plain free text.
text with inline formatting for bold, strikethrough, and italics.
underlined text will be rendered correctly in terminal, but has no effect in markdown.
text with inline formatting for code
, and a link.
a sprinkle of free text.
code block with no highlighting
echo "code block with shell highlighting"
some more free text.
- definition title
- definition body content.
- another definition title
- another definition body content.
code definition title
- code definition body content.
code definition title with some escaped html entities: <foo> & <bar>
- code definition body content with nested bold and
inline code
some free text yet again.
- list item with plain text.
- another list item with plain text.
- list item with some
inline code
in it. - list item with some bold text in it.
- another list item with plain text.
just free text.
list item title
list item body content -
list item title
code block inside a list item with no highlighting
some list item content text, and than:
console.log("code block inside a list item with javascript highlighting")
conditional content (visible only in markdown)
free text at the end. yup.
created with