This may not be necessary in the future, but this is a fork of the base emacs brew formula that has some options pre-configured. It's referenced in a popular getting started video for emacs-doom, and the emacs wiki also references it in it's installtion guide.
$ brew tap d12frosted/emacs-plus
$ brew install emacs-plus --without-spacemacs-icon # this is default for some reason
$ git clone ~/.emacs.d
$ git checkout develop # this may not still be necessary, but I saw this in a couple of tutorials
$ ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom install
The tutorials I saw showed installing fonts after opening Emacs, but when I installed from develop, the fonts got auto-installed.
Open up the custom config file
spc + f + p
Most of your config will go in the init.el
Comment out the current font line in the config.el
and add this:
(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "JetBrains Mono" :size 13))
After installing everything, I was expecting to see a file browser. It's not installed by default. This needs to be configured to work.
After launching emacs, open the private config spc o P
and then open the file ~/doom.d/init.el
. Look for the line that says ;;neotree
and remove the ;;
to uncomment it. Save the file, close Emacs and then refresh
$ ~/.emacs.d/bin/doom refresh
At this point, I added ~/.emacs.d/bin
to my load path.
To get fuzzy searching for files, change the ivy
part of the config file to:
(ivy +fuzzy +prescient)
I'm used to using the key chord ctrl + c
to exit insert mode to normal mode. This doesn't work out of the box with Doom. To configure it, open the config file init.el
and add:
(define-key evil-insert-state-map (kbd "C-c") 'evil-normal-state)
spc + f + p
and edit the config.el
From within emacs:
spc + .
and then you can navigate the folder structure to the desired file.
The first time you open a project: Open emacs and hit the cord spc + f + f
and navigate to a project's directory. Once you open a file in a directory with a .git
directory, the project tool Projectile will recognize this as a project and add it to the list.
After the first time you open a project: spc + p + p
After fuzzy search has been enabled for ivy
spc + spc
spc + o + p
To see the options
spc + w
vertical split: spc + w + v
horizontal split: spc + w + s
close split: spc + w + c
spc + o + p