstat: Counts the number of alignments in SAM/BAM/CRAM files for each FLAG type (PR #31).
    • samtools/samtools_idxstats: Reports alignment summary statistics for a SAM/BAM/CRAM file (PR #32).
    • samtools/samtools_index: Index SAM/BAM/CRAM files (PR #35).
    • samtools/samtools_sort: Sort SAM/BAM/CRAM files (PR #36).
    • samtools/samtools_stats: Reports alignment summary statistics for a BAM file (PR #39).
    • samtools/samtools_faidx: Indexes FASTA files to enable random access to fasta and fastq files (PR #41).
    • samtools/samtools_collate: Shuffles and groups reads in SAM/BAM/CRAM files together by their names (PR #42).
    • samtools/samtools_view: Views and converts SAM/BAM/CRAM files (PR #48).
    • samtools/samtools_fastq: Converts a SAM/BAM/CRAM file to FASTQ (PR #52).
    • samtools/samtools_fastq: Converts a SAM/BAM/CRAM file to FASTA (PR #53).
  • umi_tools:

    • umi_tools/umi_tools_extract: Flexible removal of UMI sequences from fastq reads (PR #71).
    • umi_tools/umi_tools_prepareforrsem: Fix paired-end reads in name sorted BAM file to prepare for RSEM (PR #148).
  • falco: A C++ drop-in replacement of FastQC to assess the quality of sequence read data (PR #43).

  • bedtools:

    • bedtools_getfasta: extract sequences from a FASTA file for each of the intervals defined in a BED/GFF/VCF file (PR #59).
  • bbmap:

    • bbmap_bbsplit: Split sequencing reads by mapping them to multiple references simultaneously (PR #138).


  • Uniformize component metadata (PR #23).

  • Update to Viash 0.8.5 (PR #25).

  • Update to Viash 0.9.0-RC3 (PR #51).

  • Update to Viash 0.9.0-RC6 (PR #63).

  • Switch to viash-hub/toolbox actions (PR #64).


  • Update README (PR #64).


  • Add escaping character before leading hashtag in the description field of the config file (PR #50).

  • Format URL in biobase/bcl_convert description (PR #55).