Scientific mediation
L Codent, L Créent 👧 +
+ The goal of this action is to promote computer science to young girls in middle-school (13-15 yo) through workshops of creative programming. Organisation of educational sessions in middle-schools (8 of 45min) and a final exhibition to expose the artworks.
+Action presented during the Femmes&Sciences colloquium in 2022.
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TISSAGE project 🧶 +
+ The TISSAGE project aims to bring together citizens, researchers and decision-makers to meet, know and understand each other to form a society and act together. This involves involving all stakeholders in all stages of science production in order to implement real participatory research. + Preparation of a mediation for a restitution day: Quizz about Artificial intelligence and human intelligence.
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"Computing without computer" 🧩 +
+ Animation of sessions of "Computing without computer" to promote computer science to general public and scholars. Sessions at "J'peux pas j'ai informatique" day for teachers in middle school and at College Pierre-Olivier Malherbe, Chateaubourg for 9th grade students (3ème).
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Semaine du cerveau (Brain week) 🧠 +
+ Organization and preparation of a quizz about neuroimaging research (the jobs, image treatment, neuroimaging methods, findings about the brain, etc.). Presentation during the Semaine du cerveau 2022 at CHU Pontchaillou, Rennes.
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Big Day 2020 🧬 +
+ Organization of the Big Day 2020 with the Master of Bioinformatics and Genomics of Rennes: day of conference about bioinformatics and data science. Leader of the communication team.
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