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{intro-video: mean-intro}

The goal of this tutorial is to guide you through the creation of a Reddit/Hacker News clone using the MEAN stack. By completing this tutorial, you will gain a basic understanding of the MEAN stack including building a REST interface with Express.js on top of Node.js and using that interface to perform CRUD operations on a database via an AngularJS frontend.

Why MEAN Stack?

The acronym "MEAN" stands for "MongoDB Express.js AngularJS Node.js" and represents a group of technologies which are known to synergize well together. The major benefit of the MEAN stack is that it's extremely quick to prototype with. Node.js allows you to use Javascript on the backend as well as the frontend which can save you from having to learn a separate language. In addition, the NoSQL nature of MongoDB allows you to quickly change and alter the data layer without having to worry about migrations, which is a very valuable attribute when you're trying to build a product without clear specifications. Finally, these technologies have a lot of community support behind them so finding answers to questions or hiring help is going to be much easier using these technologies.


This course assumes knowledge of programming and at least basic knowledge of JavaScript. In addition, you should be comfortable with basic web application concepts including REST and CRUD. Before you begin, you will also need to have Node.js and MongoDB already installed. Because you will need to install various packages for Node.js, you should follow these installation instructions which use npm. Installation instructions for MongoDB can be found on the Mongo website. This tutorial will be based on AngularJS v1.3.10, Node.js v0.10.31 and MongoDB 2.6.7.

{x: install node} Install Node.js

{x: install mongo} Install MongoDB

Recommendations for Completing this Tutorial

Throughout the course of this tutorial, links to additional concepts and information will be included. You can use these links as supplementary material which can help you gain insight into the stack and its various components. As always, if you have any questions Google and Stackoverflow are your best bet. If you're unsure about something specific to this tutorial, feel free to ping me on twitter at @IAmMattGreen!

We at Thinkster are firm believers in actually writing code. Therefor we strongly encourage you to type out all the code instead of copy+pasting it.

Project Specifications

Before beginning work on any project, it's usually a good idea to know what you're building. Below is a basic list of things we want our users to be able to do:

  • Create new posts
  • View all posts ordered by upvotes
  • Add comments about a given post
  • View comments for a given post
  • Upvote posts and comments

In addition to technologies that make up MEAN, we're going to enlist the help of several other libraries to help us achieve our goals:

Jumping in with Angular

{video: ch-1}

To begin this tutorial, we're going to start with the Angular side of things. AngularJS is a frontend framework developed by Google with the goal of making single page web applications easier to build, test, and maintain. Throughout this tutorials, we'll be linking to our A Better Way to Learn Angular guide which can provide supplementary information.

Without further ado, let's jump in...

Getting Started

As mentioned before, this tutorial will take you through building out a Hacker News/Reddit clone, which we're going to name "Flapper News". To keep things simple, we're going to kick things off with two files.

{x: create basic angular app} Create two empty files called index.html (for writing the template) and app.js (for defining our AngularJS logic)

To begin, our index.html will look like this:

    <title>My Angular App!</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="app.js"></script>
  <body ng-app="flapperNews" ng-controller="MainCtrl">

Our app.js is going to look like this:

var app = angular.module('flapperNews', []);

app.controller('MainCtrl', [
  $scope.test = 'Hello world!';

With these several lines of code, we've set up a new AngularJS app and created a new controller. You'll notice that we declare a variable test in the controller and display its contents using the AngularJS {{}} notation. This is demonstrating one of the most powerful features of AngularJS, which is its two-way data-bindings.

{x: understand data bindings} If you aren't familiar with data-binding in AngularJS, read the AngularJS Guide on two-way data-binding

Displaying Lists

One thing that's is going to be absolutely fundamental to our app is displaying lists. Fortunately, angular makes this really easy using the ng-repeat directive.

{x: add scope posts array} To begin, we're going to modify our controller to include a new $scope variable that defines a list of post titles. Add the following code inside the controller function in app.js:

$scope.posts = [
  'post 1',
  'post 2',
  'post 3',
  'post 4',
  'post 5'

{info} The $scope variable serves as the bridge between Angular controllers and Angular templates. If you want something to be accessible in the template such as a function or variable, bind it to $scope

{x: using ng-repeat} Now that we have a list of data we want to repeat, let's use ng-repeat to do it. Add the following code to line 8 of index.html, replacing the div that was there before:

<div ng-repeat="post in posts">

When you refresh the page you should see a list of posts!

Now what if we want to display additional information about our posts? ng-repeat lets us do that too!

{x: amend posts objects} Let's amend our posts object to include some additional information we might be interested in displaying like the number of upvotes:

$scope.posts = [
  {title: 'post 1', upvotes: 5},
  {title: 'post 2', upvotes: 2},
  {title: 'post 3', upvotes: 15},
  {title: 'post 4', upvotes: 9},
  {title: 'post 5', upvotes: 4}

{x: display posts objects} Now we change our ng-repeat directive to display the new information:

<div ng-repeat="post in posts">
  {{post.title}} - upvotes: {{post.upvotes}}

Of course it is important to order posts by number of upvotes, and we can tap into an angular filter to make it happen.

{x: filter data} Add a filter to our posts based on the number of upvotes in descending order:

<div ng-repeat="post in posts | orderBy: '-upvotes'">
  {{post.title}} - upvotes: {{post.upvotes}}

AngularJS comes with several built in filters but you can also write custom filters tailored to your specific needs.

Getting User Input

{video: ch-2}

Now that we've learned how to display lists of information with Angular, it'd really be great if we could have the user add posts. To do this, we first need to add a function to our $scope variable.

{x: create addpost function} Create a $scope function that will add an object into the posts array:

$scope.addPost = function(){
  $scope.posts.push({title: 'A new post!', upvotes: 0});

When this function is invoked, it will append a new post to our $scope.posts variable. Now we're going to have to allow the user to actually execute this function.

{x: create addpost button} Create a button that executes our addPost $scope function using the ng-click directive:

<button ng-click="addPost()">Post</button>

Great, we can now click a button and have a new post show up! Let's extend this by allowing the user to actually specify what they want the title to be. First, we need to build out the form in HTML and sprinkle it with some Angular Magic.

{x: form with ng-submit} Create a form below the ng-repeat div that will allow us to enter custom posts:

<form ng-submit="addPost()">
  <input type="text" ng-model="title"></input>
  <button type="submit">Post</button>

Here we've created a form that encompasses our title text-box and 'Post' button. We are also now calling our addPost() function using the ng-submit directive, which has the added benefit of the user being able to press the 'enter' key to submit the form. Finally, we're using the ng-model directive to bind the contents of the text box to $scope. This will allow our controller to access the contents of the text box using $scope.title.

To accompany the changes to our template, we need to make some tweaks to addPost().

{x: tweak addPost} Have the addPost function retrieve the title entered into our form, which is bound to the $scope variable title, and set title to blank once it has been added to the posts array:

$scope.addPost = function(){
  $scope.posts.push({title: $scope.title, upvotes: 0});
  $scope.title = '';

When we add a post we are now getting the title from $scope.title, which we then clear after the post has been created. At this point, it makes sense to prevent the user from posting a blank title.

{x: prevent blank title} Prevent a user from submitting a post with a blank title by adding the following line to the beginning of addPost():

if(!$scope.title || $scope.title === '') { return; }

Enable Upvoting

Now that we can add some new posts, why don't we allow a user to upvote existing ones? To get started, lets revisit our ng-repeat directive.

{x: add upvote span} Next to each post, we need to place a click-able element that will increment the corresponding post's upvote counter:

<div ng-repeat="post in posts | orderBy:'-upvotes'">
  <span ng-click="incrementUpvotes(post)">^</span>
  {{post.title}} - upvotes: {{post.upvotes}}

We've now added a ^ character inside a <span> tag that when clicked, calls the incrementUpvotes() function in our controller, but we don't have that function in our controller yet!

{x: add upvote function} Define the incrementUpvotes() function in our controller:

$scope.incrementUpvotes = function(post) {
  post.upvotes += 1;

Notice that for this function we are passing the current instance of post to the function. This is happening by reference so when we increment upvotes, it gets automatically reflected back to the HTML page.

Submitting Links

Ultimately, Flapper News is about sharing links to content, so lets enable users to submit links along with their titles. We'll start by adding a second text box to our form that a user can use to submit a link. We'll also add some placeholder text to make it clear which form is which:

{x: link text field} Add a link field to our form that is bound to the scope variable link:

<form ng-submit="addPost()">
  <input type="text" placeholder="Title" ng-model="title"></input>
  <input type="text" placeholder="Link" ng-model="link"></input>
  <button type="submit">Post</button>

{x: extend addPost for links} Next we're going to want to modify our addPost() function to include the link (notice that we aren't going to force the user to submit a link if they don't want to):

$scope.addPost = function(){
  if(!$scope.title || $scope.title === '') { return; }
    title: $scope.title,
    link: $,
    upvotes: 0
  $scope.title = '';
  $ = '';

Finally we need to modify the ng-repeat section to make the title a link to the content, but only if a link was specified.

We'll do this by using a new directive called ng-hide, which hides elements when an Angular expression evaluates to true.

{x: hide blank link} Use to ng-hide to hide the linked version of the title if no link exists and correspondingly show the unlinked version:

<div ng-repeat="post in posts | orderBy:'-upvotes'">
  <span ng-click="incrementUpvotes(post)">^</span>
  <a ng-show="" href="{{}}">
  <span ng-hide="">
  - upvotes: {{post.upvotes}}

It is worth noting that ng-show is merely the inverse of ng-hide. You can use either one for programmatically displaying or hiding elements.

Adding Some Style

{video: ch-3_4}

At this point, we have the basics of an application - a user can add new posts which are automatically ordered based on the number of upvotes. Up until now, however, our interface has been lacking in the looks department. We can spruce it up a bit using some basic Bootstrap styling.

{x: use bootstrap} Change your index.html file to include Twitter Bootstrap along with a new layout:

  <title>Flapper News</title>
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

  <script src=""></script>
  <script src="app.js"></script>
  <style> .glyphicon-thumbs-up { cursor:pointer } </style>
<body ng-app="flapperNews" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">

      <div class="page-header">
        <h1>Flapper News</h1>

      <div ng-repeat="post in posts | orderBy:'-upvotes'">
        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"
        <span style="font-size:20px; margin-left:10px;">
          <a ng-show="" href="{{}}">
          <span ng-hide="">

      <form ng-submit="addPost()"
        <h3>Add a new post</h3>

        <div class="form-group">
          <input type="text"
        <div class="form-group">
          <input type="text"
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Post</button>


At the top we've included Bootstrap from a CDN. In the body tag, we've made use of Bootstrap's grid system to align our content in the middle of the screen. We've also stylized the posts list and "Add a new post" form to make things a little easier to read. There's a lot more that could be done on this front so feel free to mess around with more styling before (or after) you continue.

{x: add own styles} (optional) Add your own styles!

Angular Services

Up to this point, we've been storing important data directly in the controller. While this works, it has some disadvantages:

  • when the controller goes out of scope, we lose the data
  • that data cannot be easily accessed from other controllers or directives
  • the data is difficult to mock, which is important when writing automated tests

To rectify this problem, we're going to refactor our $scope.posts variable into a service.

My First Service... Is Really a Factory

In Angular, services are declared much like controllers. Inside app.js, we're going to attach a new service to our flapperNews module.

{x: create factory} Create a factory for posts in app.js (our MainCtrl controller should appear below this):

app.factory('posts', [function(){
  // service body

{info} By Angular conventions, lowerCamelCase is used for factory names that won't be new'ed.

You may be wondering why we're using the keyword factory instead of service. In angular, factory and service are related in that they are both instances of a third entity called provider.

{x: different types of services} The difference between them are nuanced but if you'd like to learn more check out Angular Factory vs Service vs Provider.

{x: move posts to factory} Now that we've created our service, lets go ahead and move our posts variable to it:

app.factory('posts', [function(){
  var o = {
    posts: []
  return o;

What we're doing here is creating a new object that has an array property called posts. We then return that variable so that our o object essentially becomes exposed to any other Angular module that cares to inject it. You'll note that we could have simply exported the posts array directly, however, by exporting an object that contains the posts array we can add new objects and methods to our services in the future.

Injecting the Service

Our next step is to inject the service into our controller so we can access its data. Simply add the name of the service as a parameter to the controller we wish to access it from:

{x: inject post service} Inject posts service into MainCtrl

app.controller('MainCtrl', [
function($scope, posts){


As you'll recall, two-way data-binding only applies to variables bound to $scope. To display our array of posts that exist in the posts factory (posts.posts), we'll need to set a scope variable in our controller to mirror the array returned from the service.

{x: mirror posts} Bind the $scope.posts variable in our controller to the posts array in our service:

$scope.posts = posts.posts;

Now any change or modification made to $scope.posts will be stored in the service and immediately accessible by any other module that injects the posts service.

Angular Routing

{video: ch-5}

Now that we understand the basics of Angular templates, controllers, and services, we're going to start diving into some of the concepts that make client side web applications so dynamic and powerful. To do this, we're going to need to learn how to deal with multiple views and controllers, which we will accomplish using the wonderful ui-router library.

{x: add ui-router} To get started, lets include the library after we include Angular in our index.html:

<script src=""></script>

{x: include ui-router} Because we are adding an external module, we need to be sure to include it as a dependency in our app:

angular.module('flapperNews', ['ui.router'])

You may be wondering why we have chosen to use ui-router instead of the more standard ngRoute module - ui-router is newer and provides more flexibility and features than ngRoute. We will be using a few of these in this tutorial.

Adding a New State

Now that we have ui-router included, we need to configure it. In our app.js, we're going to use the Angular config() function to setup a home state.

{x: configure home state} Create the config block for our app and configure a home state using $stateProvider and $urlRouterProvider. Use otherwise() to redirect unspecified routes.

function($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

    .state('home', {
      url: '/home',
      templateUrl: '/home.html',
      controller: 'MainCtrl'


Here we set up our home route. You'll notice that the state is given a name ('home'), URL ('/home'), and template URL ('/home.html'). We've also told Angular that our new state should be controlled by MainCtrl. Finally, using the otherwise() method we've specified what should happen if the app receives a URL that is not defined. All that's left to do is define the home.html template. Instead of creating a new file, we are going to move most of our HTML into an inline template.

{x: add home template} Add our inline home template right before the </body> tag in index.html:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="/home.html">
  <div class="page-header">
    <h1>Flapper News</h1>

  <!-- rest of template -->

Using this syntax we can create templates inside our HTML and reference them in JavaScript.

Finally, we need to tell ui-router where to place the template of the active state.

{x: insert ui-view} Insert the <ui-view> tag where template should be rendered:

<body ng-app="flapperNews">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3">


Whenever ui-router detects a route change, it will place the new state's template inside the tag and initialize the controller we specified in our state configuration. Notice how we have removed the ng-controller="MainCtrl" line from the opening <body> tag.

The Posts Page

{video: ch-6}

Now that we've figured out how to create a state with ui-router, let's create a new one called posts that will display comments associated with a post.

{x: create posts state} In the config block in app.js, add a state where an individual post can be accessed:

.state('posts', {
  url: '/posts/{id}',
  templateUrl: '/posts.html',
  controller: 'PostsCtrl'

Notice that we define our URL with brackets around 'id'. This means that 'id' is actually a route parameter that will be made available to our controller.

As with the home state, we're also going to need to define both a new template and a new controller. Because we're going to associate comments with posts, we want to ensure our posts factory is injected into this controller so that it may access the comments data.

{x: create posts ctrl} Create a new controller in app.js called PostsCtrl and be sure to inject the posts service:

app.controller('PostsCtrl', [
function($scope, $stateParams, posts){


Faking comment data

Before we go any further, let's take a second to add some fake comment data to our posts model. This will help us mock up the basic comments view as well as ensure our routing is working properly.

{x: add fake comments} In our addPost function in MainCtrl, add an array of fake comments to the posts object:

  title: $scope.title,
  link: $,
  upvotes: 0,
  comments: [
    {author: 'Joe', body: 'Cool post!', upvotes: 0},
    {author: 'Bob', body: 'Great idea but everything is wrong!', upvotes: 0}

Getting the Right Post

Since the posts page is about viewing the comments on a particular post, we need to use the id route parameter to grab the post and associated information. For now, we will consider the index of the post to be its id. We can use $stateParams to retrieve the id from the URL and load the appropriate post.

{x: get postid from stateparams} In PostsCtrl, set a scope object called post that grabs the appropriate post from the posts service using the id from $stateParams:

$ = posts.posts[$];

Now that we have the post variable in our controller, we can display that information in our template.

{x: create posts template} Create a new inline template called "/posts.html" in index.html right before the </body> tag:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="/posts.html">
  <div class="page-header">
      <a ng-show="" href="{{}}">
      <span ng-hide="">

  <div ng-repeat="comment in post.comments | orderBy:'-upvotes'">
    <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"
    {{comment.upvotes}} - by {{}}
    <span style="font-size:20px; margin-left:10px;">

Finally, we'll add a link to the post's comment page next to the headline on the front page.

{x: add cmt link} In the "/home.html" inline template, add the code below right after the title </span> tag:

  <a href="#/posts/{{$index}}">Comments</a>

{info} When iterating over an array, the ng-repeat directive makes an $index variable available along with each item in the array.

Creating New Comments

As with the creation of posts, we're going to want to allow our users to post new comments. This code looks very similar to what we've already written:

{x: create addComment function} In our controller PostsCtrl, create an addComment() function:

$scope.addComment = function(){
  if($scope.body === '') { return; }
    body: $scope.body,
    author: 'user',
    upvotes: 0
  $scope.body = '';

{x: create addComment form} Add the form below at the end of our inline template "/posts.html":

<script type="text/ng-template" id="/posts.html">

  <!-- post template -->

  <form ng-submit="addComment()"
    <h3>Add a new comment</h3>

    <div class="form-group">
      <input type="text"
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Post</button>


In this first section, we've introduced you to some of the very basics of Angular.js including data-binding, controllers, services, and routing. In the process, we've created a skeleton web application that allows a user to create a posting that can contain a link or a title, then create comments that are associated with those postings.

Up next we're going to learn how to use Node.js to implement a basic REST API for saving and retrieving posts and comments. Then we'll come back to the frontend and wire everything together into a single cohesive and functional web application.

Beginning Node

{video: ch-7}

Now that we have the basic front-end for our Flapper News coded up with Angular, we're going to start work on our backend. Because Angular is able to handle the templating and rendering, our backend server will mainly serve as a communication layer with our database. Over the next few sections, we are going to focus on modeling our data needs and creating a REST API that our Angular app can use to interact with this data.

If you haven't already done so, make sure you have node, npm, and mongodb installed on your system. As a quick reminder, this tutorial assumes Node v0.10.31 and MongoDB 2.6.7.

Creating A New Project

{x: install express-generator} We will begin by using express's generator. We can install this using the following command:

npm install -g express-generator

{x: create node project} Now we can initiate a new node project with the following command:

express --ejs flapper-news
cd flapper-news

This will create a new folder called flapper-news and populate it with various files and folders.

{info} We are passing the --ejs flag because we'd like like our server to use standard HTML in its templates as opposed jade. Theoretically we are free to use Jade if we'd like to but the front-end is already written in plain HTML.

Our first order of business is to add the relevant npm modules we're going to need. When starting a new project, a generator will include a list of packages that are required by default.

{x: npm install} Install these packages using the following command:

npm install

This will automatically download any packages specified in the packages.json file and store them in the node_modules/ directory.

Next, we are going to install Mongoose, which is a library that provides schemas and models on top of MongoDB.

{x: install mongoose} Run this command to install Mongoose via npm:

npm install --save mongoose

{info} The --save flag passed to npm install instructs the program to also save the package to the packages.json file. This allows you (or your teammates) to automatically install missing packages with the npm install command.

If you're using any version control software such as git, now is a good time to make your initial commit.

The Anatomy of Node Project

Right now the root directory of our Node project should look something like this:


Let's go step by step and explain what each folder/file is:

  • app.js - This file is the launching point for our app. We use it to import all other server files including modules, configure routes, open database connections, and just about anything else we can think of.

  • bin/ - This directory is used to contain useful executable scripts. By default it contains one called www. A quick peak inside reveals that this script actually includes app.js and when invoked, starts our Node.js server.

  • node_modules - This directory is home to all external modules used in the project. As mentioned earlier, these modules are usually installed using npm install. You will most likely not have to touch anything here.

  • package.json - This file defines a JSON object that contains various properties of our project including things such as name and version number. It can also defined what versions of Node are required and what modules our project depends on. A list of possible options can be found in npm's documentation.

  • public/ - As the name alludes to, anything in this folder will be made publicly available by the server. This is where we're going to store JavaScript, CSS, images, and templates we want the client to use.

  • routes/ - This directory houses our Node controllers and is usually where most of the backend code will be stored.

  • views/ - As the name says, we will put our views here. Because we specified the --ejs flag when initializing our project, views will have the .ejs extension as opposed to the '.jade' extension Jade views use. Although views are ultimately HTML, they are slightly different than any HTML file we might specify in the public/ directory. Views are capable of being rendered directly by Node using the render() function and can contain logic that allows the server to dynamically change the content. Because we are using Angular to create a dynamic experience, we won't be using this feature.

In addition to the above files structure, we are going to add one more folder.

{x: create models folder} Create a new folder called 'models':

mkdir models

This folder will contain our Mongoose schema definitions.

Importing Our Angular Project

The final step before we begin building out the backend is to import our Angular portion into our Node.js project. First move the index.html file to the views/ directory. Because we're using the ejs engine, Node is looking for files with the .ejs extension so we're going to have to rename our index.html to index.ejs, replacing the existing one.

Next, move the Angular app.js file to the public/javascripts/ directory. To avoid confusion with Node's app.js, also rename the Angular file to angularApp.js.

Finally let's update the <script> tag in our index.ejs file to reflect these changes:

<script src="/javascripts/angularApp.js"></script>

Now we can start our application by running npm start.

If we point our browser to http://localhost:3000 we should be greeted with our Angular application.

{x: add angular to node} Add our existing Angular code to the node project

Creating Schemas With Mongoose

{video: ch-8}

Our first step in making a persistent data store is to configure our data models. To do this, we are going to be adding a schema layer on top of MongoDB using a nice library called Mongoose. Before we begin, let's make sure our MongoDB server is running.

{x: start mongo} If Mongo isn't running on your machine, enter this into your terminal:

mongod &

Next, we need to tell Node to connect to our local database on start.

{x: connect to mongo} Connect to our local MongoDB instance by adding the following code into our app.js file:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');


This will open a connection with the news database running on our Mongo server. Now we can create our first model.

{x: post schema} In our models/ directory create a new file called Posts.js and add the following code:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');

var PostSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  title: String,
  link: String,
  upvotes: {type: Number, default: 0},
  comments: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Comment' }]

mongoose.model('Post', PostSchema);

Here we've defined a model called Post with several attributes corresponding to the type of data we'd like to store. We've declared our upvotes field to be initialized to 0 and we've set our comments field to an array of Comment references. This will allow us to use Mongoose's build in populate() method to easily retrieve all comments associated with a given post.

Next we register that model with with the global mongoose object we imported using require() so that it can be used to interact with the database anywhere else mongoose is imported.

{x: register post schema} In app.js, add the following line of code before our mongoose.connect call:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');


{x: comment schema} While were on the topic of making models, let's create a second model for storing comments in models/Comments.js:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');

var CommentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  body: String,
  author: String,
  upvotes: {type: Number, default: 0},
  post: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Post' }

mongoose.model('Comment', CommentSchema);

In Mongoose, we can create relationships between different data models using the ObjectId type. The ObjectId data type refers to a 12 byte MongoDB ObjectId, which is actually what is stored in the database. The ref property tells Mongoose what type of object the ID references and enables us to retrieve both items simultaneously.

{x: register comments schema} As always when you add a new file, remember to include it in app.js. Include this line of code right after the require for our Posts schema:


Opening REST Routes

{video: ch-9}

With our backend models in place, it's now time to open some routes that the frontend client can interact with. The following are a list of actions a user can perform:

  • view all posts
  • Add a new post
  • upvote a post
  • view comments associated with a post
  • add a comment
  • upvote a comment

The actions map directly to several routes, which are described as follows:

  • GET /posts - return a list of posts and associated metadata
  • POST /posts - create a new post
  • GET /posts/:id - return an individual post with associated comments
  • PUT /posts/:id/upvote - upvote a post, notice we use the post ID in the URL
  • POST /posts/:id/comments - add a new comment to a post by ID
  • PUT /posts/:id/comments/:id/upvote - upvote a comment

Creating Our First Route

To keep things simple we will be defining these routes in the routes/index.js file. Let's begin by opening up the first route we listed, which should return a JSON list containing all posts.

{x: get posts} Start by creating a GET route for retrieving posts in routes/index.js. It should return a JSON list containing all posts:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Post = mongoose.model('Post');
var Comment = mongoose.model('Comment');

router.get('/posts', function(req, res, next) {
  Post.find(function(err, posts){
    if(err){ return next(err); }


First, we need to make sure that mongoose is imported and that we have handles to the Post and Comment models. Then we use the express get() method to define the URL for the route (/posts) and a function to handle the request. Inside our request handler, we query the database for all posts. If and error occurred, we pass the error to an error handling function otherwise we use res.json() to send the retrieved posts back to the client.

{info} When defining routes with Express.js, two variables will get passed to the handler function. req, which stands for "request", contains all the information about the request that was made to the server including data fields. res, which stands for "response", is the object used to respond to the client.

{x: create posts} Before we can test that this route works, we need to have some data in our database. We can do this by creating a POST route for creating posts:

Notice that we're using instead of router.get. This means that we will be making a POST request to the server (not to be confused with our Flapper News 'post' models and routes).'/posts', function(req, res, next) {
  var post = new Post(req.body);, post){
    if(err){ return next(err); }


The structure of the route is similar as above, however, we are using the post() method. We are also using mongoose to create a new post object in memory before saving it to the database.

Testing the Initial Routes

We can test these two routes using a command line tool called cURL.

{x: test create post} First, we create a new post:

curl --data 'title=test&link=' http://localhost:3000/posts

{x: test get post} Next, we query the index route to insure it was saved:

curl http://localhost:3000/posts

If everything is functioning properly, you should see a JSON array of size 1 printed on the console with title and link set to 'test' and '' respectively.

Pre-loading Objects

One thing you might notice about the remaining routes we need to implement is that they all require us to load a post object by ID. Rather than replicating the same code across several different request handler functions, we can use Express's param() function to automatically load an object.

{x: preload posts route} Create a route for preloading post objects in routes/index.js:

router.param('post', function(req, res, next, id) {
  var query = Post.findById(id);

  query.exec(function (err, post){
    if (err) { return next(err); }
    if (!post) { return next(new Error('can\'t find post')); } = post;
    return next();

In this example we are using mongoose's query interface which simply provides a more flexible way of interacting with the database.

Now when we define a route URL with :post in it, this function will be run first. Assuming the :post parameter contains an ID, our function will retrieve the post object from the database and attach it to the req object after which the route handler function will be called.

{x: get single post} To demonstrate this, let's go ahead and create our route for returning a single post:

router.get('/posts/:post', function(req, res) {

Because the post object was retrieved using the middleware function and attached to the req object, all our request handler has to do is return the JSON back to the client.

{x: mongoose query docs} (optional) Check out the query interface docs for Mongoose

Upvoting Posts

Now let's implement the route to allow our users to upvote posts. We'll do this by implementing a simple method in our posts schema to add one to the upvote count then save it.

{x: upvote post schema method} Add an upvote() method to the Posts schema in Posts.js:

PostSchema.methods.upvote = function(cb) {
  this.upvotes += 1;;

{x: upvote post route} Now we create the route in our index.js:

router.put('/posts/:post/upvote', function(req, res, next) {, post){
    if (err) { return next(err); }


{x: test upvote post} To test this route, simply create a new post using the command above then run

curl -X PUT http://localhost:3000/posts/<POST ID>/upvote

You should see the post value returned back with the upvote property incremented.

Finishing Off With Comments

We've now completed all the basic routes for our posts object, now all we need to do is do the same for comments. Many of the same concepts apply with a few slight variations.

Firstly, when creating a new comment we need to be sure to include the post ID. Fortunately, this is already implicitly included in the request. In addition to creating and saving the comment, we're going to need to attach a reference to the new comment that refers to our post object.

{x: create comment route} Create comments route for a particular post:'/posts/:post/comments', function(req, res, next) {
  var comment = new Comment(req.body); =;, comment){
    if(err){ return next(err); };, post) {
      if(err){ return next(err); }


Now, we can also take the exact same upvote method from posts and apply it to comments.

{x: comment upvotes} Implement the /posts/:post/comments/:comment/upvote route yourself. You should also implement another router.param() middleware function to automatically retrieve comments specified by the :comment route parameter.

Finally, we need to make a slight modification to our GET /posts/:post route

{x: populate function} Use the populate() function to retrieve comments along with posts:

router.get('/posts/:post', function(req, res, next) {'comments', function(err, post) {
    if (err) { return next(err); }


Using the populate() method, we can automatically load all the comments associated with that particular post.

Congratulations! If you made it this far, you should now have a functioning backend. There is still a significant amount of additional functionality we could add, however, you should now understand some of the basics of Node, Express, and Mongoose.

Up next, we'll learn how to use these routes in conjunction with our Angular.js frontend to create a web app where people can create posts and add comments.

Wiring Everything Up

{video: ch-10}

Now that we have our basic backend implemented, we're going to wire up the angular app we made in the first part of this tutorial.

Loading Posts

Our first step is going to be to query our new backend for all posts using the index route. We do this by adding a new function inside our posts service.

{x: get all posts} Implement getAll() to retrieve posts in the posts service within angularApp.js:

  o.getAll = function() {
    return $http.get('/posts').success(function(data){
      angular.copy(data, o.posts);

{info} It's important to use the angular.copy() method to create a deep copy of the returned data. This ensures that the $scope.posts variable in MainCtrl will also be updated, ensuring the new values are reflect in our view.

{x: inject http} Also be sure to inject the $http service:

app.factory('posts', ['$http', function($http){

In this function we're using the Angular $http service to query our posts route. The success() function allows us to bind function that will be executed when the request returns. Because our route will return a list of posts, all we need to do is copy that list to the client side posts object. Notice that we're using the angular.copy() function to do this as it will make our UI update properly.

Now we need to call this function at an appropriate time to load the data. We do this by adding a property called resolve to our home state.

{x: resolve ui-router} Use the resolve property of ui-router to ensure posts are loaded:

.state('home', {
  url: '/home',
  templateUrl: '/home.html',
  controller: 'MainCtrl',
  resolve: {
    postPromise: ['posts', function(posts){
      return posts.getAll();

By using the resolve property in this way, we are ensuring that anytime our home state is entered, we will automatically query all posts from our backend before the state actually finishes loading.

Now, when you fire up the server and go to http://localhost:3000/#/home, you should see all the posts that exist in the database.

Creating New Posts

Up next, we need to enable creating new posts. As with loading posts, we're going to do this by adding another method to our posts service:

{x: create new posts service} Add a method for creating new posts:

o.create = function(post) {
  return $'/posts', post).success(function(data){

{x: save post to server} Now we can modify the $scope.addPost() method in MainCtrl to save posts to the server:

$scope.addPost = function(){
  if(!$scope.title || $scope.title === '') { return; }
    title: $scope.title,
    link: $,
  $scope.title = '';
  $ = '';

Refresh the page then try adding a new post. You should immediately see it displayed and if you refresh the page, the post is still there! We now have persistent data.

Upvoting Posts

The last thing we need to wire up on the main page is upvoting posts.

{x: frontend upvote service} Like in the previous examples, we'll add another method to our service:

o.upvote = function(post) {
  return $http.put('/posts/' + post._id + '/upvote')
      post.upvotes += 1;

{x: frontend upvote scope} And then in our controller, we simply replace incrementUpvotes() with this:

$scope.incrementUpvotes = function(post) {

Here we use the put() method to upvote a post. When the call returns successfully, we update our local copy to reflect the changes. Now when you refresh the page, upvotes are persisted.

Finishing Off Comments

If you remember back to when we first wrote the template, we were treating the index of a post in the posts array to be its id field. Now that we are actually dealing with database entries, we need to make sure that when you click on the "Comments" link for a post, the application directs you to the proper URL.

{x: comments link to correct route} Modify the Comments link to point to the proper route:

<a href="#/posts/{{post._id}}">Comments</a>

{info} MongoDB uses the _id property natively, so it's usually easier to just write our application with that in mind rather than have to translate it to an id field, which some might consider more intuitive.

When you click on the "Comments" link for a post, you should be directed to a new Angular URL that might look something like http://localhost:3000/#/posts/53e27c7c363cf85ad8a84723

What we are going to do is have Angular automatically load the full post object with comments when we enter this state. Like we did with the home state, we're going to use the resolve property in the route to accomplish this.

{x: retrieve single post angular} First, lets add a simple method in our posts service to retrieve a single post from our server:

o.get = function(id) {
  return $http.get('/posts/' + id).then(function(res){

Notice that instead of using the success() method we have traditionally used, we are instead using a promise.

{x: resolve for posts route} Next we add the resolve object to our posts state:

.state('posts', {
  url: '/posts/{id}',
  templateUrl: '/posts.html',
  controller: 'PostsCtrl',
  resolve: {
    post: ['$stateParams', 'posts', function($stateParams, posts) {
      return posts.get($;

The Angular ui-router detects we are entering the posts state and will then automatically query the server for the full post object, including comments. Only after the request has returned will the state finish loading.

To get access to the post object we just retrieved in the PostsCtrl, instead of going through the posts service, the specific object will be directly injected into our PostsCtrl.

{x: inject a post} We can modify our controller to gain access to it like so:

app.controller('PostsCtrl', [
function($scope, posts, post){
  $ = post;


Notice that we no longer have need to inject $stateParams into our controller. We're still going to want to inject posts to gain access to the methods for manipulating comments, however.

When you refresh the page, you should now see the title of the post displayed.

To enable adding comments, we can use the same technique we used for adding new posts.

{x: add comment service} First add a method to the posts service:

o.addComment = function(id, comment) {
  return $'/posts/' + id + '/comments', comment);

{x: add comment scope} Then call it from within the existing addComment() function:

$scope.addComment = function(){
  if($scope.body === '') { return; }
  posts.addComment(post._id, {
    body: $scope.body,
    author: 'user',
  }).success(function(comment) {
  $scope.body = '';

Now you can add a comment that's persisted to the database.

{x: enable comment upvoting service} Our final task is to enable the upvoting of comments:

o.upvoteComment = function(post, comment) {
  return $http.put('/posts/' + post._id + '/comments/'+ comment._id + '/upvote')
      comment.upvotes += 1;

In PostsCtrl:

$scope.incrementUpvotes = function(comment){
  posts.upvoteComment(post, comment);

Adding Authentication via Passport

Now that we have a application with a working server and client, let's add in the ability to create and authenticate users. To do this, we'll be using passport for authentications and JWT tokens for session management. This post has some great information about token vs session based authentication.

Creating the User model

{video: create-user-model} {x: create mongoose user} Start by creating a mongoose model for our Users with the following code in models/Users.js:

var mongoose = require('mongoose');

var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  username: {type: String, lowercase: true, unique: true},
  hash: String,
  salt: String

mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);

Our users will be logging in with a username and password. Since we don't want to store our passwords in plain text, we'll need a field for storing the hash of the password. We'll also be generating and saving a salt whenever we set the password.

Now let's implement setting and validating passwords. We'll be using the pbkdf2() function which ships with node's native crypto module to hash our passwords.

{x: require crypto user} Require the crypto module in our user model.

var crypto = require('crypto');

{x: create setPassword} Create a setPassword() method on the User model that accepts a password then generates a salt and associated password hash.

UserSchema.methods.setPassword = function(password){
  this.salt = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');

  this.hash = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(password, this.salt, 1000, 64).toString('hex');

{info} The pbkdf2Sync() function takes four parameters: password, salt, iterations, and key length. We'll need to make sure the iterations and key length in our setPassword() method match the ones in our validPassword() method

{x: create validPassword} Create a validPassword() method that accepts a password and compares it to the hash stored, returning a boolean.

UserSchema.methods.validPassword = function(password) {
  var hash = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(password, this.salt, 1000, 64).toString('hex');

  return this.hash === hash;

Finally, let's create instance method for generating a JWT token for the user. We'll be using the jsonwebtoken() module to help us generate tokens.

{x: npm install jsonwebtoken} Install the jsonwebtoken module via npm.

npm install jsonwebtoken --save

{x: require jsonwebtoken} Require the jsonwebtoken module inside the User model.

var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');

{x: create generateJWT method} Create the generateJWT() instance method on UserSchema with the following code:

UserSchema.methods.generateJWT = function() {

  // set expiration to 60 days
  var today = new Date();
  var exp = new Date(today);
  exp.setDate(today.getDate() + 60);

  return jwt.sign({
    _id: this._id,
    username: this.username,
    exp: parseInt(exp.getTime() / 1000)
  }, 'SECRET');

{info} The first argument of the jwt.sign() method is the payload that gets signed. Both the server and client will have access to the payload. The exp value in the payload is a Unix timestamp in seconds that will specify when the token expires. For this example we set it to 60 days in the future. The second argument of jwt.sign() is the secret used to sign our tokens. We're hard-coding it in this example, but it is strongly recommended that you use an environment variable for referencing the secret and keep it out of your codebase.

Setting up Passport

{video: setting-up-passport}

Now that we have our methods in place on our UserSchema for creating and authenticating users, let's install and setup Passport in our application. Passport uses strategies for different authentication methods (password, GitHub, Facebook, etc.) that are split out into separate modules. We'll be using the passport-local strategy to handle username/password authentication. See the official Passport guide for more information about Passport.

{x: npm install passport passport-local} Install passport and passport-local via npm.

npm install passport passport-local --save

{x: create config folder} Create a folder config in the root of our application.

{x: create config passport} Create config/passport.js with the following code:

var passport = require('passport');
var LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy;
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var User = mongoose.model('User');

passport.use(new LocalStrategy(
  function(username, password, done) {
    User.findOne({ username: username }, function (err, user) {
      if (err) { return done(err); }
      if (!user) {
        return done(null, false, { message: 'Incorrect username.' });
      if (!user.validPassword(password)) {
        return done(null, false, { message: 'Incorrect password.' });
      return done(null, user);

{info} Here we create a new LocalStrategy where we have our logic on how to authenticate a user given a username and password. Note that this function calls the validPassword() function that we just created. See the official passport configuration guide for more information.

Adding Passport to Our Application

Now that we have a configuration file for passport ready to use, let's incorporate it into our application.

{x: require passport appjs} Require passport in app.js after where we required mongoose

var passport = require('passport');

{x: require users model} Require the user model after where we required Post and Comment models


{x: require passport config} Require the passport configuration we just created after where we required our User model.


{x: initialize passport} Initialize passport after the express.static middleware.


Creating Authentication Endpoints

{video: create-auth-routes}

Now that Passport is setup in our application, we can create a /login endpoint to authenticate our users and return a JWT token.

{x: create register route} Add a /register route to routes/index.js that creates a user given a username and password:'/register', function(req, res, next){
  if(!req.body.username || !req.body.password){
    return res.status(400).json({message: 'Please fill out all fields'});

  var user = new User();

  user.username = req.body.username;

  user.setPassword(req.body.password) (err){
    if(err){ return next(err); }

    return res.json({token: user.generateJWT()})

{x: require passport routes index} Require passport in routes/index.js

var passport = require('passport');

{x: import user model} Import the User mongoose model

var User = mongoose.model('User');

{x: create login route} Add a /login route to routes/index.js that authenticates the user and returns a token to the client:'/login', function(req, res, next){
  if(!req.body.username || !req.body.password){
    return res.status(400).json({message: 'Please fill out all fields'});

  passport.authenticate('local', function(err, user, info){
    if(err){ return next(err); }

      return res.json({token: user.generateJWT()});
    } else {
      return res.status(401).json(info);
  })(req, res, next);

The passport.authenticate('local') middleware uses the LocalStrategy we created earlier. We're using a custom callback for the authenticate middleware so we can return error messages to the client. If authentication is successful we want to return a JWT token to the client just like our register route does.

Securing Endpoints and Associating Posts and Comments with Users

{x: install express-jwt} Install the express-jwt module via npm.

npm install express-jwt --save

{x: require express-jwt} Require express-jwt in routes/index.js

var jwt = require('express-jwt');

{x: create auth middleware} Create a middleware for authenticating jwt tokens in routes/index.js:

var auth = jwt({secret: 'SECRET', userProperty: 'payload'});

The userPropery option specifies which property on req to put our payload from our tokens. By default it's set on user but we're using payload instead to avoid any conflicts with passport (it shouldn't be an issue since we aren't using both methods of authentication in the same request). This also avoids confusion since the payload isn't an instance of our User model.

{info} Make sure to use the same secret as the one in models/User.js for generating tokens. Again, we're hard-coding the token in this example but it is strongly recommended that you use an environment variable for referencing your secret.

Now we can use the middleware we just defined to require authentication on specific routes. In our case, we'd want to authenticate users whenever they try to write to our application, such as when they're posting or commenting.

{x: require auth create post} Require authentication for creating a post'/posts', auth, function(req, res, next) {

{x: require auth upvote post} Require authentication for upvoting

router.put('/posts/:post/upvote', auth, function(req, res, next) {

{x: require auth commenting} Require authentication for commenting and set the author for comments'/posts/:post/comments', auth, function(req, res, next) {

{x: require auth upvote comment} Require Authentication for upvoting comments

router.put('/posts/:post/comments/:comment/upvote', auth, function(req, res, next) {

Finally, let's associate the authors with their posts and comments. Since we're authenticating with JWT tokens, we can get the username directly from the token's payload, saving us a trip to the database.

{x: associate post authors} Set the author field when creating posts'/posts', auth, function(req, res, next) {
  var post = new Post(req.body); = req.payload.username;

{x: associate comment authors} Set the author field when creating comments'/posts/:post/comments', auth, function(req, res, next) {
  var comment = new Comment(req.body); =; = req.payload.username;

Now that our backend is ready to register and authenticate users, let's update the angular side of our application to handle this.

Creating an Angular Service for Authentication

{video: wiring-frontend}

We'll be using localStorage for persisting data to the client. This gives us a much easier interface for persisting data across sessions without having to deal with parsing cookies or handling cookies across multiple domains. If a JWT token exists in localStorage, we can assume the user is logged in as long as the token isn't expired. To log a user out, simply remove the token from localStorage. Check out the localStorage documentation on MDN for a better understanding of localStorage.

{x: create auth factory} Let's start out by creating our initial auth factory. We'll need to inject $http for interfacing with our server, and $window for interfacing with localStorage.

.factory('auth', ['$http', '$window', function($http, $window){
   var auth = {};

  return auth;

{x: create auth savetoken} Next, let's create a saveToken and getToken function in our factory for getting and setting our token to localStorage

auth.saveToken = function (token){
  $window.localStorage['flapper-news-token'] = token;

auth.getToken = function (){
  return $window.localStorage['flapper-news-token'];

{x: create auth isloggedin} Now we'll need to add a function isLoggedIn() to our auth factory to return a boolean value for if the user is logged in.

auth.isLoggedIn = function(){
  var token = auth.getToken();

    var payload = JSON.parse($window.atob(token.split('.')[1]));

    return payload.exp > / 1000;
  } else {
    return false;

If a token exists, we'll need to check the payload to see if the token has expired, otherwise we can assume the user is logged out. The payload is the middle part of the token between the two .s. It's a JSON object that has been base64'd. We can get it back to a stringified JSON by using $window.atob(), and then back to a javascript object with JSON.parse.

{x: create auth currentuser} Let's create a function currentUser() that returns the username of the user that's logged in.

auth.currentUser = function(){
    var token = auth.getToken();
    var payload = JSON.parse($window.atob(token.split('.')[1]));

    return payload.username;

Finally, we'll need methods to log in, register, and log users out.

{x: create auth register} Create a register function that posts a user to our /register route and saves the token returned.

auth.register = function(user){
  return $'/register', user).success(function(data){

{x: create auth login} Create a login function that posts a user to our /login route and saves the token returned.

auth.logIn = function(user){
  return $'/login', user).success(function(data){

{x: create auth log out} Create a logout function that removes the user's token from localStorage, logging the user out.

auth.logOut = function(){

Creating the Login and Register pages

{video: auth-controllers}

Now that our authentication factory is complete we can start using it in our application. Let's create a controller for our login and register page.

{x: create auth controller} Create an authentication controller with the following code:

.controller('AuthCtrl', [
function($scope, $state, auth){
  $scope.user = {};

  $scope.register = function(){
      $scope.error = error;

  $scope.logIn = function(){
      $scope.error = error;

We need to initialize a user on $scope for our form. Then, we can create a register and logIn() method on $scope to call the respective methods on the auth factory. We can then handle any errors and set $scope.error for displaying error messages later. Finally, if no errors occur, we can send the user back to the home state using a promise. Now we can go ahead and create our login and registration templates

{x: create register template} Create the following registration template in views/index.ejs:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="/register.html">
 <div class="page-header">
   <h1>Flapper News</h1>

 <div ng-show="error" class="alert alert-danger row">
   <span>{{ error.message }}</span>

 <form ng-submit="register()"

   <div class="form-group">
     <input type="text"
   <div class="form-group">
     <input type="password"
   <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Register</button>

{x: create login template} Create the following login template in views/index.ejs:

<script type="text/ng-template" id="/login.html">
  <div class="page-header">
    <h1>Flapper News</h1>

  <div ng-show="error" class="alert alert-danger row">
    <span>{{ error.message }}</span>

  <form ng-submit="logIn()"
    <h3>Log In</h3>

    <div class="form-group">
      <input type="text"
    <div class="form-group">
      <input type="password"
    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Log In</button>

Finally, let's add two new states that make our login and register pages accessible:

{x: create login register states} Create two new states for the login and register page:

.state('login', {
  url: '/login',
  templateUrl: '/login.html',
  controller: 'AuthCtrl',
  onEnter: ['$state', 'auth', function($state, auth){
.state('register', {
  url: '/register',
  templateUrl: '/register.html',
  controller: 'AuthCtrl',
  onEnter: ['$state', 'auth', function($state, auth){

Here we're specifying an onEnter function to our states. This gives us the ability to detect if the user is authenticated before entering the state, which allows us to redirect them back to the home state if they're already logged in.

Adding Navigation

Let's add a navbar to our application so we can easily tell if the user is logged in or not.

{x: create nav ctrl} Start by making a simple controller for our navbar that exposes the isLoggedIn, currentUser, and logOut methods from our auth factory.

.controller('NavCtrl', [
function($scope, auth){
  $scope.isLoggedIn = auth.isLoggedIn;
  $scope.currentUser = auth.currentUser;
  $scope.logOut = auth.logOut;

{x: add nav tpl} Now we can add the markup for our navbar to our application:

<body ng-app="flapperNews">
  <nav class="navbar navbar-default pull-right" ng-controller="NavCtrl">
    <ul class="nav navbar-nav">
      <li ng-show="isLoggedIn()"><a>{{ currentUser() }}</a></li>
      <li ng-show="isLoggedIn()"><a href="" ng-click="logOut()">Log Out</a></li>
      <li ng-hide="isLoggedIn()"><a href="/#/login">Log In</a></li>
      <li ng-hide="isLoggedIn()"><a href="/#/register">Register</a></li>

We're using ng-show and ng-hide along with our isLoggedIn() function to determine if the user is authenticated. If they are, their username is displayed, along with a log out link which calls our logOut() function. If they aren't, a Log In and a Register link is shown instead.

Making the Rest of Our Application User-Aware

Since our routes that write to the database now require authentication, let's update our posts service to send the JWT token to the server on authenticated requests.

{x: inject auth to posts} First, we'll need to inject the auth service to our posts service

.factory('posts', ['$http', 'auth', function($http, auth){

Next, we'll need to send up our JWT token as an Authorization header. The format for this header should be Authorization: Bearer TOKEN.GOES.HERE.

{x: add auth header to requests} We'll need to pass the following object as the last argument for our $http calls for the create, upvote, addComment, and upvoteComment methods in our posts service:

o.create = function(post) {
  return $'/posts', post, {
    headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer '+auth.getToken()}

o.upvote = function(post) {
  return $http.put('/posts/' + post._id + '/upvote', null, {
    headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer '+auth.getToken()}
    post.upvotes += 1;

o.addComment = function(id, comment) {
  return $'/posts/' + id + '/comments', comment, {
    headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer '+auth.getToken()}

o.upvoteComment = function(post, comment) {
  return $http.put('/posts/' + post._id + '/comments/'+ comment._id + '/upvote', null, {
    headers: {Authorization: 'Bearer '+auth.getToken()}
    comment.upvotes += 1;

{x: add author to posts} We can now display the post authors in the /home.html template:

<span ng-show="">
  posted by <a>{{}}</a> |

We only want to show the add post and add comment forms if the user is logged in. To do this, our controllers need to be aware of the authentication state.

{x: expose isloggedin post comments} We'll want to inject auth into both MainCtrl and PostsCtrl, and expose the isLoggedIn method to $scope

$scope.isLoggedIn = auth.isLoggedIn;

{x: hide post form} Now we're able to only show the post form to authenticated users:

<form ng-submit="addPost()"

{x: show signup msg post} And display a message to users who aren't signed in

<div ng-hide="isLoggedIn()">
  <h3>You need to <a href="/#/login">Log In</a> or <a href="/#/register">Register</a> before you can add a post.</h3>

{x: hide comment form} Finally, hide the comment form for unauthenticated users:

<form ng-submit="addComment()"

{x: show auth msg comments} And prompt them to log in or sign up instead

<div ng-hide="isLoggedIn()">
  <h3>You need to <a href="/#/login">Log In</a> or <a href="/#/register">Register</a> before you can comment.</h3>

We now have an application with authentication!

Where To Go Next

Throughout this tutorial we've seen what a basic MEAN app might look like by creating a basic Angular application with a persistent Node+Express backend. By now, you should hopefully have an understanding of how these technologies interact as well as the ability to make modifications and add new features. If you're looking to sharpen your skills through practice, here are some suggestions on modifications you can add to Flapper News:

  • feature downvote: Implement a 'downvoting' feature
  • feature vote once: Only allow authenticated users to vote once.
  • feature number of comments: Display the number of comments next to each post on the main page
  • feature hide new comments box: use ng-hide to hide the 'new comment' and 'new post' input box until a user clicks a button to see the field
  • feature specify name when commenting: Create an 'Author' field so people can specify their name when commenting

We sincerely hope this tutorial has been helpful. If you have any questions, comments, or feedback, tweet us at @GoThinkster. You can also follow me at @IAmMattGreen for more updates about MEAN, AngularJS and more!