- Add Alex Henning as maintainer
- Moved default flags for cpplint from cmake file to cpplint script to have centralized place for such flag.
- Set the python max-line-length to 120, allows rosrun roscpplint pep8 to run with the expected settings.
- Fixes issue #40 <https://github.com/ros/roscpplint/issues/40>.
- Contributors: Alex Henning, Andriy Petlovanyy, Mike Purvis
- Updated pep8 from 1.4.7a0 to 1.6.2
- Updated cpplint to the latest version (https://github.com/google/styleguide/tree/554223dc5432f9bd67951cde662f7a023c512dec)
- Fix for falsely reporting do-whiles as an error
- Fixes for access control in structs
- Contributors: Alex Henning, Mike Purvis
- Don't hang on header outside "include" dir.
- Contributors: Mike Purvis
- Better implementation of roscpplint_add_test
- Simple implementation of XML results output
- roscpplint roscpplints itself
- Contributors: Mike Purvis
- Add roscpplint_add_test function
- Run the include-line checks with errors suppressed. This kills spurious build/include_what_you_use errors.
- Contributors: Mike Purvis
- Allow a trailing semicolon after closing brace.
- Add more tolerance for braces as array initializers, and eliminate the warning about access control labels.
- Rename python library to roscpplint, to play better.
- Use templated extras file to find roscpplint scripts without rosrun.
- Max length override for pep8; remove roscpplint custom shout.
- Add some overrides in an effort to comply better with ROS C++ Style.
- Contributors: Mike Purvis
- Basic initial release, with roscpplint_python, roscpplint_cpp, and roscpplint_custom macros included.
- pep8 and cpplint linters packaged-in.