Dshackle is designed for the cloud environment and supposed to be used withing Docker and/or Kubernetes. However, it’s a JVM based application and, therefore, can be used in most of the standard environments where Java Virtual Machine can be installed.
We’re going to use Docker image for this quick start.
For demo access, we use gRPCurl tool, which can be installed from https://github.com/fullstorydev/grpcurl
you can find following example configuration in demo/quick-start directory of the project |
Create file dshackle.yaml
with following content:
version: v1
host: # (1)
port: 2449
tls: # (2)
enabled: false
host: # (3)
port: 8545
- id: eth
blockchain: ethereum
- id: kovan
blockchain: kovan
upstreams: # (4)
- id: infura-eth
blockchain: ethereum # (5)
rpc: # (6)
url: "https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/${INFURA_USER}" # (7)
ws: # (8)
url: "wss://mainnet.infura.io/ws/v3/${INFURA_USER}"
- id: local-eth # (9)
blockchain: ethereum
url: "" # (10)
url: "ws://"
- id: bitcoin-main
blockchain: bitcoin # (11)
url: "http://localhost:8332"
basic-auth: # (12)
username: bitcoin
password: test
application listen for gRPC connections on
with TLS security for gRPC disabled (never use in production!)
listen for HTTP JSON RPC connections on, without TLS security too (again, don’t use in production, it’s insecure)
sets up 2 upstreams
one for Ethereum Mainnet, using
HTTP and
value is provided through environment variable -
in addition to HTTPS is uses Websocket protocol to connect to Infura, used to subscribe to updates
setup another upstream for Ethereum Mainnet
which connects to a node in the internal networks, without any authentication at this case
and another for Bitcoin
with Basic Auth for bitcoin node connection
The configuration above sets up the Dshackle to provide a fault-tolerant access to Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchain. And for Ethereum, at this particular example, it uses a Round Robin Load Balancing over the Infura and the local node.
See detailed Configuration Reference
Official Docker image you can find at: emeraldpay/dshackle
export INFURA_USER=...
docker run -p 2449:2449 -p 8545:8545 -v $(pwd):/etc/dshackle -e "INFURA_USER=$INFURA_USER" emeraldpay/dshackle:0.15
Dshackle implements standard JSON RPC interface, providing additional caching layer, upstream readiness/liveness checks, retry and other features for building Fault Tolerant services.
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:8545/eth \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getBalance", "id":1, "params":["0x690b2bdf41f33f9f251ae0459e5898b856ed96be", "latest"]}'
grpcurl -import-path ./proto/ -proto blockchain.proto -d "{\"type\": 100}" -plaintext emerald.Blockchain/SubscribeHead
type: 100
specifies the blockchain id, and 100 means Ethereum Mainnet.
{ "chain": "CHAIN_ETHEREUM", "height": 8396159, "blockId": "fc58a258adccc94466ae967b1178eea721349b0667f59d5fe1b0b436460bce75", "timestamp": 1566423564000, "weight": "AnMcf2VJB5kOSQ==" } { "chain": "CHAIN_ETHEREUM", "height": 8396160, "blockId": "787899711b862b77df8d2faa69de664048598265a9f96abf178d341076e200e0", "timestamp": 1566423574000, "weight": "AnMch35tO6hSGg==" } ... ...
The output above is for a streaming subscription to all new blocks on Ethereum Mainnet. It’s one of the services provided by Dshackle, in addition to standard methods provided by RPC JSON of underlying nodes.
grpcurl -import-path ./proto/ -proto blockchain.proto -d '{"asset": {"chain": "100", "code": "ether"}, "address": {"address_single": {"address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2"}}}' -plaintext emerald.Blockchain/SubscribeBalance
{ "asset": { "chain": "CHAIN_ETHEREUM", "code": "ETHER" }, "address": { "address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2" }, "balance": "2410941696896999943701015" } { "asset": { "chain": "CHAIN_ETHEREUM", "code": "ETHER" }, "address": { "address": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2" }, "balance": "2410930748488073834320430" } ...
See other enhanced methods in the Documentation for Enhanced Methods