- Removed ZombieWizzard's vita-activator option since it's not working correctly and i don't have the time check why. Use henkaku's psn spoofing for now.
- Minor bugfixes and text fixes
- Better method to persist offline henkaku when switching accounts
- Trial accounts are now supported
- Added more stuff to the cleanup script
- Removed current account check (it was pointless to begin with, there are situations when you need to reload such as deactivating)
- Added LiveArea
- Trophies glitch fixed (Error NP-6174-8) (Remember to sync your trophies before switching if you dont want to lose them)
- For the sake of consistency, accounts are now stored in ux0:/data/AccountSwitcher. If you already dumped your accounts, simply use FTP or VitaShell to rename the old folder (ux0:/data/psn-account-switcher) to the new one.
- Henkaku Offline Support (now the mail app won't ask to reformat the mail database after switching accounts)
- Complete rewrite from scratch
- Added extra validations
- Minor text fixes :3
- Application now uses official PGF font
- Added reboot feature
- Added activation feature (credit goes to @ZombieWizzard)
- Bug fixes. Added current profile to main screen. #v1.0:
- Initial version